Friday 7 November 2014


1. What are the different HR sub modules?
Personnel Administration
Personnel development
Organizational Management
Time management
Training and event management

2. What are the different HR sub modules?
Personnel Administration
Personnel development
Organizational Management
Time management
Training and event management

3. Why HR is different from other modules?
The following concepts are defined in HR which differs this module with other modules
Use of Infotypes
The use of Logical Database
Use of Macros
Storage and Access of data
Authorization checks

4. What is infotype?
The information units used to enter the data of an employee are called Infotypes.
The Infotypes are used to group related data fields together.

5. Why Infotype?
As HR is related to time, we require old data as well as new data. The data we enter into the infotypes are automatically checked for accuracy and against the table entries. In simple, HR data is huge and to access data easily we require Infotype.

6. Can you list some HR master data infotypes?
0000 - Actions
0001 - Organizational Assignment
0002 - Personal Data
0003 - Payroll Status
0006 - Addresses
0009 - Bank Details
0021 - Family/Related Person
0022 - Education Details
0027 - Cost Distribution
0105 - Communication

7. What are the different Actions on Employee?
Hire an employee.
Change the organizational assignment of an employee.
Change an employee’s pay.
Set an employee’s status to early retiree or pensioner.
Document when an employee leaves or re-enters the enterprise.

8. Can you explain Enterprise structure?
Company code: Represents the highest level of Company structure.
Personnel Area: It can represent large divisions within company and Geographic locations.
Personnel Sub-area: Personnel sub areas are a subdivision of the personnel area. At this level, the organizational aspects are controlled.
Country groupings, Public Holiday calendar and wage type structures comes under organizational aspects.

9. What is Personnel structure?
The personnel structure can be considered from two perspectives:
Administrative perspective
Organizational perspective
The administrative personnel structure consists of the following elements:
Employee group
Employee subgroup
Payroll accounting area
Organizational key
The organizational personnel structure consists of the following elements:
Organizational unit.

10. Can you explain Time constraints?
Record must have no gaps, no overlapping
Record may include gaps, no overlapping
Record may include gaps, can exist more than once

11. What is Logical Database?
The LDB is special type of ABAP program that combines the contents of certain related database tables and retrieve some related data and make it available to application programs.

12. What are the functions of LDB in HR?
Data retrieval
LDB structure
Authorization check for personnel data

13. What are the different LDBs available in HR?
PNP (for Personnel Admin, Time management, Payroll)
PNPCE (Concurrent Employment)
PCH (for Personnel Development, Org .Management)
PAP (for Recruitment)

14. Can you explain PNP LDB structure like what are the root nodes and sub nodes?
Pernr (root) (Sub nodes) .Pynoscreen, Pyorgscreen, Pytimescreen, Payroll.

15. What is Get PERNR event?
When GET pernr is triggered, all Infotype internal table defined with INFOTYPES statements are populated with employee records.

16. What is Report category? Why do we use?
Report category is used to create our own selection with logical database selection fields.

17. Why do we use PROVIDE-ENDPROVIDE?
It creates partial periods
Infotype tables can be joined at a time.

18. What is the difference between PROVIDE-ENDPROVIDE and LOOP-ENDLOOP?
Provide-End provide creates Partial periods
We can join infotype tables using provide-Endprovide.

19. Can you give overview infotypes for Different submodules? Like from where to where?
0000 to 0999 (Personnel Admin and Payroll) (DB tables pa0000 to pa0999)
1000 to 1999 (Personnel Development and Org.Management) (DB table HRP1000 to HRP1999)
2000-to-2999 (Time management) (DB tables PA2000 to PA2999)
3000-to-3999 do not use
4000-to-4999 (recruitment) (DB table PB4000 to PB4999)
5000-to-8999 Do not use
9000-to-9999 (custom infotypes)
20. Without LDB, I want to get data into infotype internal table, How do I proceed?
Function module HR_READ_INFOTYPE
Macro RP-READ-INFOTYPE A B C D E. (A –PERNR, B-infotype no, C-infotype table, D-begda, E-endda).

21. Did u use any macro? If yes, what is macro? And what are the different macros you used?
RP-PROVIDE-FROM-FRST P0001 SUBTYPE BEGDA ENDDA. - This is to get the first record from infotype internal table to within given selection period into header of that internal table.
RP-PROVIDE-FROM-LAST P0001 SUBTYPE BEGDA ENDDA. - This is to get the last record from infotype internal table to within given selection period into header of that internal table.
RP-READ-INFOTYPE A B C D E (A –PERNR, B-infotype no, C-infotype table, D-begda, E-endda).

22. All macros are stored in one table. What is that?

23. If I want to set selection period as Current Month by default. What should we do?
In the INITIALIZATION event, set PNPTIMED = ‘M’.
For remaining periods. The possible specifications of variable PNPTIMED are:
D for key date
M for month
Y for year
P for past
F for future.

24. What is the macro used to change the data selection period for Individual Infotypes?

25. Can you explain what repetitive structure is? How do process repetitive structures?

26. What are the Time data infotypes?
Range 2000-2999.

27. One infotype is 1004. What may be the database table of that infotype?
HRP1004: - 1000 to 1999 are Org.Management and Personnel development. Database tables: HRP1000 to HRP1999.

28. How do we read Time data? Procedure?
You should not load all time infotype records from the earliest to most recent system dates into the main memory. This would quickly lead to a memory overload, especially if a front-end time recording system is connected to your HR system.
This is why time data should be read only for a specific period.
Use the infotype declaration supplement MODE N to define that the internal time infotype tables should be declared but not filled at the GET PERNR event.
Later you can fill these tables using a statement with selection period parameters.
Use the following report to read time data:

RP_READ_ALL_TIME_ITY PN-BEGDA PN-ENDDA. These Macros are used to get data from Time database to infotype internal table.
LOOP AT P2001.

29. What is feature?
Features are objects in the system, which by querying different enterprise personnel or data structure fields, determine a specific value known as a "back value" or "result".
The back value is used to determine default values and to control certain system processes.

1. Features for determining default values
2. Features for controlling system processes
3. Features for controlling list displays in evaluations.

Function modules used to retrieve Values.

Transaction code used in Feature related.
* PE03.

