213.) In the BADI,they are multiple
Implementation.Could you please tell is there any procedure which are the
implementation will execute and any order is the execute all the implementation
for that Badi
A.) Compiler usually lists the implementations
of a BAdI in an
arbitrary sequence. You can modify this arbitrary sequence
so that implementations are called in a way you define it.
All you need to do is to implement a Sorter BAdI
(BADI_SORTER) and define a sub screen in an own function
group. The sub screen allows you to enter data used for sorting.
The BADI_SORTER to determine sequence of implementation
calls is a Single Use Filter dependent BAdI, i.e. for one
single filter value only one implementation is allowed. A
situation results in runtime errors where in a customer
environment a sorting mechanism is implemented and SAP
delivers later the same.
arbitrary sequence. You can modify this arbitrary sequence
so that implementations are called in a way you define it.
All you need to do is to implement a Sorter BAdI
(BADI_SORTER) and define a sub screen in an own function
group. The sub screen allows you to enter data used for sorting.
The BADI_SORTER to determine sequence of implementation
calls is a Single Use Filter dependent BAdI, i.e. for one
single filter value only one implementation is allowed. A
situation results in runtime errors where in a customer
environment a sorting mechanism is implemented and SAP
delivers later the same.
214.) we can write the select query or any code
after the end of selection?
215.) If we put Top of Page in between Start-of-selection and
End-of-selection and what happenes
Nothing will happen!
the run time system picks up the events always in its pre-
defined order.eventough you code any event in any order
always right event is picked and processed.
the run time system picks up the events always in its pre-
defined order.eventough you code any event in any order
always right event is picked and processed.
217.) How to reprocess the failed IDOC? How wil
u know idoc is failed?What are tcodes?
A.) by using tcode for reprocessing IDocs
218.) In Realtime, how you get flat file for
BDC session method..
through email or any other source? Who will
send you flat
file..your team lead or project lead or project
manager etc?
The flat file can be either be either placed in
in Application Server (Tcode-AL11) or can be loaded from
Presentation server (Local PC).
in Application Server (Tcode-AL11) or can be loaded from
Presentation server (Local PC).
219.) What is pseudo comment (#EC) and How it
is different from normal comments(i.e. '*' and '"')
A.) useful in extended synatax check to supress
error message
220.) What is a difference between - RETURN,
EXIT, CHECK, STOP & REJECT - To leave the processing blocks
A.) STOP: This terminates the block and
executes end-of selection.
EXIT: It terminates the loop processing and process the next
CHECK: It evaluates the subsequent logical expression if it
is true the processing continue with the next statement.
CONTINUE terminates the current loop pass, returns the
processing to the beginning of the loop and starts the next
loop pass,
REJECT: it terminates the current event, even from loops or
EXIT: It terminates the loop processing and process the next
CHECK: It evaluates the subsequent logical expression if it
is true the processing continue with the next statement.
CONTINUE terminates the current loop pass, returns the
processing to the beginning of the loop and starts the next
loop pass,
REJECT: it terminates the current event, even from loops or
221.) While Transporting Smartform form Dev to
Test to
Production, it is possible that Name of the
Function Module
change, Why? In which case it changes and in
which case it
remains same?
222.) Hello all ABAP gurus. I want to ask 2 3
qtns.1)How many
layou types we have in smartforms &
difference between them..?
2)how to do pagebreaks in SMARTFORMS..?
3)Do we develope Smartform from scratch or do
we use
standard smartforms in real time..? please rply
me... &
thanks in advance.
Hi 1)layout type is one which we can modified
the existing
one or developed the new one from scratch.
2)in smartforms we will do the page breaks using of the
3) in real time it will depends on the requirement if
client if the standard available we will continue with
standard it is not available we will develope form scratch.
one or developed the new one from scratch.
2)in smartforms we will do the page breaks using of the
3) in real time it will depends on the requirement if
client if the standard available we will continue with
standard it is not available we will develope form scratch.
223.) Hi to all abap gurus iam new to abap and
my querry is as follows . and i feel so happy if u give exact anwers ? Querry1:
i have one page( named "page1" )in my script with three
windows(logo,adress,main windows) my requirement is to display some dynamic
data in the script that is list of orders of the customer whn u give the
customer number in selction-screen .then we can go for main window only to
dispaly dynamic data ? or is there any other option ? then what should we give
as apage number in the next page attribute in the header information. suppose
if i dont give "page1" in the next page attribute as anext page what
will happen ? i mean that dynamic data will be displayed or not ? Querry2: one
one more querry incase if we have two pages in my layout .in page1 (3 windows
as said above ) and page2 ( only logo and address window ) and no main window
in page2. now if we give "page2" as next page in the next page
attribute of page1 then that dynamic data will be displayed or not ?
224.) Hi to all abap guru's my question is how
to print the page
numbers like 2 4 6 on all pagess in smart forms
declare a global variable pg_no.
write a command-node like:-
pg_no = sfsy-page * 2.
(dont forget to set input/output parameter as "PG_NO")
now place a sec window with: &pg_no&
write a command-node like:-
pg_no = sfsy-page * 2.
(dont forget to set input/output parameter as "PG_NO")
now place a sec window with: &pg_no&
225.) Hi to all abap guru's my querry is as
follows How to trigger
the page break in smartforms forcibly ? and how
to trigger
the page break in the scripts forcibly ? means
for every 10
records i have to trigger the page break ? and
in smart form
also ?
as of me we have to use 'command' from
but dont write command node in main window
by using this u can do page break.
in SAPSCRIPTS u have to use FM 'contorl_form'
command = new-page
* OTHERS = 3
IF sy-subrc <> 0.
as of me we have to use 'command' from
but dont write command node in main window
by using this u can do page break.
in SAPSCRIPTS u have to use FM 'contorl_form'
command = new-page
* OTHERS = 3
IF sy-subrc <> 0.
226.) Is BAdI client Indpendent
227.) In se11 -->Tech. settings --> Data
class. If I save table as Mater data OR Transaction data, what effect will it
has for 'Storage' in Database after activation. or In Database how it will
store in both the cases.
228.) How we will handle the Page Breaking in
Smart Form?
A.) By using command Node
229.) I a custom table some one has edited and
deleted something,
So how we should maintain the log for changed
and edited datas
once the ztable fields is created, we will
click the technical settings.in that, down we have check box called LOG DATA
CHANGES.if we select the check box, the log is activated and changes to the
existing data record by an application program is recorded in a log table in
the database.
230.) Hi Toall abap gurus what are the variants
in alv reports ?
and what is the use of reuse_alv_variants_get ?
and what is the purpose of i_save parmaetr in
resue_av_grid-display funmodule?
what is the purpose of reuse
_av_default_varinat_get ?
A.)Variants in ABAP are like any other variants
that we use in
ABAP. It helps us get a default value on our screen fields.
In short, it works like saving your pwds on your mail accounts.
The reuse_alv_default_variant_get helps you to give a
default value( had you mentioned in the program ) to your
screen field. This default variant is generally stored in
the struc CS_VARIANT of your program.
i_save in reuse_alv_grid_display : As mentioned above
cs_variant from the reuse_alv_default_variant_get is passed
to your functional module via i_save..
If i_save = '' variants cannot be saved.
i_save = X std save mode.
ABAP. It helps us get a default value on our screen fields.
In short, it works like saving your pwds on your mail accounts.
The reuse_alv_default_variant_get helps you to give a
default value( had you mentioned in the program ) to your
screen field. This default variant is generally stored in
the struc CS_VARIANT of your program.
i_save in reuse_alv_grid_display : As mentioned above
cs_variant from the reuse_alv_default_variant_get is passed
to your functional module via i_save..
If i_save = '' variants cannot be saved.
i_save = X std save mode.
i_save allows u to save the alv layout variant,
i_save = ' ' or X is variant globally available
i_save = 'U' is user specific variant.
i_save = ' ' or X is variant globally available
i_save = 'U' is user specific variant.
231.) while transporting any report program do
we need to
trasnport the text elements seprately or not
reuired ?
if it is so how do u transport the text elemtns
Text elements or any GUI elements get stored in
a separate
repository called MIME in ABAP. If you want to transport
text elements or GUI elements of your report, the only thing
you have to take care is - Transport your report in a
specific package, Go to the Object navigator and make sure
you transport the relevant text and GUI objects via the same
Transporting / not transporting purely depends on the
repository called MIME in ABAP. If you want to transport
text elements or GUI elements of your report, the only thing
you have to take care is - Transport your report in a
specific package, Go to the Object navigator and make sure
you transport the relevant text and GUI objects via the same
Transporting / not transporting purely depends on the
232.) Is there any other way to create data
elements apart from
se11 tocde as we dont use the se11 in real time
generally ?
ya we can create data element through
select dictionary
then select data type.
here u can create data element.
In real time we cant use se11, se38 etc. So we can do
everything in se80.
select dictionary
then select data type.
here u can create data element.
In real time we cant use se11, se38 etc. So we can do
everything in se80.
233.) How do u do performance analysis means
and what is the
diffrence between extended syntax check and
code inspector
and how do use them to test the performance of
the any abap
program ?
Extended syntax check,ensures the removal of
mistakes we
overlook while coding.
obsolete stmts.
autorization checks
problematic stmts.
Code inspector is a tool that gives PERFOEMANCE OF PROGRAM.
syntactical check
security check
performance check
search func.
overlook while coding.
obsolete stmts.
autorization checks
problematic stmts.