30. Can you explain what types of authorizations are there in HR?
Two types of authorizations
1 . Data authorization
2 . Person authorization
A distinction is made between a person and a data authorization.
The system first checks whether the user has an authorization for the employee in accordance
with the criteria of organizational assignment. Employees for which the user has no authorization are not evaluated.
The system then checks whether the user is authorized to process the infotypes of the specified report. A list would be meaningless if the data were not evaluated completely.
Authorization for Persons 
In the authorization check for persons, the system determines whether the user has the authorizations required for the organizational features of the employees selected with GET PERNR.
Employees for which the user has no authorization are skipped and appear in a list at the end of the report.
Authorization object: 'HR: Master data'.

Authorization for Data
In the authorization check for data, the system determines whether the user is authorized to read the infotypes specified in the report.
If the authorization for a particular infotype is missing, the evaluation is terminated and an error message is displayed. Deactivating the Authorization Check.
In certain reports, it may be useful to deactivate the authorization check in order to improve performance. (e.g. when running payroll).
You can store this information in the object 'HR: Reporting'.

31. Where are payroll results stored?
PCL2 table cluster

32. Can you explain PCL1, PCL2, PCL3 and PCL4?
PCL1 - Time data and Employee master data
PCL2 - Payroll results
PCL3 - Applicant data
PCL4 - the change documents for HR master data and recruitment.

32. What is country grouping In HR?
Country Grouping
A unique indicator for a country that is used in the Human Resources components of the R/3 System.
In the R/3 System, the country grouping is used instead of the country indicator because the country indicator is not always unique (for example, more than one license plate number can exist in one country).
All of the country groupings that exist in the system are stored in table T500L (Personnel Country Grouping).
Country grouping 10 = USA.
Country grouping 22 = Japan.

33. What is in-period n for-period?
In-Period: represents the current period i.e. in which period we are doing the payroll run.
For-Period: represents the actual period of payroll i.e, for which period we are going to run payroll.

34. What is retroactive accounting?
The Retroactive Accounting Process
To keep this example simple, deductions for taxes, social insurance and the like are not taken into account.

  Retroactive accounting is triggered by a change to master data that affects payroll with retroactive effect.
After the payroll has run for payroll period 06, the employee Donna Moore receives an increase in basic pay of USD 500 that is retroactively effective as of payroll period 05:
Old basic pay: USD 3000
New basic pay: USD 3500
The associated retroactive change in Infotype 0008 Basic Pay triggers retroactive accounting in payroll period 07 for periods 05 and 06.

  The system creates new payroll results for the payroll past.
The system creates new payroll results for periods 05 (05 in 07) and 06 (06 in 07) in addition to the regular payroll result for payroll period 07 (07 in 07). However, it does not delete the original results of these periods. Instead, it provides them with different status indicators.

35. What are the different payroll related infotypes?
0003 - Payroll Status
0008 - Basic Pay
0025 - Appraisals
0015 - Additional Payments
0011 - External Bank Transfers
0057 - Membership Fees
0037 - Insurance
0014 - Recurring Payments/Deductions

36. What are the clusters are there in PCL2?
WPBP - Work center/Basic pay
ABC   - Copulation of absence class
RT      - Results table
CRT   - Cumulative results table

37. How do we read cluster RT?
Use std includes to define payroll results internal tables and structures
To read cluster directory CD by passing key CD-key pernr-pernr using                   RP-IMP-C2-CU.
 RGDIR table is filled with data
1. Pass RX-key 1. PERNR 2. SEQNR
To read results directory RX using  RP-IMP-C2-RG macro
Now RT, CRT, ABC are filled with data.
Loop RT table and get relevant payroll data.
End loop.

38. Transaction codes related to Payroll Results?
PC_PAYRESULT - Display Payroll results

A. Interview Questions in Personnel Administration

39. What are the important infotypes in SAP Personnel Administration?
Important Personnel Administration Infotypes are

0000     Actions
0001     Organizational Assignment
0002     Personal Data
0003     Payroll Status
0005     Leave Entitlement
0006     Addresses
0007     Planned Working Time
0008     Basic Pay
0009     Bank Details
0007     Planned Working Time
0008     Basic Pay
0009     Bank Details0014     Recur. Payments/Deds.
0015     Additional Payments

40. What is Dynamic Action?
Dynamic Action feature is make available in SAP HR to  perform automatically by the system based on certain conditions.

41. What are the Important T Codes in SAP Personnel Administration?
PA10 - Personnel file
PA20 - Display HR Master Data
PA30 - Maintain HR Master Data
PA40 - Personnel Action
PA41 - Change Hiring Data
PA42 - Fast Data Entry for Events
PRMD - Maintain HR Master Data
42. How to delete Personnel records/HR Records?
Use transaction code PU00 to delete records.
RPUDELPN is report/program to delete the personnel numbers in bulk.All infotypes can be deleted  of a personnel number.

43. How to lock the personnel number for generating payroll?
By checking check box “personal number locked “in info type IT0003.

44. What is Concurrent employment?
Concurrent employment allows one Person to hold more than one position in under a single company code.
Conditions for Concurrent Employment are (i)An person has several personnel assignments with the same organizational unit at the same time (ii) employee’s data is managed in the same SAP R/3 system for all personnel assignments.
Kimberly Mathew is a “Consultant” holds to two positions (i) SAP HR consultant & (ii) SAP FICO consultant at the same time under same organizational unit “SAP consulting –North America”.He works Mon-Fri ,9.00-13.00hrs as a SAP HR consultant & Mon-Fri ,14.00-17.30 hrs as a SAP FICO consultant.

45. Which is the transaction to create Custom Infotype?
PM01 is the transaction to create Custom Infotype

B.Interview Questions in Time Management 

46. What are the different type of Wage Types? What are the characteristics of wages?
Types of wage types
1) Primary wage type
2) Secondary/Technical wage type
3) Customer specific wage type
Wage type characteristics:
1) Amount
2) Number
3) Rate  

47. What is time management status?
Time Management status is the link between time management and payroll .The feature for time management status is TMSTA.
Time Management status field is available in infotype 0007.
Values for the Time Management status are
      0 - No time evaluation
      1 - Time evaluation of actual times
      2 - PDC time evaluation
      7 - Time evaluation without payroll integration
      8 - External services
      9 - Time evaluation of planned times

48. Structures in SAP Human Resources/HCM
There are three types of Human Resource structure
1. Enterprise Structure
2. Personnel Structure
3. Organizational Structure

49. Integration between Personnel Administration & OM
Integration between PA and OM is required to get default for job,position,org unit cost center etc in IT0001. Position is the integration between OM & PA.
Configuration Step:
IMG--> PA--> OM--> Basic settings --> integration-->set up integration with PA
Table for OM - PA integration is T77S0
In the above table set the integration switch PLOGI ORGA to X
If this is set to "X" - the integration is turned "on"
If this is a blank - the integration is turned "off". 

50. Reports in PA & OM Integration/Integration tools
1. RHINTE00 - To transfer data from PA to OM
2. RHINTE10 - To transfer OM data to PA tables
3. RHINTE20 - To determine whether the data relevant for integration is available in both PA and OM
4. RHINTE30 -To update IT0001 (org assignment) 

51. What is the difference between ABAP & ABAP HR?
ABAP (Advanced Business Application Programming) is a high-level programming language developed by the German software company SAP. The ABAP language supports object-oriented programming.
ABAP HR is a part of ABAP. We can call it as an integral part of ABAP which is especially for the development of ABAP in the area of SAP HR/HCM Module. The development of ABAP in the area of SAP HR Module may be in any area of SAP HR sub modules like Personnel administration, Organizational Management, Time Management,Payroll,ESS, MSS etc.

52. What is the transaction to create Custom Infotypes?

53.What is logical Database?

Logical databases are special ABAP programs that retrieve data and make it available to application programs. The most common use of logical databases is still to read data from database tables by linking them to executable ABAP programs.To read data from a database tables we use logical database. A Logical Database is a hierarchical structure of tables.  

54. What are Logical Data bases used in SAP HR?
Following are the Logical Data bases can be used in SAP HR
    5. PTRVP 

55. What are the logical database using in SAP HR Sub modules?
The section covers Abap HR programming for each sub modules of SAP HR.
PNP and PNPCE logical database-Personnel Administration, Personnel Time Management, Personnel Planning, Payroll
PCH logical database-Organizational Management
PAP logical database-Recruitment (Applicant Administration)
PTRVP logical database-Travel Management

56. What is the use of logical Database PNPCE?
PNPCE can be said as the extension of logical database PNP. In addition to PNP logical database PNPCE have functionality for Concurrent Employment. We can also say PNPCE is new version of PNP with additional features.

57. What is the use of logical Database PNPCE & PNP?
Logical database PNP:
-Used to access HR master data and infotypes from Personnel Planning.
-Used to report on all of the infotypes that exist for objects (IT1000) & that have a direct relationship (IT1001) with the Person object.
-Also used to report on data from Personnel Time Management (IT 2000 to 2999) and Payroll
Logical Database PNPCE:

PNPCE can be said as the extension of logical database PNP. In addition to PNP logical database PNPCE have functionality for Concurrent Employment. We can also say PNPCE is new version of PNP with additional features.

58. How to assign SAP User ID to a Personnel Number? 
We can assign an SAP user ID to a personnel number/employee number using the Communication infotype (0105), subtype System user name (0001).
Steps to assign an SAP user ID to a personnel number:
1. Go to Human Resources → Personnel Management → Administration → HR Master Data →
Maintain (OR) Transaction PA30
2.Enter a personnel number,enter 0105 in the Infotype field, and 0001 subtype  in the Subtype field.
Communication Info type Screen will appears.In Communication Info type enter the SAP user ID in the ID/number field.
3. Save the Communication Info type. 

59. What are the program names for logical database PNP and PNPCE?

60. Which are the sub-modules in SAP HR?
Following are the modules in SAP-HR --
-Recruitment -Personnel Administration
-Organization Management
-Personnel Development
-Training and Event Management
-Compensation Management
-Personnel Time Management
-MSS - Manager Self Service
-ESS - Employee Self Service

61. Describe the various structures in SAP - HR?
Structures are required to represent statutory, regional, and organizational conditions in an organization. Following are three structures in SAP HR.
--Enterprise Structure - gives Information about the location of work on an employee. It comprises of Client, Company Code, Personnel Area, and Personnel Subarea
--Personnel Structure - gives information about the employees job function. It comprises of Employee Group and Employee Subgroup
--Organizational Structure - gives relations between employee and his corresponding departments or business unit. It comprises of organizational plan, which includes Job, position, organizational unit etc.

62. What is an Infotype?
Individual Information such as last name, first name, DOB etc is defined in data fields. Data fields are grouped into information units according to their content, these information units are called Infotypes. Infotypes have names and 4 digit keys.
For Ex. Infotype 0002 is for Personal Data, which stores Employees Full Name, Date of Birth, etc.
An Infotype can have a sub-type.
Infotypes are classified as follows
1000 - 1999 == OM related
2000 - 2999 == Time related
9000 and above Customer Specific.

63. What Time Constraint 1 on an Infotype ?
Infotype with Time Constraint 1(TC 1) must be unique, i.e. only one valid record can exist for a given period. There can be no gaps between the records. When we add a new record to an Infotype with TC1, the system delimits the overlapping record on the key date and adds new record.

64. How can you maintain information for an Infotype?
To maintain information in an Infotype you could use -
PA30 - Personal Administration Maintenance
PA40 - Personal Actions
Alternatively, Fast Entry Screen.

65. Which Personal Actions have you performed on an employee?
Change Organizational Unit/Position
Change of Pay

66. Where are payroll results stored?
Payroll results are store in PCL2 cluster, which can be accessed using the transaction pc_payresult.

67. What is Matchcode W?
Match Code W provides a list of all personnel numbers in the selected payroll area that have been rejected by the payroll run because of incorrect data. This means that the payroll has not run for them successfully. Personnel numbers are also included in Matchcode W if personnel data is changed in the correction phase of the payroll run.

68. List the Time Related Infotypes that you have used?
2001 - Absences
2002 - Attenances
2003 - Substitutions
2007- Time Quotas
0007- Personnel Work Schedule.

69. How would record time in your SAP HR system?
We can record time using one of the following methods
-Online by time administrators
-Separate time recording systems
-Cross-Application Time Sheet (CATS)
-Employee Self-Service (ESS) applications
-Customer systems with an interface to the R/3 System.
70. What are the Importance of Infotypes in SAP Hr?