Code inspector is a tool that gives PERFOEMANCE OF PROGRAM.
syntactical check
security check
performance check
search func.
234.) if i remove the select stmt from
start-of-selection and put
the select stmt in end-of-selection it is
triggering then
what is the use of start-of-selection?
Actually Start-of-selection is a default event
that's been
triggered while executing a ABAP Report or Program. Here if
you've used Initialization event or AT Selection Screen
event, then you need to mention the Start-of-Selection event
explicitly. The use of Start-of-Selection is to fetch the
data from the database.
triggered while executing a ABAP Report or Program. Here if
you've used Initialization event or AT Selection Screen
event, then you need to mention the Start-of-Selection event
explicitly. The use of Start-of-Selection is to fetch the
data from the database.
235.) Which technical field in the BDCDATA
table holds the last
cursor position
236.) What loop do you code for a READ DATASET
How do you write a squential file
How do you write a squential file
238.)How do ur write a local sequential file?
a.)Read dataset
239.) if i want to take some matter from a
smart form to another
smart form .then how is it possible?
open smartform select node or text -->
utilities --> download form -->save it by providing the location .
open another smartform where you want paste that object
put curser on the target
then utilities --> upload -->save smartform.
if clipboard space issue is there then download clipboard software for more space so, that u can copy larger containt .
open another smartform where you want paste that object
put curser on the target
then utilities --> upload -->save smartform.
if clipboard space issue is there then download clipboard software for more space so, that u can copy larger containt .
240.) what is
process code used in ale idocs ?
A.) Process code is used to identify the fm
which is post the
data to SAP system.It is for inbound Idoc.
data to SAP system.It is for inbound Idoc.
241.) how can i transport a idoc from
development system to production system? in idoc we are doing bd64 for
distribution model view is it mandatory for idoc? and is it possible without
creating a distribution model view we can generate a idoc?
A.) In SM59 Lgoical Sytems area we will have to
define the
Source and Target client. Then partner profile has to be
created to transport the Development to Production System.
It's possible to generate an IDoc with out creating a
distribution model.
Source and Target client. Then partner profile has to be
created to transport the Development to Production System.
It's possible to generate an IDoc with out creating a
distribution model.
242.) what exact functionality of the
END-OF-SELECTION event? and in a report im using the END-OF-PAGE and
END-OF-SELECTION events which one will triggers first?
243.) 1. what r the step followed for ALE Idocs
? 2. what is process code ? where it is define
244.) hi friends i am having one doubt. if i
have main window in secondpage also in smart form wether it will trigger are
It is centrally discribed and manages all the
definitions used in the system.
definitions used in the system.
246.) The structure of a table has been changed
in the ABAP/4
Which of the following adjustments in the
relevant database
table is correct, if you want to retain the
previous data?
The database utility is the interface between
the ABAP
Dictionary and the relational database underlying the R/3
You can use the database utility to edit all the database
objects that are generated from objects of the ABAP
Dictionary. These are database tables that are generated
from transparent tables or physical table pools or table
clusters, indexes, database views.
It is mainly used when a table is changed in the ABAP
Dictionary.At that time,we must ensure that the database
structure of the table is adjusted to the change in the ABAP
Dictionary during activation.
You can call the database utility from the initial screen of
the ABAP/4 Dictionary(SE11) with Utilities -> Database
utility or using T-code SE14.
The database structure of a table can be adjusted to its
changed ABAP Dictionary definition in three ways:
* By deleting and recreating the database table The
table is deleted in the database. The revised version of the
table is then activated in the ABAP Dictionary and created
again in the database. Data in the table is lost during this
* By changing the database catalog (ALTER TABLE) Only
the definition of the table is changed in the database. Data
in the table is retained. The indexes on the table might
have to be rebuilt.
* By converting the table . The database table is
renamed and serves as a temporary buffer for the data. The
revised version of the table is activated in the ABAP
Dictionary and created in the database. The data is reloaded
from the temporary buffer to the new database table (with
MOVE-CORRESPONDING) and the indexes on the table are built.
The database utility provides a number of options for
administering and monitoring requests for database
modifications. You can perform these functions directly in
the initial screen of the database utility.
Dictionary and the relational database underlying the R/3
You can use the database utility to edit all the database
objects that are generated from objects of the ABAP
Dictionary. These are database tables that are generated
from transparent tables or physical table pools or table
clusters, indexes, database views.
It is mainly used when a table is changed in the ABAP
Dictionary.At that time,we must ensure that the database
structure of the table is adjusted to the change in the ABAP
Dictionary during activation.
You can call the database utility from the initial screen of
the ABAP/4 Dictionary(SE11) with Utilities -> Database
utility or using T-code SE14.
The database structure of a table can be adjusted to its
changed ABAP Dictionary definition in three ways:
* By deleting and recreating the database table The
table is deleted in the database. The revised version of the
table is then activated in the ABAP Dictionary and created
again in the database. Data in the table is lost during this
* By changing the database catalog (ALTER TABLE) Only
the definition of the table is changed in the database. Data
in the table is retained. The indexes on the table might
have to be rebuilt.
* By converting the table . The database table is
renamed and serves as a temporary buffer for the data. The
revised version of the table is activated in the ABAP
Dictionary and created in the database. The data is reloaded
from the temporary buffer to the new database table (with
MOVE-CORRESPONDING) and the indexes on the table are built.
The database utility provides a number of options for
administering and monitoring requests for database
modifications. You can perform these functions directly in
the initial screen of the database utility.
246.) what are the processing modes of a
function module?
A.) There r mainly 2 processing modes of for
functional modules.
----> Normal mode , in this we can call Function Module
Locally with in SAP system.
----> Remote Enabled mode , in this we call function module
for non sap system by giving destination in SM59 transaction
----> Normal mode , in this we can call Function Module
Locally with in SAP system.
----> Remote Enabled mode , in this we call function module
for non sap system by giving destination in SM59 transaction
247.) if multiple badi can be active at a time,
how will we know
which implementation will be fired first .
how to know the sequence in which
implementation is fired.
248.) By Applying Sort Method we can execute
the BADI'S in any
GO to SE18 transaction code and Utilities>Sort, where in
Interface Tab we can give the list of implementations in a
What ever the ordre we are mentaining in that order the
BADI implementations will execute.
Is it ok else if you need more info let me know.
GO to SE18 transaction code and Utilities>Sort, where in
Interface Tab we can give the list of implementations in a
What ever the ordre we are mentaining in that order the
BADI implementations will execute.
Is it ok else if you need more info let me know.
249.) why do you selected sap abap as your
career as there are many technical modules are there?
250.) How to get the table name from a field?
NOTE:if only the field name is given in a flat
251.) What are Lock Objects, and their
A.) Lock objects (their developer given names
should begin with
EZ or EY) are resident in the ABAP dictionary once they are
created and activated by the ABAP developer. Each lock
object, on activation, creates two function modules –
In ABAP dictionary, we can create a lock object by stating
the table name (primary table) we want to lock, its lock
mode (there are three types of lock mode E, S and X
described at the end of this answer) and lock parameters
giving the primary key fields if only a single table is
involved or foreign key field(s) to join this table with
any other required (secondary) table(s) as the process
might demand.
To understand why lock objects are required / needed is
best comprehended by understanding the LOCK (locking of
data about to be changed by business transaction) concept
and lock management first.
Locking of data (in tables or resources) prior to making a
change to the data becomes very necessary to maintain
consistency of data when several people are working on the
same data (table / application) adding, changing and
deleting (records or table entries) records to it. A very
good example of this kind of high end activity on a table
data is seen in a multi-user environment like airline
booking system. A person queries the database for currently
available seats on a flight. If seats are available indeed,
then a booking has to be done. Between the time of query of
seats availability and time of actually booking the
required seats, many seconds/minutes elapse and in the
meantime another person might have already booked thus
bring the balance of seats down and rendering earlier read
balance incorrect. Therefore, when the query is fired, the
user locks the table entry (or entries as the case might
be). After this locking, nobody else gets access to the
same entry until the entire booking is done and balance
seats are decreased and lock released finally.
It is imperative to realize that locks once set must get
released as soon as the need for them is over so that
resources (tables) are released for others to use. There is
a default internal locking mechanism (database lock
administration) of ABAP but this is not sufficient (the
reason is these locks are implicitly released whenever a
screen changes and this would harm the integrity of a
business SAP transaction under process/progression which
could run through a series of dialog steps/screens).
Before firing a SELECT query to enquire seat availability,
developer must (a) issue a call to function module
ENQUEUE_EZ to logically lock the table
(s)/resource(s). (b) On successful locking, book the
tickets, reduce balance of seats available and (c) then
issue a call to function module DEQUEUE_EZ to
release the logical lock placed on the global lock table
(the enqueue work process coordinates this activity with
the global lock table). If locking is not successful, the
transaction has to be exited.
Lock Modes: S for Shared Read Lock.
X for Extended Write (Non-cumulative) lock
E for Exclusive Write lock (Cumulate)
E – When this lock is set, then the user (aka owner of
lock) who sets it can only have exclusive access and edit
records locked. A request for any other write lock or
read / shared lock is rejected. Only the lock owner can set
the lock again (cumulate).
S – Shared read lock. Several users can read the locked
record(s). A write lock request is rejected (to
prevent ‘dirty read’ situation). However, additional read
share locks from other users are accepted by the system.
X - This type of write lock can be requested only once
even by the same SAP transaction/lock owner. All other
subsequent lock requests of any kind, even by the lock
owner fails
EZ or EY) are resident in the ABAP dictionary once they are
created and activated by the ABAP developer. Each lock
object, on activation, creates two function modules –
In ABAP dictionary, we can create a lock object by stating
the table name (primary table) we want to lock, its lock
mode (there are three types of lock mode E, S and X
described at the end of this answer) and lock parameters
giving the primary key fields if only a single table is
involved or foreign key field(s) to join this table with
any other required (secondary) table(s) as the process
might demand.
To understand why lock objects are required / needed is
best comprehended by understanding the LOCK (locking of
data about to be changed by business transaction) concept
and lock management first.
Locking of data (in tables or resources) prior to making a
change to the data becomes very necessary to maintain
consistency of data when several people are working on the
same data (table / application) adding, changing and
deleting (records or table entries) records to it. A very
good example of this kind of high end activity on a table
data is seen in a multi-user environment like airline
booking system. A person queries the database for currently
available seats on a flight. If seats are available indeed,
then a booking has to be done. Between the time of query of
seats availability and time of actually booking the
required seats, many seconds/minutes elapse and in the
meantime another person might have already booked thus
bring the balance of seats down and rendering earlier read
balance incorrect. Therefore, when the query is fired, the
user locks the table entry (or entries as the case might
be). After this locking, nobody else gets access to the
same entry until the entire booking is done and balance
seats are decreased and lock released finally.
It is imperative to realize that locks once set must get
released as soon as the need for them is over so that
resources (tables) are released for others to use. There is
a default internal locking mechanism (database lock
administration) of ABAP but this is not sufficient (the
reason is these locks are implicitly released whenever a
screen changes and this would harm the integrity of a
business SAP transaction under process/progression which
could run through a series of dialog steps/screens).
Before firing a SELECT query to enquire seat availability,
developer must (a) issue a call to function module
(s)/resource(s). (b) On successful locking, book the
tickets, reduce balance of seats available and (c) then
issue a call to function module DEQUEUE_EZ
release the logical lock placed on the global lock table
(the enqueue work process coordinates this activity with
the global lock table). If locking is not successful, the
transaction has to be exited.
Lock Modes: S for Shared Read Lock.
X for Extended Write (Non-cumulative) lock
E for Exclusive Write lock (Cumulate)
E – When this lock is set, then the user (aka owner of
lock) who sets it can only have exclusive access and edit
records locked. A request for any other write lock or
read / shared lock is rejected. Only the lock owner can set
the lock again (cumulate).
S – Shared read lock. Several users can read the locked
record(s). A write lock request is rejected (to
prevent ‘dirty read’ situation). However, additional read
share locks from other users are accepted by the system.
X - This type of write lock can be requested only once
even by the same SAP transaction/lock owner. All other
subsequent lock requests of any kind, even by the lock
owner fails
252.)Is it possible to create secondary index
on a view?
253.)Types of views.
Maintenance View: Created by joining two or
more related (by
foreign key) tables. Join conditions are always using the
foreign key. Data can be changed, viewed and created using
such maintenance views. This type of view implements outer
join (where those records that do not have a corresponding
entry in some of the tables participating in the view also
show up) against database views that implement inner joins
(where the user sees only records which have a corresponding
entry in all tables participating in the view).
In tcode SE54, generate table view, and select view type as
'maintenance view'. More information is available in
manuals/books on how to create a one step and two step
maintenance view.
A database view can be READ only (formed by joining two or
more tables) and of course, if the appropriate option is
selected while creating it, it could write into the
underlying table also. If a database view involves more than
one table, then it can only be a READ ONLY view.
Projection View is formed out of exactly only one table and
it is a projection view (selective columns are displayed
from the table).
Help views also implement an outer join in the tables
participating in the view. Typically these are used when one
creates a F4 help in a field of a data entry screen. A
database view could also be linked to a search help but must
be avoided because database views use an inner join and
therefore some records may get hidden and may not therefore
really HELP.
foreign key) tables. Join conditions are always using the
foreign key. Data can be changed, viewed and created using
such maintenance views. This type of view implements outer
join (where those records that do not have a corresponding
entry in some of the tables participating in the view also
show up) against database views that implement inner joins
(where the user sees only records which have a corresponding
entry in all tables participating in the view).
In tcode SE54, generate table view, and select view type as
'maintenance view'. More information is available in
manuals/books on how to create a one step and two step
maintenance view.
A database view can be READ only (formed by joining two or
more tables) and of course, if the appropriate option is
selected while creating it, it could write into the
underlying table also. If a database view involves more than
one table, then it can only be a READ ONLY view.
Projection View is formed out of exactly only one table and
it is a projection view (selective columns are displayed
from the table).
Help views also implement an outer join in the tables
participating in the view. Typically these are used when one
creates a F4 help in a field of a data entry screen. A
database view could also be linked to a search help but must
be avoided because database views use an inner join and
therefore some records may get hidden and may not therefore
really HELP.
254.)What is indexing?
A.) Index on a table or indexing a table can
speed up record
access in the table. Index is a copy of the database table
but in its reduced form (only certain key fields exist in
the index along with a pointer)The data stored in the index
is in a sorted order of the primary key in a primary index
and secondary (alternate) key in a secondary index.
Primary index is automatically created when the table is
activated after creation. A secondary index is created
manually (by ABAP developer or admin person as per dictates
of the workshop) if it is felt that a large table is
accessed too many times based on some field (like employee
name in the EMPLOYEE MASTER) or fields that do not
participate in the primary key formation.
It is possible to specifiy while creating secondary index if
this index should be created on table activation. And then
these secondary indexes can give a performance gain only on
certain database systems and therefore these database
systems can be specified while creating the secondary index
so that such an index is created only on those specific
database systems. Also user created secondary indexes must
begin with Y or Z and can have three character position
names. Must not use 0 (zero) as this is reserved by SAP for
primary index.
access in the table. Index is a copy of the database table
but in its reduced form (only certain key fields exist in
the index along with a pointer)The data stored in the index
is in a sorted order of the primary key in a primary index
and secondary (alternate) key in a secondary index.
Primary index is automatically created when the table is
activated after creation. A secondary index is created
manually (by ABAP developer or admin person as per dictates
of the workshop) if it is felt that a large table is
accessed too many times based on some field (like employee
name in the EMPLOYEE MASTER) or fields that do not
participate in the primary key formation.
It is possible to specifiy while creating secondary index if
this index should be created on table activation. And then
these secondary indexes can give a performance gain only on
certain database systems and therefore these database
systems can be specified while creating the secondary index
so that such an index is created only on those specific
database systems. Also user created secondary indexes must
begin with Y or Z and can have three character position
names. Must not use 0 (zero) as this is reserved by SAP for
primary index.
255.) What is the Difference between
Transparant Tables , Pooled
& cluster Tables?
The first most common type known to all is the
Table' which is a logical definition (in teh ABAP data
dictionary) of a physical table in the database.
Several tables logically defined in ABAP data dictionary can
be combined in a physical table (pool or cluster).
When functionally dependent data spread in many different
tables are kept in one database table, it comes to be known
as a cluster table. The key fields of these cluster tables
form the cluster key.
Pool table is just the opposite where tables are kept
together but they are not functionally dependent - rather
say all small master tables kept together as a pool would
form a pool table.
The true benefits of a cluster / pool table is data is
stored ina compressed form, so less memory space and less
network load.
There are some minus points also:
No native SQL can be used, no views, no joins, no scondary
indices, no GROUP BY, ORDER BY can be used. Table appends
not possible.
Table' which is a logical definition (in teh ABAP data
dictionary) of a physical table in the database.
Several tables logically defined in ABAP data dictionary can
be combined in a physical table (pool or cluster).
When functionally dependent data spread in many different
tables are kept in one database table, it comes to be known
as a cluster table. The key fields of these cluster tables
form the cluster key.
Pool table is just the opposite where tables are kept
together but they are not functionally dependent - rather
say all small master tables kept together as a pool would
form a pool table.
The true benefits of a cluster / pool table is data is
stored ina compressed form, so less memory space and less
network load.
There are some minus points also:
No native SQL can be used, no views, no joins, no scondary
indices, no GROUP BY, ORDER BY can be used. Table appends
not possible.
A.) Master Data: Under this category we would
group data more
or less static once entered. Examples would be Customer
Master, Supplier Master, Employee Master, Department
Master, Accounts (Code) Master etc. This kind of data is
referenced in operations to pick up a name, description or
details like basic salary which do not change very often.
Data is said to be more or less static and classified
under 'Master Data'.
Transaction Data: When compared to Master Data, activity in
a transaction data set is very high. Daily
operations/transactions like add / change / delete act
on 'Transaction Data' and make it a very dynamic set.
Examples would be customer order, stocks, purchase order,
invoices, receivables, payables.
Customizing Data: When a standard business software
application (examples in SAP would be SD, MM etc) is made,
very often, it will be required to be tailored to suit a
particular business organization's need. To give an
example, there may be an application that can suit a
manufacturing organization, a purely dealership
organization, or an organization that manufactures as well
as simply acts as a dealer buying (from suppliers) and
selling items (to its customers). When installing such an
application, one has to indicate to the application, what
sort of company is it - a manufacturer, a dealer or both.