Infotypes are used to store all relevant Hr data of employees in an organization.

It is represented by a ‘4’ digit number.Eg:0000, 2001, and 1002 etc.

Infotype is a collection of logical or business related characteristics of an object. Infotypes are also called information types to enter rational related information for an employee

For eg Personnel data (0002) infotype have fields like title,first name, middle , last name,birth date, language etc

Infotype Periods:
Every infotypes has a specific validity dates (start and end dates) .The validity period allows to maintain an employee’s data history.While updating an employee’s data, the earlier data is automatically delimited.

Infotype Sub types:
Some infotypes are again separated in different groups having same nature.
For eg : Sub types of infotype address(0006) are
3-Home address
5-Mailing address  etc.
There are two types of fields in an infotype .They are mandatory fields  & optional fields.

71. Where can we see the integrations is switch on, is there a table?
A: Use T77s0 for PLOGI ORGA.

73. Can u tell me how to find the UGR of a country (molga)?
A: To find User Group, Go to System -> User Profile -> > Own Data ->> Parameters -> UGR
IMG > Personnel Management > Personnel Admin > Basic Settings> User Parameters.

74. How can we give absence quotas for a group of employees?
A: I known that by running the report RPTQTA00 we can give but what are the customizations we have to do in IMG.

75. Creation of wage type?
A: See you can create wage type in> PM—-PA—-Payroll dat—-basic> pay—-wage types—create Wt catalogue. / Wage> type group>
for running a payroll you need to create a payroll areas and that you need to fine with client about his requirement.

76. I want the T-code of that window where it asks for evaluation path. I want to generate the report in OM?
A: Transaction S_AHR_61016529 or program RHNAVIG0.

77. What is the difference between PCR and CAP?

A: PCR... Personnel calculation Rules Conditions that are written to the Schemas (in pay roll and TM). To edit them to meet the specific requirement of the Clients Time and Wages evaluation. CAP is Collective Agreement Provision based on which the different groups of Employees are eligible for different kinds of pay scale structures and benefits and son on.  CAP is based on the following components :
1) Pay scale type
2) Pay scale area
3) Employee subgroup grouping for CAP
4) Pay Scale Group and Pay Scale Level.

78. How do you run payroll?

A: There are the steps to run the pay roll
a) Simulation.. to see whether everything is fine or not
b) Release Pay roll( here you are actually changing the status in the pay roll control record)
c) Start pay roll
d) Check the pay roll
e) Correction and Exit the pay roll.

79. How do your correct payroll?

A:  In the pay roll log you would see the errors or through the Check tpay roll and make necessary correction in Corrections (PC00_M99_PA03_CORR).

80. If I want to include some more wage types, say bonus from today. How should I do that?
A: you have to configure those wage types.

81. What is meant by payroll area? What are the uses of payroll area?
A: Pay roll area indicates group of Employees for whom pay roll is run at the same time.*Payroll can be run* separately for different employee groups, using different payroll areas which payroll area the employee belongs to depends organizational assignment. Employees who belong to different company codes can, also be grouped in the same payroll area. Sap recommends to have as less no pay roll areas as possible.

82. What is meant by a control record?
A: It controls the Activities of the Pay roll. You can see the status of pay roll in this record. You can change the status of pay roll manually here.( tcode PA03).

83. What is meant by retroactive accounting?
A: Running pay roll from a previous date. if you don’t do anything in the system, the system will take the Earliest Retroactive account date stored In Pay roll status Infotype that 003.

84. How do you create customized ITs? What is the no. range for customer specific ITs?
A: It can be done through PM01 and the range is 9000 to 9999.

85: What are day types? How many day types exist? What are they? Where do you configure them?
A: The day type determines the payment relevance for a day and the relevancy of the day for calculating attendances the for each day of DWS. 0, (work paid) 1– Off–paid 2–Off–unpaid 3 off–special day and 4 to 9 are customer specific are the days types, they configured in after Work schedules in TM.

86. What is a counting rule?
A: Counting rules ar rules used to count absences and special attendances.

87. What is absence type?
A: Absence types are nothing but leave type, Basing on the type Absence Type, payroll is affected.

88. How do you configure absence? Give an example.
A: In Time record administration you will have to configure the absences. First you group the employees for the absences and configure the different absences in the next screen.

89. What is absence quota type?
A: Absence quota is the quota up to which an employee can be absent from work. Generally sickness leave, Annual leave, Casual leave etc. are types of absence Quotas which vary according to ESGs.

90. What are the features you used in benefits?
A: Common Features Used in benefits:
P0167.defaulting screens  for IT0167..
P0168 defaulting screens  for IT0168
P0169 defaulting screens  for IT 0169
P0170   defaulting screens  for IT170
P0171  defaulting screens   for 0171
P0172  defaulting screens   for IT 0172.

91. How many health plans have you configured, what are they?
A: This is always your choice. But general names are
- Health Dental Plan
- Medical Plan for children
- Health Medical Plan 2
- Medical plan with Partner
- Medical plan for Singles.

92. What are the most important ITs in benefits?
A: General Benefits Information 0171
- Adjustment Reasons I 0378
- Health Plans  0167
- Insurance Plans  0168
- Savings Plans  0169
- Stock Purchase Plans  0379
- Credit Plans  0236
- Miscellaneous Plans  0377
- Retirement Plan Cumulations  0602
- Retirement Plan Cumulations  0602)
- Retirement Plan Valuation Results 0565
- Benefits Medical Data  0376.

93. What is the feature used for Personnel Administrator. What group should you use in that?

94. What are the IT’s used in NUMKR? (I said NUMKR is associated with Org. Assgnmt.)
A: It’s for defaulting No range in IT 0000,0002,0001,0006,007,0008,0009 etc .Infact this  feature enable to default no range in all the ITs of Hiring infogroup which again customized on clients specifications.

95. What is an applicant group?
A: An Applicant Group (AG) is used to group together applicants on the basis of the type of work relationship for which they have applied for example, permanent employees, temporary employees, Casual workers etc.,.. The Applicant Class is a characteristic of the AG. Theapplicantclassindicates whether the applicant is internal (class *P*) or external (class *AP). The required configuration has to be done for the groups.*

96. What is an unsolicited applicant group?
A: the group of Applicants who have applied without any advertisement or requirement from the company.(the best example is , these days, most of the job seekers, go to company’s URL and  load their cv details.. these details get stored as UNSOLICITED APPICANTS in the Company’s Intranet.