We are said to be customizing the application data based on
the needs/nature/context of the organization where it is
being installed. Now based on this customization, many
other business processes inside this application would be
turned on (active) or off (inactive) as appropriate.
or less static once entered. Examples would be Customer
Master, Supplier Master, Employee Master, Department
Master, Accounts (Code) Master etc. This kind of data is
referenced in operations to pick up a name, description or
details like basic salary which do not change very often.
Data is said to be more or less static and classified
under 'Master Data'.
Transaction Data: When compared to Master Data, activity in
a transaction data set is very high. Daily
operations/transactions like add / change / delete act
on 'Transaction Data' and make it a very dynamic set.
Examples would be customer order, stocks, purchase order,
invoices, receivables, payables.
Customizing Data: When a standard business software
application (examples in SAP would be SD, MM etc) is made,
very often, it will be required to be tailored to suit a
particular business organization's need. To give an
example, there may be an application that can suit a
manufacturing organization, a purely dealership
organization, or an organization that manufactures as well
as simply acts as a dealer buying (from suppliers) and
selling items (to its customers). When installing such an
application, one has to indicate to the application, what
sort of company is it - a manufacturer, a dealer or both.
We are said to be customizing the application data based on
the needs/nature/context of the organization where it is
being installed. Now based on this customization, many
other business processes inside this application would be
turned on (active) or off (inactive) as appropriate.
257.)Session and CTM?
Until unless sessions are not processed the
data is not update in the database.
it Should not return any value
Error screens are stored into the error logs (SM35)
Update the records synchronous
Call Transaction method:
Update the records fastly.
It should return the value
For error records it will stored the Internal table BDCMSGCOLL
Update the Databae Both synchronous and asynchronous.
it Should not return any value
Error screens are stored into the error logs (SM35)
Update the records synchronous
Call Transaction method:
Update the records fastly.
It should return the value
For error records it will stored the Internal table BDCMSGCOLL
Update the Databae Both synchronous and asynchronous.
258.) what is direct input method and list out
the standard programs available. give the list
A.) go se38--> give rm*--> click on
search help button . now it
display all the direct i/p programs.
display all the direct i/p programs.
259.) while uploading a flat file through bdc
call trans, then the
system get CRASHED. how do i know how many
records have been
function module " format_message"
holds the data that
has not updated ,describing in which screen & fied has
occured error.so that u can get how many records have got
updated b4 occuring error.
has not updated ,describing in which screen & fied has
occured error.so that u can get how many records have got
updated b4 occuring error.
Normally, in real time it will not happen. But
need to maintain a log manually about the processed and
unprocessed records.
When the system crashes, where is the chance of checking a
function module. So its not possible in that case.
need to maintain a log manually about the processed and
unprocessed records.
When the system crashes, where is the chance of checking a
function module. So its not possible in that case.
Even though it is bulk data processing, but
updating the
database always record by record only. so after calling the
transaction , maintain the status of call transaction in to
one custom table including the record details.
so that we can check the custom table for the latest details
database always record by record only. so after calling the
transaction , maintain the status of call transaction in to
one custom table including the record details.
so that we can check the custom table for the latest details
260.) explain the role of CTUPARAMS structure
in call transaction
261.) different ways to process/run the
262.) which method is suitable for call
transaction asynchronous
or synchronous
That depends upon the requirement and the
nature of
transaction if updates should take place one after another
then we select Syncronus mode if it is not an restriction
then we will select asynchronous mode
transaction if updates should take place one after another
then we select Syncronus mode if it is not an restriction
then we will select asynchronous mode
263.) 1.How can u set more than one selection
screen for one
2.Where u can provide initial values other than
264.) If u r working with call transaction
method .any problem
occurs error records r stored in BDCMSGCOLL
do u find that an error has occured at a
point,how can u handle to rectify and process
If a file has 10000 records where 3 records
doent having
right format,how do u tackle with this issue
either by
using call transaction or session method to
transfer data
perfectly into database table?tell me the steps
how to
We can create new session with error records
and run that
session online then we can see what cause that error and fix it.
session online then we can see what cause that error and fix it.
265.) If i wont like to change the standard
print program where i copied standard script to customer namespace,in this case
is it possible to retreive the data if u connect the script with standard
program.if yes how?if no why? Is it possible to print the logo in first page
only,where the form consists of 10 pages.How can u do this? How can u set a
table format where it cosists of fields like cust no, custname, amount ...in a
script? How do u know that the particular BADI is suitable for the existed
report.How do u findout this?When do u opt for BADI OR USEREXIT?did functional
people tell u to adopt BADI or USEREXIT? What is the difference between
SY-INDEX & SY-TABIX ? I have a report with fields Status,time & date.
the contents it consists are Status Time Date AAA 01:20:15 05-06-10 AAA
11:02:32 O3-06-10 AAA 23:11:00 05-06-10 AAA 09:14:46 05-06-10 HOW DO U WRITE A
display AAA 23:11:00 05-06-10 AS Output)
266.) if some one deleted your records from
ztable how o u see
the records?
There is no specific method to see deleted
record from the
ztable if table log is active we can just see the user id
date and time when the record was deleted.
ztable if table log is active we can just see the user id
date and time when the record was deleted.
267.) How to deactivate the sort button from
the alv output
A.) In IT_EXCLUDING parameter of
append the sort function key (&OUP(for sorting in
ascending) and &ODN for sorting in descending). It will
disable or deactivate the sort pushbutton.
IT_EXCLUDING parameter is used for excluding function keys
of standard ALV toolbar.
IT_EXCLUDING short text
Table of inactive function codes
Optional IMPORTING parameter IT_EXCLUDING is an internal
table. You must only fill this table if the caller uses the
standard interface of the list tool but does not need
certain interface functions and therefore wants to disable
In this case, you must enter the function codes of these
standard functions into the table.
append the sort function key (&OUP(for sorting in
ascending) and &ODN for sorting in descending). It will
disable or deactivate the sort pushbutton.
IT_EXCLUDING parameter is used for excluding function keys
of standard ALV toolbar.
IT_EXCLUDING short text
Table of inactive function codes
Optional IMPORTING parameter IT_EXCLUDING is an internal
table. You must only fill this table if the caller uses the
standard interface of the list tool but does not need
certain interface functions and therefore wants to disable
In this case, you must enter the function codes of these
standard functions into the table.
268.) When writing BDC for MM01 how do you take
care of views?
A.) First check that all the view are same way
arrange in DEV
QAS and PRO server and all the field contain same
properties in all the server.
QAS and PRO server and all the field contain same
properties in all the server.
269.)Diff b/w 4.7 and ECC 6.0.
A.) difference between 4.7 and ecc 6.0
in this version when u debugging the program it will
display only one screen
this is not compatible for advanced technologies like adobe
forms and framework
ecc 6.0
in this version when u debugging the program it will
display the two screens one is debugging screen other one
is the report screen.
this is compatible for all the advanced technologies like
adobe forms, framework and object oriented programming also.
A.) difference between 4.7 and ecc 6.0
in this version when u debugging the program it will
display only one screen
this is not compatible for advanced technologies like adobe
forms and framework
ecc 6.0
in this version when u debugging the program it will
display the two screens one is debugging screen other one
is the report screen.
this is compatible for all the advanced technologies like
adobe forms, framework and object oriented programming also.
270.) what is difference between (internal
table types)standard table and sorted table in sap abap....
271.)Steps for working with Smartforms?
A.) for creating smartforms the trans code :
-first u have to create a style (tran code :smartforms):for
ex -zstyle1.
in which u can define some paragraph formats and character
formats,which u can apply it to the form texts.
-now go back to the transaction code smartforms again and
create a form.
there u'll have the nodes .
- select field attributes and one tab will be open beside
-select the radio button -do not translate.
now select general attributes and give style name which u
have created in the output style which acts as a default
style for ur smartform.
we can add the windows to the form in two ways.
-- click on 'form painter' in the tool bar
-- right clk on pagewindows
then create
then window.
now create a text element under the window.to do this
right clk on window
then add
then text.
-click on text
in general attributes tab u can type the text .
now check the smart form activate it.
every smart form will return a function module after
activating it.u have to call this fm in ur abap program
to see the fm name after activating the form goto
environment-> form name.
form name will be displayed as information .
-first u have to create a style (tran code :smartforms):for
ex -zstyle1.
in which u can define some paragraph formats and character
formats,which u can apply it to the form texts.
-now go back to the transaction code smartforms again and
create a form.
there u'll have the nodes .
- select field attributes and one tab will be open beside
-select the radio button -do not translate.
now select general attributes and give style name which u
have created in the output style which acts as a default
style for ur smartform.
we can add the windows to the form in two ways.
-- click on 'form painter' in the tool bar
-- right clk on pagewindows
then create
then window.
now create a text element under the window.to do this
right clk on window
then add
then text.
-click on text
in general attributes tab u can type the text .
now check the smart form activate it.
every smart form will return a function module after
activating it.u have to call this fm in ur abap program
to see the fm name after activating the form goto
environment-> form name.
form name will be displayed as information .
272.) how 2 create the normal form by using
functional module?
273.)Scripts & Smartforms diff?
A.) 1) Script is Client Dependent.
Smartforms are Client InDependent.
2) Multiple Page formats are possible in Smartforms.
Multiple Page formats are notpossible in Scripts.
3) We can maintain Background Graphics in Smartforms.
4) Scripts doesnot generate any Functionmodules.
Smartforms generate Functionmodules.
5) We can add colours in scripts.