97. What is the transaction code for authorizations?
A: PFCG for roles authorizations and SU01 for creating Users.

98. Differentiate between Payroll area and pay scale area?
A: Pay roll area indicates the group of employees for whom pay roll is run together, Pay scale area iis geographical are or groups of employees for whom a particular CAP is Valid.

99. Which characteristics does a day with day type 1 have?
It’s OFF and Paid.

100. Can a posting run be deleted?
Yes it can be reversed before the Bank transfer. Once the transfer is done the pay menets need to be adjusted in the next payments.

101. What activities are possible when the payroll control record is set to” Released for Payroll “?
When you set the status to Release for pay roll “‘you can’t make any changed to master data. It’s actually released for pay roll.

102. How does the system know when to trigger retroactive accounting for a particular employee?
You have to mention the retroactive accounting date in IT 0003 in the relevant field. Otherwise it will take the earlier hiring date.

103. Is it possible to branch directly from the payroll log to maser data and time data maintenance?
Yes you can go in a separate sessions.

104. How to create payroll area, pay scale types and levels for different employee group and subgroup?
To create Payroll Area you need to go to PM-PA-Organization Assignment – Create Payroll Area-Check Default Payroll Area to create Pay scale Type and Pay scale Area u need to follow: PM-PA-Payroll Data-Check pay scale type/ Check pay scale Area Pay scale Levels and groups are created while doing the step Revise pay scale groups and levels and Define Salary ranges.

105. How to DEBUG a payroll run?
DEBUG is done to check where and why the program is getting errors, processed or coming out of the program.
As you know this try with se38 give any program — > press F8 and then F5.
You can see the debug screen where, why, what the program has been given break there.

106. What are:
1. cost center and work center.
2. Personnel area (WERKS) and personnel subarea.
3. Retro calculating Account.
1) Cost Center is for assigning Symbolic accounts related for Posting in GL Accounts and Work center is related to specific work area as Utilities, Boiler section, Processing section and Others you can assume.
2) Personnel Area is an exact Geographical Location under which the comp decides to run their Processing and Personnel Ares are all as the Departments in a Hierarchal Structure which are divided for Time mgmt., Payroll as PS grouping.
3) Retro calculating Account. First it is not Retro calculating Account and it is the payroll which is the running in this month has to carry any earliest payroll for balancing and controlling the payments for an emp for and can be used while paying any Bonus or advance.

107.  What are the difference between Retroactive Accounting Period, Earliest Retroactive Accounting Period?
A. Retroactive Accounting Period: The retroactive accounting period refers either to an individual employee or to a payroll area. The earliest possible retroactive accounting period is specified for a payroll area. The system also takes into consideration the employee’s initial entry date.
Earliest Retroactive Accounting Period: The period furthest back in the past for which it is still possible to perform a retroactive accounting run. This means that retroactive accounting takes place for a period for which payroll has already been performed.

108: I have to create a root organization unit in Development system. Now I want to transport the changes to Test and production system. The Transport settings in The IMG is ‘X’ that no transport request should be generated. So, is it advisable to change the settings to blank and then develop the transport request and arrange the settings back to normal once the transport request is generated for PPOCE.
A: If you only need to create one root object, it’s simpler to do it manually in all three systems. Don’t forget to check the range number in all the systems, though.

109: Or is there any other way to transport the changes made in PPOCE or shall I do that manually in every system. I have to only create a Root organizational unit with same object Id in all the systems.
A: Just find with the basis consultant he will make it for you. Give suggestion becoz generally we release the transport request in dev. server from there the basis consultant will transport to QAS and production server. There are so many transport request goes to system. So if it get jam. You can tell your basis consultant to restart server. Then it will be clear.

110: I need to execute one scenario. “Coordinators will try to book one employee for one business event, but on that day he will be on leave”, what should be the process in case I need to see that the person is not booked.
A: For checking whether the person is booked or not, go to transaction psv1.

111: We want to make a copy of an organizational structure from one plan variant to another. This copy should include all assignments like purchasing groups to organizational units made in PFOM . Can we do this?
A: Make sure that the plan number is established through the IMG. (And that it is not the active plan.)
Go Human Resources -> Organizational Management Tools -> Plan version -> Copy.
It runs RHCOPL00. All or any portion of the plan may be copied and manipulated and then copied back in to the active plan.

112: We have a requirement to calculate leave entitlement at the anniversary year not calendar year. The leaves have both paid and unpaid components. The paid component is based on time worked. The unpaid component is based on years of service. Leave taken is reduced from both entitlements depending on employee’s request. We are using a Schema based on TM04 which calls Cycles TS15, TS10. What is th ebest way to handle this?
A: You can use field ‘DAUER’ for seniority based vacation entitlement in the VAC01->VAC99 features. Time worked is not part of the feature structure (PME03). However you may create your own source code to make a decision on any field even if it does not belong to the feature structure. Check feature VAC01.

113: We have multiple ORGs as we have many subsidiaries of our Parent company. These subsidiaries are defined as ORG and are assigned an ORG-ID. Within each ORG, we have Divisions (e.g. Human Resources, Finance, and Materials etc.) and within each division we have Departments (e.g. Payroll, Labor Relations, etc.). We plan to use Personnel Development (PD). What is that we have to consider in this case?
A: You have to consider how the company wants to see its reports while designing the HR organizational structure in PD. You have address the question: for headcount or regulatory reports to which level does the company need to report, to the division, department, group or team level. You have to design the SAP organizational structure to support the lowest level required. Lower the more levels of detail, the more maintenance required.

114: How can we configure the options for the Assgn Form? No. field on Infotype 210. It is the alternate formula to assign tax field and we have been unable to locate the table in the IMG to edit the options.
A: Options for the BSI Tax Formula cannot be configured.
Possible entries are available in BTXFORM, and they depend on the ‘tax authority’ ( BTXAUTH) and the ‘tax type’ (BTXTAXT). Use data dictionary to check existing entries. This data comes from BSI. Tax calculations are done in the
BSI programs (via RFC from the USTAX function in the payroll schema).