We cannot add colours in Smartforms.
6) Scripts maintains 99 mainwindows .
Smartforms maintains only one Main window.
Smartforms are Client InDependent.
2) Multiple Page formats are possible in Smartforms.
Multiple Page formats are notpossible in Scripts.
3) We can maintain Background Graphics in Smartforms.
4) Scripts doesnot generate any Functionmodules.
Smartforms generate Functionmodules.
5) We can add colours in scripts.
We cannot add colours in Smartforms.
6) Scripts maintains 99 mainwindows .
Smartforms maintains only one Main window.
7) We can add colours in Smartforms
We cannot add colours in Scripts
8) Smartforms are 100% portable by exporting to .xml format.
Scripts layouts are not portable. Even if we import a
Script into a smartform, its not 100% imported.
9) Templates are available in Smartforms but not in Scripts.
We cannot add colours in Scripts
8) Smartforms are 100% portable by exporting to .xml format.
Scripts layouts are not portable. Even if we import a
Script into a smartform, its not 100% imported.
9) Templates are available in Smartforms but not in Scripts.
274.)What are DDIC objects?
275.) In sapscript when u set debugger mode on
from which window it
will start debugging .My sapscript has header
window,address window,main and footer window.so
from which
window it will start debugging??
When u start the debugging the script first it
will start
from the Main Window. Once main window is complete the
debugging then it will go to the other windows.
from the Main Window. Once main window is complete the
debugging then it will go to the other windows.
276.) Can I write AT SELECTION SCREEN & AT
single program?If yes how?and if no what error
will it give??
hellow mr navven all above answeres were
at_selection_screen we use this event for multiple
selection scteen field validation. this is the default
event triguured automatically .
but at_user_command this event is triggured when ever the
end user makes an aciton by clicking menu options or
buttons on tool bar.
at_selection_screen we use this event for multiple
selection scteen field validation. this is the default
event triguured automatically .
but at_user_command this event is triggured when ever the
end user makes an aciton by clicking menu options or
buttons on tool bar.
277.) If there are errors in BDC Call
Transaction method, once the
correction of errors is made how will you run
this as Session
method ?
First process the errors in call transaction
pass the tcode into bdc session method.
pass the tcode into bdc session method.
278.) If there are two table with Foriegn Key
relationship, and if any
changes is made to the check table in Table
Maintanance Generator
how will this the other table?
A.)Inconsistency Occurs.
279.) How will you know which BADI is being, if
there are multiple
implementations of BADI in the same project.
We can check using Enhancement implementation
-> Overview
and see the active badi which is in yellow color.
and see the active badi which is in yellow color.
280.) What is the Use of LDB PNPCE in ABAP HR?
what is NODES statement? I think we have to use GET PERAS event while using
PNPCE. Can we use the same using PNP LDB? If yes,how? please give me some
example to demonstrate PNPCE?
A.) Yes - You can use the PNP LDB.
As for the syntax wise it is same
As for the syntax wise it is same
281.) Where are the LSMW events
declared? Why?
282.) How would you design a BDC (session
method ) in which
session will get executed itself. user do not
need to go to
283.) What is the difference between Search
help and Match code ?
284.)What are diff types of interfaces in ABAP?
A.) In SAP R/3 system, 3 main types of
interfaces are
System Interface,User Interface and Communications Interface.
In OOABAP, above two local and global.
But in ABAP, Outbound and Inbound Interfaces.
Outbound Interfaces - Retrieving data from SAP and sending
to other systems.
Inbound Interfaces - Sending data from other system to SAP.
Outbound interface is used to send IDocs to the ALE server.
Inbound interface is used to analyze the received Idoc.
System Interface,User Interface and Communications Interface.
In OOABAP, above two local and global.
But in ABAP, Outbound and Inbound Interfaces.
Outbound Interfaces - Retrieving data from SAP and sending
to other systems.
Inbound Interfaces - Sending data from other system to SAP.
Outbound interface is used to send IDocs to the ALE server.
Inbound interface is used to analyze the received Idoc.
285.) Why is smart form more preferred printing
utility than sap
script ?
A.) 1. Smartform creates a function module, so
it is not client
dependent, and SAP script is client dependent.
2. Smartform is having all code, condition, text, table...
option in windows. Which makes it more specific & advance
than Script.
3. Allignment problem in print page, (specially at the time
of changing printer at user side)is more for Script.
4. No need to use subroutine pool if date is not available
in print structures like - vbdka, vbdkr..., declaration is
possible in Smartforms only.
dependent, and SAP script is client dependent.
2. Smartform is having all code, condition, text, table...
option in windows. Which makes it more specific & advance
than Script.
3. Allignment problem in print page, (specially at the time
of changing printer at user side)is more for Script.
4. No need to use subroutine pool if date is not available
in print structures like - vbdka, vbdkr..., declaration is
possible in Smartforms only.
286.) how to maintain the quantity field in
A.) FVAL is the quantity field of an internal
has a structure of
It is reference field to bdc_field subroutine.
fnam and fval are its reference fields.
It is reference field to bdc_field subroutine.
fnam and fval are its reference fields.
287.) How does system know that your SAP login
userid is assigned
to a perticular employee number (PERNR)?
By using Function Module
by giving USRTY = '0001'.
And also in the table PA0105, with SUBTYPE '0001' and with
the value USRID = 'SY-UNAME', get the PERNR
by giving USRTY = '0001'.
And also in the table PA0105, with SUBTYPE '0001' and with
the value USRID = 'SY-UNAME', get the PERNR
288.)Value & Check Table.
A.) Value table helps in domain level data
validation whereas
Check table in field level data validation.
The Value table is the table attached to a field at the domain level, where the entry to the field can be only from the value table. It cannot be used in the Input Help.
The Check Table is the dependent table to which the relationship is defined using foreign keys. The contents of the check table field can be shown in the input help for the referenced field.
Check table in field level data validation.
The Value table is the table attached to a field at the domain level, where the entry to the field can be only from the value table. It cannot be used in the Input Help.
The Check Table is the dependent table to which the relationship is defined using foreign keys. The contents of the check table field can be shown in the input help for the referenced field.
289.) If pass table name as parameter how can i
get table contents?
a.) select * from (parameter) into table.
use this select statement then you can get result
use this select statement then you can get result
290.) if we have to upload the legacy data by
using one
transaction ex.me22, in bdc which way we will
choose i.e.
session method or call transaction? how we will
choose that
way? can we use both method in single program?
Both methods we cannot use in the same program.
Depend upon
the requirement and volume of data only we have to choose
the method weather we have to session method or otherwise
call transaction method.
But most of times we have to use only session method.
Because the while processing the session if any errors
occured those error screens are stroed into Error session
logs. (SM35). And also the update the database also
synchorouous. Such facility is not aviable in call
transaction method.
the requirement and volume of data only we have to choose
the method weather we have to session method or otherwise
call transaction method.
But most of times we have to use only session method.
Because the while processing the session if any errors
occured those error screens are stroed into Error session
logs. (SM35). And also the update the database also
synchorouous. Such facility is not aviable in call
transaction method.
291.) My internal table exceed the limit. then
it goes to dump.
how will u handle this issue?
Write a complicated loop or while statement
that means in a
loop each take 1000 records and pass into the select
statement and result store into final iternal table.
loop each take 1000 records and pass into the select
statement and result store into final iternal table.
the memory can be increased in the application
is usually done in basis.
is usually done in basis.
292.)Why cluster tables are not buffered?
A.) Cluster tables is acombination of less no.
of large tables.
Higly updated tables cannot be buffered,hence cluster
tables cannot be buffered.
Higly updated tables cannot be buffered,hence cluster
tables cannot be buffered.
One can have multiple implementations in BADIs.
After all
that is what BADIs are meant for. However, there can be
some BADIs which can have only single implementation. We
need to check that the checkbox has been checked or not to
support multiple implementations.
At a time multiple implementations can be active based on
filter values like country, currency etc.
that is what BADIs are meant for. However, there can be
some BADIs which can have only single implementation. We
need to check that the checkbox has been checked or not to
support multiple implementations.
At a time multiple implementations can be active based on
filter values like country, currency etc.
294) what is the difference between Ale abd
A.) ale is nothing but a its a link between the
two sap systems.
ex: if want to process the idoc from one system to another
system by using ale we can process the idoc.
BAPI:Business Application Programming Interface.
is a interface is used to connect from non sap sytem to sap
Ex: access the data from V.B or JAVA to SAP by using the
BAPI Interface.
ex: if want to process the idoc from one system to another
system by using ale we can process the idoc.
BAPI:Business Application Programming Interface.
is a interface is used to connect from non sap sytem to sap
Ex: access the data from V.B or JAVA to SAP by using the
BAPI Interface.
295.) Uses of runtime analysis and sql trace
with example(coding).
Runtime analysis (se30)is a tool used to
analyze the
performance of any transaction and program within the
sql tgrace (st05) is atool to examine the db.calls by
reports and transactions.
performance of any transaction and program within the
sql tgrace (st05) is atool to examine the db.calls by
reports and transactions.
296.) What's the difference between AT NEW and
AT END OF events?
297.) What's the use of AT PF event?
When the user chooses a function code
PF ( can be
between 01 and 24), the system always triggers the AT
PF event. In the standard list status, the function
keys F that are not reserved for predefined system
functions all have the function code PF as long as a
corresponding event block is defined in the program.