115: We are using the US HR/PAYROLL module. We are able to create the entry to credit the accrued payroll account. But our check writing process does not produce any accounting entries when we create a pay check or run our EFT process (RFFOUS_T). Should RFFOUS_C produce an accounting entry to debit the payroll payable account and credit the cash account?
A: RFFOCUS_C does not produce any accounting entries. During the FI/CO interface run, 559 wage types may be posted to your cash account.

116: We have approximately 10000 zip codes. We want to relate the eligibility group to the zip code. We do not want to create 20000 eligibility groups. Which is the best way to configure basing eligibility for HMO’s on zip codes?
A: Try to group the zip codes by the HMO’s they belong to. Then create benefit groups and programs for the unique combinations. You can create as many benefit groups as required and use the employee zipcode to select the benefit group the employee is eligible for. You may also look at user exit 2.

117: We are using the PAI user exit in MP000800 screen 2000 to modify the BET01 field. After modifying the value, the value is not re displayed. However the updated value is saved on commit. Why the value is not displayed after modification?
A: Yes. It is true. You may have to apply OSS.

118. What is a BSP application?
A. BSP (Business Server Pages) in the new dimension in SAP where by web application can be built. BSP uses HTML for the presentation and ABAP for the business logic. As an option there is also the Java flavor using JSP.BSP applications are far better than the old IAC’s (Internet application components) delivered vide the IT’S where the display format is kind of fixed. In SAP HR the new appraisal system used BSP. Well this is only basic information. You may wish to use the MBS (WAS version) to try and developed a simple application using BSP.
BSP is a set of pages that represent a user interface (layout and page flow definition). The layout part of a page normally contains ABAP or JavaScript code which is inserted into the HTML structure. They can contain server-side scripting code in either JavaScript or ABAP. BSP applications use all the conventional ABAP technologies, such as Open SQL and internal tables, allowing developers to create Web pages quickly. This enables existing SAP logic, data structures, and interfaces to be directly used in Web applications.

119. How can we create customer specific infotype? I.e. starts from 9000 – 9999.  Need the navigation path.  Please tell the full detail of this topic. How to create a HR infotype?
1) Go to Transaction PM01.
2) Enter the custom Infotype number which you want to create (Should be a 4 digit number, start with 9).
3) Select the `Employee Infotype’ radio button.
4) Select the `PS Structure Infotype’.
5) Click on Create. A separate table maintenance window appears.
6) create a PS structure with all the fields you want on the Infotype
7) Save and Activate the PS structure
8) Go back to the initial screen of PM01.
9) Click on `All’ push button. It takes a few moments.
10) Click on `Technical Characteristics’. Infotype list screen appears
11) Click on `Change’ (pencil) button
12) Select your Infotype and click on `Detail’ (magnifying glass) button
13) Give `T591A’ as subtype table
14) Give `T591S’ as subtype txt tab
15) Give your subtype field as subtype field
16) Save and come back to PM01 initial screen
17) Click on `Infotype Characteristics’. Infotype list screen appears
18) Click on `Change’ (pencil) button
19) Click on `New Entries’
20) Enter your Infotype number and short text
21) Here we have to set different Infotype Characteristics as per the requirement. (Better open another session with some standard Infotype’s infotype characteristics screen and use as the reference to fill yours)
22) Save your entries.
23) Now the Infotype is created and ready to use.
24) If you want to change the layout of the Infotype as per your requirement.
25) In the PM01 initial screen. Select `Screen’ radio button and give 2000 as the screen name, then click on edit.
26) In the next screen... Select `Layout Editor’ and click `Change’.
27) Screen default layout appears. Here you can design/modify the screen... Change the attributes of the fields. etc.
28) Save and activate. (Don’t forget to `Activate at every level.

120: Can somebody explain me with examples about the following terms?
- Staffing Status
- Staffing Percent
- Percentage Approved
- Percentage Reserved
A: This is reg your 4 terminologies staffing status is related to “position” in OM as vacancy, or no vacancy or obselete etcstaffing percentage is related to a particular personnel no . It’s stored in Relationship table HRP1001. You can understand that some % of working time is spent in specified position. The other 3 terminologies “percentage approved and “percentage reserved” to be explored.

121: First of all we want to tell you what we are doing step by step. After logon process, we entered the transaction code PM01 to access “Create InfoType” screen. Then we selected the tab “SingleScrn” to generate new objects into existing infotype. To do this, we entered “0005″ as infotype no and “YU” as infotype version for Serbia. And then we just clicked on the button “Generate Objects” which exists right hand side of the screen. We got the error message “HCMT_BSP_PA_YU_R0005 does not exist”.
A: IT0005 is a standard IT and already exists, you cannot CREATE it. If you want to create a customer infotype, it has to start with 9*.

122. I just wanted to know that when I am recruiting some body, I am generating hispersonal no also. Then I want to give him a training also. Now I just want to create 2 scenarios to clear my doubts.
1–How to create a time schedule for 1 day training where when the breaks, working hours does not coincide with the training time and the person is also booked .
2–How to create another time schedule that is coinciding with the training time and the person is not booked. What are the steps in time management, so that I can understand by both the scenarios why a person is booked and when he is not booked?
A. No need of time management. While creating an event you will be creating time schedule in the box select user defined where you can define different timings for different days with intervals like weeks, months for this just select multiple.

123. I need to ask you that while I am trying to book one person in training for a business event type, they are saying that this person is not available for the business event. Why is it so? But that I can book a user for the same business event type. What is the difference between user and person? Now in case if I book a person for the business event, how can I see whether that person is available for that date or not. Moreover how can I see that that person is on leave or not.
A. Create a new calendar in time mgt. with open days. Means without any holidays and assign it in trng and event mgt. and remove time integration. To check for an employee leave or not just pa20 infotype 2001.(absence).

124. about time management. Now I am trying to book person, but I have to see whether this person is on leave or what about the break schedule so that I can give training. For this purpose I am starting again. I am recruiting 2 person, generating 2 personal no, then prepare the infotype about time and create 2 scenarios to see that in 1 case the person is booked for training (because time schedule is not coinciding with the training period) and I want to create another scenario where I can see the person cannot be booked (time period coincides with the training period of only 1 day.) What are the steps of time management about both the scenarios?
A. For checking whether the person who is going on leave or who has gone on leave, to find out just got to pa20 and enter infotype 2001 absence where you will be checking whether this guy is on leave or not. If he is ill go onleave so the data will be stored in this infotype.