These event blocks are executed when the user chooses the
corresponding function key. The position of the cursor in
the list is irrelevant.
If you use these event blocks at all, it should only be for
temporary test versions. In production programs, you should
only use AT USER-COMMAND with a dialog status of your own
to assign function codes to function keys. When you use
your own interfaces, the system displays a function text
explaining what the function does. This does not happen
when you use AT PF event blocks.
between 01 and 24), the system always triggers the AT
keys F
functions all have the function code PF
corresponding event block is defined in the program.
These event blocks are executed when the user chooses the
corresponding function key. The position of the cursor in
the list is irrelevant.
If you use these event blocks at all, it should only be for
temporary test versions. In production programs, you should
only use AT USER-COMMAND with a dialog status of your own
to assign function codes to function keys. When you use
your own interfaces, the system displays a function text
explaining what the function does. This does not happen
when you use AT PF
298.) how many ways to delete ztable field
values without using table maintenance generator?what is that?
299.) i can give default values in
select-options also then what
is use of INTIALIZATION event?
ya u r right.But,
It is poosible to perform some calculations before
selection screen is appeared using INITIALIZATION and
presents along with selection screen.
i.e to display uptodate date,time, etc.
It is poosible to perform some calculations before
selection screen is appeared using INITIALIZATION and
presents along with selection screen.
i.e to display uptodate date,time, etc.
300.) at the same time can i call two
transactions in bdc call
transaction method?what happens if use like
As per the standard Syntax - only one
transaction will be
called at a time
If you want to call second transaction then first
transaction will be called later second one
called at a time
If you want to call second transaction then first
transaction will be called later second one
301.) can we transport text elements and text
symblos in reports
from devlopment to quality?is it necessary?
once we created text element or text
symbols..we must
assign text element to transport request through program
assign text element to transport request through program
302.) what is main difference b/w reports and
module pool?exact
Report: executable program.it only retrieves
supports data updation.
eventhough we make updations thru open sql,but SAP doesnt
Module program: online executable program.supports data
updation as we r using Transaction.
supports data updation.
eventhough we make updations thru open sql,but SAP doesnt
Module program: online executable program.supports data
updation as we r using Transaction.
303.) can we transfer variants from development
to Quality?how
can we transfer?is it necessary?
the variant is atached to the object's stuff
(like screens,
transactions, fields, tables, screens , etc).
No need to look at variant , while transporting the object
transactions, fields, tables, screens , etc).
No need to look at variant , while transporting the object
Yes, we can transfer variants across landscape.
We can do that by attaching to a transport request. However this is not
304.)What is a macro?
A.) If you want to reuse the same set of
statements more than
once in a program, you can include them in a macro. For
example, this can be useful for long calculations or
complex WRITE statements. You can only use a macro within
the program in which it is defined, and it can only be
called in lines of the program following its definition.
The following statement block defines a macro macro:
DEFINE makro.
You must specify complete statements between DEFINE and
END‑OF‑DEFINITION. These statements can contain up to nine
placeholders &1, &2,...., &9). You must define the macro
before the point in the program at which you want to use
once in a program, you can include them in a macro. For
example, this can be useful for long calculations or
complex WRITE statements. You can only use a macro within
the program in which it is defined, and it can only be
called in lines of the program following its definition.
The following statement block defines a macro macro:
DEFINE makro.
You must specify complete statements between DEFINE and
END‑OF‑DEFINITION. These statements can contain up to nine
placeholders &1, &2,...., &9). You must define the macro
before the point in the program at which you want to use
A.) At selection-screen : This event mainly
used to validate the
user inputs.
At selection-screen output : This event is used for
processing screen . We can enable or disable the screen
blocks and we can make some field active or deactivate at
run time.
user inputs.
At selection-screen output : This event is used for
processing screen . We can enable or disable the screen
blocks and we can make some field active or deactivate at
run time.
306.) how many main windows you can maintain in
a smartform?
wt is the types of window in smartform?
There are four types of windows:
U ca have only one main window in smartforms.
U ca have only one main window in smartforms.
307.) how to convert sapscript to email...
There are several ways to do this.
Best and most practiced way is convert script to PDF and
send this PDF as attachment in mail.We use
"CONVERT_OTF_2_PDF" function module to convert script to PDF.
We can also use "CONVERT_OTFSPOOLJOB_2_PDF" function module
to do this. In 4.7 version of SAP, we can use standard
program RSTXPDF2T to serve this purpose.
After converting script to PDF, we use
"SO_DOCUMENT_SEND_API" to send this PDF as attachment to mail.
Best and most practiced way is convert script to PDF and
send this PDF as attachment in mail.We use
"CONVERT_OTF_2_PDF" function module to convert script to PDF.
We can also use "CONVERT_OTFSPOOLJOB_2_PDF" function module
to do this. In 4.7 version of SAP, we can use standard
program RSTXPDF2T to serve this purpose.
After converting script to PDF, we use
"SO_DOCUMENT_SEND_API" to send this PDF as attachment to mail.
308.) In Sapscript ,
For example : I want to define font in Arial?
And that font is not available in my system ?
how can i get
this font into my sapscript?
Go to SE73, select True type font installation
in the font name give the font name and if required bold
and italic options select the attibute then in the font
name file parameter give the font file (.ttf format) then
execute the same.
in the font name give the font name and if required bold
and italic options select the attibute then in the font
name file parameter give the font file (.ttf format) then
execute the same.
309.) Can we create a search help for a
particular user ? if
yes..How ?
It is not possible for user.
search help supports for FIELDS.
search help supports for FIELDS.
310.)What is SE30 AND ST05?
A.) These transactions are widely used in
performance tuning of
any program.
We use ST05 tcode to SQL trace. we use SQL trace to analyse
the time consumed by various select statements in program.
If any select statement is taking long time to retrieve data
from Database, we can re-look into that and make necessary
We use SE30 for runtime analysis. This is for overall
evaluation of program. By using this, we can know about time
consumed by various processes (dialog,select) .Best practice
is make the time consumed by SQL statements very less.
any program.
We use ST05 tcode to SQL trace. we use SQL trace to analyse
the time consumed by various select statements in program.
If any select statement is taking long time to retrieve data
from Database, we can re-look into that and make necessary
We use SE30 for runtime analysis. This is for overall
evaluation of program. By using this, we can know about time
consumed by various processes (dialog,select) .Best practice
is make the time consumed by SQL statements very less.
311.) how can we do performance tuning after
There are many techniques we follow .
1. Avoid nested select statements/loop.
2. Use "for all entries" instead of select inside loop.
3. Use field symbols
4. Specific usage of fields from a table.
5. By providing primary keys or key fields as input to a
select statement( order is also important).
6. Do extended program check and remove all errors and
warnings .
7. SQL trace and Runtime analysis.
1. Avoid nested select statements/loop.
2. Use "for all entries" instead of select inside loop.
3. Use field symbols
4. Specific usage of fields from a table.
5. By providing primary keys or key fields as input to a
select statement( order is also important).
6. Do extended program check and remove all errors and
warnings .
7. SQL trace and Runtime analysis.
312.) i want to use standard script and
driven program.how can i
modify standard driven program?in real time how
can we
execute the standard script?can any one tell me
procedure plz?
1. You cant modify ,u can add new fields.
2. by connecting the layoutset with printprogram using
NACE,then execute with corresponding Transactioncode.
2. by connecting the layoutset with printprogram using
NACE,then execute with corresponding Transactioncode.
313.) how can we change general report to alv
314.) For a package or transaction we will be
having multiple no
of user exits .Out of these exits how we will
find out that
the particular exit is the exit which we have
to code
1. Put break point with user name and check how
the user
exit or badi is triggering.
2. Check for interface parameters like export , import,
Changing and table parameters. Is this interface is
suitable for your requirement ?
Based on above analysis, one can come to conclusion which
one to be used. Badi is preferable over user exit. User
exit is preferable over funky exits( Routones like MV45AFZZ
or MV50AFZ1).
exit or badi is triggering.
2. Check for interface parameters like export , import,
Changing and table parameters. Is this interface is
suitable for your requirement ?
Based on above analysis, one can come to conclusion which
one to be used. Badi is preferable over user exit. User
exit is preferable over funky exits( Routones like MV45AFZZ
or MV50AFZ1).
315.) what is search help exit ? can any body
explain briefly
Search help exit is predefined function module
provided by
SAP with which we can add additional functionality to the
existing search help by adding additional fields.
SAP with which we can add additional functionality to the
existing search help by adding additional fields.
316.) How to find out the no of implementations
done for a badi
A.) In the transaction SE18, enter the BADI
name and then display it. In the menu Implementation->Display, you will see
the list of implementations done for that BADI. There, implementations which are
highlighted in yellow represent the active implementations and the rest are
317.) what is the main difference between lsmw
and bdc ? in which situation we will go for lsmw instead of bdc?
A.) what is the main difference between lsmw
and bdc ?
in which situation we will go for lsmw instead
of bdc?
318.) loop at itab.
select matnr from mara into table itab upto 10
will it work?
Yes, this will work but will giv a warning
saying we cannot
delete or overwrite the internal table within a Loop over
delete or overwrite the internal table within a Loop over
319.) how to debug dialog box?
A.) We have to Drag and Drop the txt file which
is generated by
sap->setting, then the dialog box can be debugged.
sap->setting, then the dialog box can be debugged.
320.) for example in client 710 i update the
records for tcode
me21 using bdc,in the same server if i update 5
records and
in the mean while other user do the same bdc
update for
me21 for 3 records how do u resolve the
remaining 2 records.
by lock mechanisom we can solve this
321.) Print options in smartforms?
322.)What is luw(both at screen and database
A.) Logical Unit of Work.its avoid the critical
operation in
both database level and in screen level.it means one user
deleting some records and second user trying to modifying
those records but it's creating problem to avoid this
problem we have this LUW feature in SAP R/3.It works like
first user working on one transaction second user work on
the same transaction only possible the first user come out
from transaction then only second user work the
transaction.This is the importence of LUW.
both database level and in screen level.it means one user
deleting some records and second user trying to modifying
those records but it's creating problem to avoid this
problem we have this LUW feature in SAP R/3.It works like
first user working on one transaction second user work on
the same transaction only possible the first user come out
from transaction then only second user work the
transaction.This is the importence of LUW.
323.) Can we debug RFC's? If yes how can we do?
A.) Yes we can . Put external debugger while
login with same
user in R/3 as ESS user .
user in R/3 as ESS user .
324.) why sapscripts are client dependent and
smartforms are
cliet independent,plz give me a brief
explanation,thank u.
By design sap script is a word processing tool
displays data on the form with the help of text elements
where the logic of those is written in the print program
and Forms were designed to be driven from print program,
hence are often termed as client dependent. Smart forms are
client independent. Bcoz it doesn’t use any text elements.
it will be executed through a function module. When a print
program calls a Smart Form, the form itself takes over to
produce output, without any further direction from print
displays data on the form with the help of text elements
where the logic of those is written in the print program
and Forms were designed to be driven from print program,
hence are often termed as client dependent. Smart forms are
client independent. Bcoz it doesn’t use any text elements.
it will be executed through a function module. When a print
program calls a Smart Form, the form itself takes over to
produce output, without any further direction from print
325.) what is meant by HIDE statement?
A.) HIDE statement is used to store key field
value of selected
row and transfer that value to AT LINE-SELECTION event
block so that additional information findout for that
selected row.
row and transfer that value to AT LINE-SELECTION event
block so that additional information findout for that
selected row.
326.) Difference between table control and step
loop? Plz answer
me its urgent!
TABLE CONTROLS are simply enhanced STEP LOOPS
that display
data with the look and feel of a table widget in a desktop
But from a programming standpoint, TABLE CONTROLS and STEP
LOOPS are almost exactly the same.
One major difference between STEP LOOPS and TABLE CONTROLS
is in STEP LOOPS their table rows can span more than one
line on the screen. By contrast the rows in a TABLE
CONTROLS are always single lines, but can be very long. (
Table control rows are scrollable ). The structure of table
controls is different from step loops. A step loop, as a
screen object, is simply a series of field rows that appear
as a repeating block.
data with the look and feel of a table widget in a desktop
But from a programming standpoint, TABLE CONTROLS and STEP
LOOPS are almost exactly the same.
One major difference between STEP LOOPS and TABLE CONTROLS
is in STEP LOOPS their table rows can span more than one
line on the screen. By contrast the rows in a TABLE
CONTROLS are always single lines, but can be very long. (
Table control rows are scrollable ). The structure of table
controls is different from step loops. A step loop, as a
screen object, is simply a series of field rows that appear
as a repeating block.
327.) Can we acheive everything using OOPs? If
not? What cant be
Have you encountered any scenario liike, you
cannot acheive
it using Function modules & can be acheived
using Oops?
What is the advantage of BADI over UserExit?
Difference between BAPI and RFC?
OOps has data encapsulation and other security
feature in
default.rather in case of API(FM).
BADI - you may have many instance for the same class rather
for same enhancement.order of execution is SAP specific.
User EXIT- you can have only one instance for a pirticular
BAPI - ALL bapi are RFC enabled Function module, but all
RFC enabled Function modules are not BAPI. BAPI is designed
by SAP for specific operation like(Material master Creation
BAPI etc.)
default.rather in case of API(FM).
BADI - you may have many instance for the same class rather
for same enhancement.order of execution is SAP specific.
User EXIT- you can have only one instance for a pirticular
BAPI - ALL bapi are RFC enabled Function module, but all
RFC enabled Function modules are not BAPI. BAPI is designed
by SAP for specific operation like(Material master Creation
BAPI etc.)
330.) How to write long-text in SAP scripts?
EX: I want to write text like below:
* Terms and Conditions:
goto-->tcode SO10
Crete a text , say Z_text with the required data and goto
script(se71)--->insert--->standard text---
/: include Z_text object texx id ST
hence we can get any amount of data
Crete a text , say Z_text with the required data and goto
script(se71)--->insert--->standard text---
/: include Z_text object texx id ST
hence we can get any amount of data
331.)What is SY-LOOPC?
A.) It might be sy-loopc, as you might be ware
that all the
system fields are found in structure call SYST.
Number of lines currently displayed in a table control.It
Can be used to determine the step loop blocks in the screen
and for scrolling functionality.
system fields are found in structure call SYST.
Number of lines currently displayed in a table control.It
Can be used to determine the step loop blocks in the screen
and for scrolling functionality.
332.) how to debug ale/idocs and how to correct
errors and how to
find out where the exact error occur
333.) when we use bdc and lsmw and bapis and
ale idocs?
334)what is the output?
1 1
2 1
3 1
4 1
5 1
Dear Experts pls answer the folowing qs that i have faced
Dear Experts pls answer the folowing qs that i have faced
in the recent intvws:
a) Can we execute the script individually? If
yes How? Else
we need to do so?
b) Are
Layout sets Client independent?
c) How
do you assign a print program to a script?
d) Can
we call a subroutine in a script? If so, how?
e) What
are the steps to print SAP script form?
A.) a)yes its possible. goto menu utilities
-> Printing test
b)no Clinet dependent
c)we can assign print program andscript in NACE T-code in
the output type
c)yes, by using Perform statement in scripts
b)no Clinet dependent
c)we can assign print program andscript in NACE T-code in
the output type
c)yes, by using Perform statement in scripts
335.) how to copy client to client in scripts?
If it is to copy script between clients then,
utilities-copy frm client.
utilities-copy frm client.
336.) what is Composite key in table creation?
what is the use?
A.) A composite key consists of two or more
columns, designated together as a table's primary key. Multiple-column primary
keys can be defined only as table-level constraints:
A composite key has more than one attribute (field).
Used in database management systems as a key which has two or more fields in the columns in the table, or in a file.
A composite key has more than one attribute (field).
Used in database management systems as a key which has two or more fields in the columns in the table, or in a file.
337.) what is the difference between Blocked
ALV and interactive ALV?
338.)Diff fm and subroutines?
1)subroutines may or may not require input
parameters .
function module require input as well as output parameters ,
2)subroutines does not have exceptions but function mod can have exceptions ,
3)subroutines do not have a return value
funct have return value .
function module require input as well as output parameters ,
2)subroutines does not have exceptions but function mod can have exceptions ,
3)subroutines do not have a return value
funct have return value .
4.) Function module is a global to the program
where as subroutine is local to the program.
339.) How to add background picture/graphics in
alv report?
340.) How to test a script?how to find versions
in scripts?
A.) To test a script, goto menu utilities ->
printing test
to find versions of the script goto menu utilities ->
to find versions of the script goto menu utilities ->
A.) port acts as medium inbetween sendor and
port carries the idoc from sendor to receiver.
port creatin is we21 and provide the reciver name should
port carries the idoc from sendor to receiver.
port creatin is we21 and provide the reciver name should
341.)What is the diff b/w Sy-cprog and
A.) sy-cprog : Main Program Name.
sy-repid : Current Program Name.
sy-repid : Current Program Name.
342.) by which function module we are going to
put data into
sapscript ?
343.) How many times we can use At Selection
Screen Output and on
field event in report?
At Selection Screen Output can be used only
once in the
report program.
At Selection Screen On field can be used mutilple times if
the fields are different.
At Selection Screen On field1
if field1 is empty display error message.
At Selection Screen On field2
if field2 is empty display error message.
report program.
At Selection Screen On field can be used mutilple times if
the fields are different.
At Selection Screen On field1
if field1 is empty display error message.
At Selection Screen On field2
if field2 is empty display error message.
344.) Is der any other criteria for using For
All Entries except
if not itab is initial?
after select statement of itab check for
SY-SUBRC and write
for all entries..
for all entries..
345.) when is the POV AND POH event used?
346.) Is logo in script 1st stored as tiff
format before uploading or in jpeg format?and where is that stored after
347.) What is collect statement?explain with
A.) if an entry with the same key already
exists, the COLLECT
statement does not append a new line, but adds the contents of
the numeric fields in the work area to the contents of the
numeric fields in the existing entry
statement does not append a new line, but adds the contents of
the numeric fields in the work area to the contents of the
numeric fields in the existing entry
348.) What will happen if i dont use
initialization and start of selction event in report?
A.) by default start-of-selection event present
fieeld get their initial values
fieeld get their initial values
349.) Can we change the IDoc number ? if
yes..How ?
350.) I am getting the (first) page number and
the remaining records displayed in another list in another page BUT the PAGE
Number is not displayed? What is the code/solution?
351.) In Interactive Report : How to come from
Secondary List 10 to secondary list 4? what is the Program code?
A.) from list index 10 to come bck to list
index 4 we can use the code as follows.....put some function code button on
application or menu tool bar then code as below
case 'FNCODE'.
when CLICK
LSIND = 4.
case 'FNCODE'.
when CLICK
LSIND = 4.