125. There is 1 person but its displaying that this person cannot be booked. He is not available for the business event. Can you tell me where is it going wrong? What can be the reasons?
A. You should be able to book for all persons but it showing only for one person means you need to check infotype 2001 and his work schedule. If it showing for all the persons, just follow as below:
Create a calendar with open days means without any holidays and assign in Training and Event Management –> Basic Settings –> Controlling days off –> Specify Factory Calendar in this thru drill down/check box select the calendar which you have created in time management without any holidays and try out if again. If it shows the same message then remove time integration.
126. I have a certain group of employees who have vacation exceptions. The company does not want to create additional PSA/PA to enable me to put them in their own PSA Grouping for time quota types. Can I use IT2012 to bring in the exception hrs and then add this value to their accrual as defined in config. Because of this they will accrue vacation time at a higher rate. Is this possible? Combining config settings and schema to accrue leave. If I could put them in their own separate PSA grouping for time quota types it would be easy for me as I would not permit generation of quota during time eval. And then do this in the schema. Any suggestions?
A. Schemas allows you to move, delete, copy and insert lines in line editorcommands. Here you can enter the commands and entered in the area used for the line numbers. You can overwrite any of the numbers with the commands. Sub-schemas are called by the copy command.

126. I just wanted to know that when I am recruiting some body, I am generating his personal no also. Then I want to give him a training also. Now I just want to create 2 scenarios to clear my doubts.
1–How to create a time schedule for 1 day training where when the breaks, working hours does not coincide with the training time and the person is also booked.
2–How to create another time schedule that is coinciding with the training time and the person is not booked. Show me the steps in time management, so that i can understand by both the scenarios why a person is booked and when he is not booked
A. If you want the know the working hours for checking this just goto pa20 select personnel number then selet for 0007 infotype. Click display and then click for workschedule icon which is available on top. You will find the work timings on the day you require just select and thru chek box you can find his timings.

127. How to write a variable breaks. For example in a manufacturing unit 50 employees are working, all the 50 employees will not take a break at a time, so 25 people will take a break around 11:00 to 11:30 and another 25 people will take a break around 11:30 to 12:00.
A. Variable or flexi break means if you are fixing the break as10.00-12.00 and saying that only 30 min break then they can take a break of 30 min at any time in between 10:00-12:00.
In config, under time managemnt and then work schedules, go to break schedules and create two break schedules (1) 11-1130 and the other for 1130-1200. I think each will have its own DWS. In this case for break schedule 1, the DWS will be 8000 and for break two it will be 8001. Create workschedules for each and assign to the relevant group of employees. This is the solution I could think of.

128. Is it possible to implement hr without fico in any company? If yes, then who will createthe company and other things in enterprise structure. if my company is implementing only hr without fico and in hr also only personal administration is it possible? Actually my client querying me that weather is it possible only to maintain the employee details as he got other accounting packages like tally.
A. It is very much possible to implement HR (PA) without FICO. But it sounds very odd that the company wishes to implement only HR & that too only PA. What about other modules? If you want other modules like MM / SD you will definitely require FICO. Utilitiwise it’s really absurd if some company only want to use HR (PA).
It is not madtadtory to have FI/CO or other module while implementing HR but it is required to maintain the min. config while going for the HR wherever having the integration. So the basic config such as company code, cost Centre, Business Area, etc. may be maintained by the consultation of FICO counter part
For the second part of your question, YOU, the HR guy, will create minimum information in FI and maybe CO (company code, maybe cost centers). Just create an IMG project for PA HR, and the needed basic FICO activities will be included.

129: We have this problem at work, on the org. side the new jobs are there but when we check in infotype 1 it does not pull through. We’ve tried doing the updates using the LSMW and also a programme but nothing helped. We’ve tried to run RHINTE30 but still it does not update infotype 1 record. The PLOGI ORGA switch is on. Where can we check or what can we do to fix this problem
A: Hope that is to facilitate the workflow process. That is if you need the flow either upward only or downward only. Also it may be useful in ESS, MDT/MSSfor leave and attendance, appraisals, HR info of the employee and updation, etc.,see the switches if it is related to jobs on the switches not only orga textc,texto,texts switch on and try it it will come it won’t work out onlywith orga.

130: I have to create a root organisation unit in Development system. Now I want totransport the changes to Test and production system. The Transport settings in The IMG is ‘X’ that no transport request should be generated. So, is it advisable to change the settings to blank and then develop the transport request and arrange the settings back to normal once the transport request is generated for PPOCE.
A: If you only need to create one root object, it’s simpler to do it manuallly in all threesystems. Don’t forget to check the range number in all the systems, though.

131: Or is there any other way to transport the changes made in PPOCE or shall I do that manually in every system. I have to only create a Root organizational unit with same object Id in all the systems.
A: Just find with the basis consultant he will make it for you. Give suggestion becoz generally we release the transport request in dev. server from there the basis consultant will transport to QAS and production server. There are so many transport request goes to system. So if it get jam. You can tell your basis consultant to restart server. Then it will be clear.

132: I need to execute one scenario. “Coordinators will try to book one employee for one business event, but on that day he will be on leave”, what should be the process in case I need to see that the person is not booked.
A: For checking whether the person is booked or not, go to transaction psv1
133: Can somebody explain me with examples about the following terms?
- Staffing Status
- Staffing Percent
- Percentage Approved
- Percentage Reserved
A: This is reg your 4 terminologies staffing status is related to “position” in OM as vacancy, or no vacancy or obsolete etcstaffing percentage is related to a particular personnel no . It’s stored in Relationship table HRP1001. You can understand that some % of working time is spent in specified position. The other 3 terminologies “percentage approved and “percentage reserved” to be explored.

133: First of all we want to tell you what we are doing step by step. After logon process, we entered the transaction code PM01 to access “Create InfoType” screen. Then we selected the tab “SingleScrn” to generate new objects into existing infotype. To do this, we entered “0005″ as infotype no and “YU” as infotype version for Serbia. And then we just clicked on the button “Generate Objects” which exists right hand side of the screen. We got the error message “HCMT_BSP_PA_YU_R0005 does not exist”.

A: IT0005 is a standard IT and already exists, you cannot CREATE it. If you want to create a customer infotype, it has to start with 9*.


1. Preparation of the data records by the L.D.B and reading of the data records in the actual report are accomplished with the command pair Put and Get.

2. The three main elements of LDB are Structure, Selections, and Database Program.

3. In LDB what determines hierarchy of the tables?

4. In general what are the two ways in which one can retrieve data from tables?
Using Select statements, Database Program.

5. With LDB one can modify the pre-generated selection screen to their needs (T/F).

6. Logical databases are programs that read data from Database tables (Dictionary Structures).

7. The event Get LATE process all tables that are hierarchically superior to the
. (True/False)
False. It processes all tables that are hierarchically inferior to the

8. The Database Program of LDB is a collection of SUBROUTINES, which selects data and passes it to the report.

9. The layout of the Database program is determined by both Structure and Selections.

10. The order in which data is made available to the report depends on Structure of the LDB.

11. Apart from the structure and selections of the LDB the GET statements in the report determines the behavior of the database at runtime.

12. Node at the highest level in the structure is known as Root.

13. There can be more than one node at the highest level in the structure. (T/F)
False. One can define only one node at the highest level in the structure on LDB.

14. All nodes in the structure of LDB need not be defined in the ABAP/4 Dictionary (T/F).
False. One has to define all nodes in the Dictionary or one has to select all nodes that are defined in the Dictionary.

15. It is not possible to use ABAP/4 Dictionary Structures without an underlying database using LDB. (T/F)
True. One can use additionally related tables, along with the tables defined in the structure of LDB.

16. Dynamic selections allow the user to define further selections for database access in addition to the selection criteria already defined in the LDB selections.

17. Check statement can be used along with the event GET in the report for checking the selections, which are not table-specific values.

18. In sense of Database Management System (DBMS) LOGICAL DATABASE is a database Structure. (T/F).
19. It is not necessary to maintain the Parent-Child relationship between the tables in Logical Database Structure. (T/F)
False. One has to maintain the Parent-Child relationship.
20. Is it possible to extract data from tables without using the event 'GET' in the report with an appropriate LDB. (T/F).
False. One can extract data from tables using Select statements in a report, though the report is having a LDB attribute.
21. What sorts of tables one can se in designing the hierarchy of a LDB?
Tables, which are having Foreign Key relations.
22. A report program, which uses only SELECT statements, is called SQL Report.

23. One cannot use SELECT statements in a report program linked to a Logical Database (T/F).
24. Is it true that the Logical Database reads the data from the database tables using Select Statements (T/F).
Yes. We are coding that in Database part of LDB.

25. In a report with an LDB attribute, you do not have to define how the information should be retrieved from the database tables, but only how the data should be represented on the screen. (T/F).

26. One can use the event GET in a report without LDB attribute. (T/F).

27. The last character of the LDB name denotes Application.

28. The structure of Logical Databases reflects the Foreign Key dependencies of hierarchical tables in the SAP system.

29. It is mandatory that for each table in the LDB hierarchy there should exist one GET statement in the report. (T/F).
False. It is not necessary.

30. What happens if a report does not contain a GET statement for a particular node of a Logical Database.
Process will transfer to the next event.

31. In a Logical Database, one can define input fields on the selection screen with Select-Options and Parameters statements.

32. Suppose a logical database program contains the following lines:
What will be the output, for the above two statements?
Only select-options connid for spfli-carrid will be displayed on the screen.

33. Consider a report with F1S attribute, what will be the output for the following code.
Whether you will get the data from spfli and sflight or not, with corresponding tables statement,
Write:/ spfli-carrid, spfli-connid, sflight-fldate, sbook-bookid.
Yes, you will get the data from spfli and sflight.

34. Consider a report with F1S attribute, what will be the output of the following code.
Whether you will get the data from sbook or not, with corresponding tables statement.
Write:/ spfli-carrid, spfli-connid, sflight-fldate, sbook-bookid.
You cannot extract data from sbook.

35. Identify any errors in the following code and correct the same, and what will be the output.
If there exists corresponding tables statement, for spfli, sflight, sbook.
Write:/ spfli-carrid, spfli-connid, sflight-fldate, sbook-bookid, sbook-class.
No syntax errors. You will get data from all the three tables.

36. Does the following two statements do the same task?
If so which one takes less time and which one is recommended.
Select * from spfli where spfli-carrid = 'LH' and spfli-connid = '400'.
Select * from spfli. Check: spfli-carrid = 'LH' and spflid-connid = '400'.
-Yes they will do the same task. Second Select statement takes less time and is recommended.

37. If you want to improve the response time (time to access data) Logical Databases permits you to achieve this using VIEWS.

38. Is there any upper limit (max) to the possible number of nodes in a logical database structure? If so what is the limit?
Yes, there is an upper limit for defining number of nodes in a Logical Database Structure.
Maximum nodes = 1200 / length where length = max. Length of name in the structure.

39. In the structure of Logical Database nodes at different levels are displayed in the same columns. (T/F)
If false what types of nodes are displayed in the same columns. If true what type of nodes are not displayed in the same columns.
False. Nodes at same levels are displayed in the same columns.

40. What are the advantages of Logical Databases?
It offers an easy-to-use selection screens. You can modify the pre-generated selection screen to your needs. It offers check functions to check whether user input is complete, correct, and plausible. It offers reasonable data selections. It contains central authorization checks for data base accesses. Enhancements such as improved performance immediately apply to all report programs that use the logical database.

41. Though all the ABAP/4 Dictionary Structures that exists in the structure of the LDB, being defined in Database Program, we are defining the Dictionary Structures in the Report. What is the reason for such declaration?
By declaring so we are providing work areas for data passing between Logical Database and Report. In addition, the logical database configures the selection screen depending on the selection of database tables.

42. Is it mandatory to declare all the tables in Report by the key word tables for all the tables that exist in the structure of LDB, and are being defined in the Database part of LDB.
No, It is not mandatory to declare all tables in report.

43. If one wants to access data using Logical Database, the use of events is unavoidable. (T/F).

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