352.) Create a Function module that can be
called from JAVA using
JCo with an example.
Only thing that you need to do when creating
the FM is to
make it RFC enabled. Once you make the any FM RFC enabled
java environment will be able to consume it.
make it RFC enabled. Once you make the any FM RFC enabled
java environment will be able to consume it.
353.) How to write file to application server?
Read dataset for output.
loop at itab into wa.
transfer wa into.
close dataset.
loop at itab into wa.
transfer wa into
close dataset
354.) what is file handling?
355.) I wrote one script program,Now i want to
transfer this
program from development to production system
so that output
is displayed correct in production.please give
me the
steps.In development showing correct output but
whereas in
production somewhat difference.So what is the
Attach the same printer name which user is going
to use &
again allign at Dev. then transfer the request on
again allign at Dev. then transfer the request on
script is client dependent.so if u want to
transfer script
program then firstly u need to make a copy of ur script form
from development server to production server with T-code
SCC1 then your script program will run properly.
program then firstly u need to make a copy of ur script form
from development server to production server with T-code
SCC1 then your script program will run properly.
356.)How to debug smartforms?
A.) 1) One way to debug smartform is to debug
the Function
Module of that smartforms.
If you want to debug particular smartform node that the
solution would be,
insert a "Program Line" just above the node you want to
debug and this program line write a normal abap breakpoint.
So whenever you call the smartforms, it will stop at this
breakpoint and you can debug onwards.
2) SFTRACE can be used for debugging SMARTFORMS.
Module of that smartforms.
If you want to debug particular smartform node that the
solution would be,
insert a "Program Line" just above the node you want to
debug and this program line write a normal abap breakpoint.
So whenever you call the smartforms, it will stop at this
breakpoint and you can debug onwards.
2) SFTRACE can be used for debugging SMARTFORMS.
357.)Leave screen,Set Screen,Call Screen.
A.) With SET SCREEN the current screen simply
specifies the
next screen in the chain , control branches to this next
screen as sonn as th e current screen has been
processed .Return from next screen to current screen is not
automatic .It does not interrupt processing of the current
screen.If we want to branch to the next screen without
finishing the current one ,use LEAVE SCREEN.
- With CALL SCREEN , the current (calling) chain is
suspended , and a next screen (screen chain) is called .The
called can then return to the suspended chain with the
statement LEAVE SCREEN TO SCREEN 0 .Sometime we might want
to let an user call a pop up screen from the main
application screen to let him enter secondary
information.After they have completed their enteries, the
users should be able to close the popup and return directly
to the place where they left off in the main screen.Here
comes CALL SCREEN into picture .This statement lets us
insert such a sequence into the current one.
next screen in the chain , control branches to this next
screen as sonn as th e current screen has been
processed .Return from next screen to current screen is not
automatic .It does not interrupt processing of the current
screen.If we want to branch to the next screen without
finishing the current one ,use LEAVE SCREEN.
- With CALL SCREEN , the current (calling) chain is
suspended , and a next screen (screen chain) is called .The
called can then return to the suspended chain with the
statement LEAVE SCREEN TO SCREEN 0 .Sometime we might want
to let an user call a pop up screen from the main
application screen to let him enter secondary
information.After they have completed their enteries, the
users should be able to close the popup and return directly
to the place where they left off in the main screen.Here
comes CALL SCREEN into picture .This statement lets us
insert such a sequence into the current one.
Which FM do you use to find out who is
reporting to whom
![]() |
![]() |
What is object in OM
O------> ORG.UNIT C------> JOB S------> POSITION T------> TASK A------> WORK CENTRE P------> PERSON K------> COST CENTRE |
![]() |
![]() |
What are the FM do we use in OM
RH_GET_LEADING_POSITION HRCM_ORGUNIT_MANAGER_GET find all the employee under an org. unit RHPH_STRUCTURE_READ RH_STRUC_GET Read OM infotype RH_READ_INFTY RH_READ_OBJECT Maintain OM Infotype: RH_PM_ENQUEUE RH_PM_DEQUEUE RH_PNNNN_MAINTAIN/RH_UPDATE_INFTY Maintain/Delimit Relationship for OM infotypes RH_CUT_INFTY Delimit OM Objects: RH_CUT_OBJECT Update database for OM objects operation in background RH_UPDATE_DATABASE Determine whether a position is vacant: RH_GET_VACANCY |
![]() |
![]() |
What is the transaction code to modify the hr
![]() |
![]() |
What is features and transaction code
![]() |
![]() |
What is functions and transaction code
![]() |
![]() |
What is schema and transaction code
A.) The payroll schema contains calculation
rules to be used by
the payroll driver during payroll accounting. T-code: PE01 |
![]() |
![]() |
How do you execute the payroll
![]() |
![]() |
What is off cycle payroll run
![]() |
![]() |
How do you execute the payroll
![]() |
![]() |
What is off cycle payroll run
![]() |
![]() |
What is For-period and In-period
![]() |
![]() |
What is sequence number
359.)Why we require logical database?
360). By using which FM we can upload data into
361.) Can we develop program without logical
database for hr
module data retrieval
362.) How do you retrieve the data for
repetitive structures
FROM P0008-LGA01
NEXT P0008-LGA02.
FROM P0008-LGA01
NEXT P0008-LGA02.
362.) What is the difference between select
statement and provide
1. Provide: statement is used with predefined
Macros, if we use macros it is assured that will work properly, the data has
been retrived based on structures tables. and it cant be used without logical
data base or GETPERNR Statement.
2. Select: statement is used to retrive data from transparent tables,if you use this statement for retriving data of info types make sure to do proper QA other wise it may gonna give prob with begda and endda.
2. Select: statement is used to retrive data from transparent tables,if you use this statement for retriving data of info types make sure to do proper QA other wise it may gonna give prob with begda and endda.
363.) What is PNP-SW-FOUND?
A.) its very much like sy-subrc , its used
rp_provide_from_last in abap hr. Google for more details
rp_provide_from_last in abap hr. Google for more details
364.) What are the standard macros do we use in
365.) What is Macro
366.) What are the organizational related
367.) What are the personnel administration
related Infotypes
368)Time related infotypes?
A.) 0007 Planned working hours
2001 Absence
2002 attendances
2003 Substitutions
2004 Availability
2005 Overtime
2006 Absence Quota
2007 attendance quota
2010 Employee Remuneration Info
2011 time pairs
2012 Time Transfer Specifications
2013 quota corrections
2001 Absence
2002 attendances
2003 Substitutions
2004 Availability
2005 Overtime
2006 Absence Quota
2007 attendance quota
2010 Employee Remuneration Info
2011 time pairs
2012 Time Transfer Specifications
2013 quota corrections
369.)Payroll realated infotypes?
370.)What is PS STRUCTURE?
371.) What is PAKEY structure, PSHD1 structure
and what type of fields it contains?
a.) Each PA Infotype consists of 4 structures-
1. PAKey- Personnel Administration key fields
It holds infotype key fields’ data like Personnel No, Start
date, End date e.t.c.
2. PSHD1- It contains Infotype log details like change date
(AEDTM), user details e.t.c.
3. PSxxxx- It contains the Infotype related specific
fields. In other words, fields related to that particular
Infotype. Note: - Developer can create this structure.
4. CI_Pxxxx- It will exist only for standard Infotypes. CI
stands for ‘Custom Include’. By using this structure, we
can enhance a standard Infotype. The standard infotype will
then have the custom fields on screen along with standard
SAP fields.
1. PAKey- Personnel Administration key fields
It holds infotype key fields’ data like Personnel No, Start
date, End date e.t.c.
2. PSHD1- It contains Infotype log details like change date
(AEDTM), user details e.t.c.
3. PSxxxx- It contains the Infotype related specific
fields. In other words, fields related to that particular
Infotype. Note: - Developer can create this structure.
4. CI_Pxxxx- It will exist only for standard Infotypes. CI
stands for ‘Custom Include’. By using this structure, we
can enhance a standard Infotype. The standard infotype will
then have the custom fields on screen along with standard
SAP fields.
372.) How can we decide weather we can enhance
the standard Infotype or not
a.) We can enhance the info types in SAP HR,
which is done by
ALE( application enable link) and User Exits.
ALE( application enable link) and User Exits.
373.) Importance of PA20, PA30 and PA40
a.) In brief
PA20 : Is used to display the master records/data of the employee( Resigned and active).
PA30 : Is used to create , update the Master data of the employee.
Pa40 : IS used to create the Personnel Events
PA20 : Is used to display the master records/data of the employee( Resigned and active).
PA30 : Is used to create , update the Master data of the employee.
Pa40 : IS used to create the Personnel Events
374.) What is the process to enhance the
375.) What are the transaction codes to create
the Infotypes?
a.) pm01 for personal administration custom
ppci for organizational management custom infotype
ppci for organizational management custom infotype
376.) Why do we require Infotypes for HR module
a.) As HR is related to time, we require old
data as well as new
data. The data we enter into the infotypes are automatically
checked for accuracy and against the table entries.
In simple, HR data is huge and to access data easily we
require Infotype
data. The data we enter into the infotypes are automatically
checked for accuracy and against the table entries.
In simple, HR data is huge and to access data easily we
require Infotype
377.)Infotype and Table.
a.) Infotypes are also called information types
and are pre-
defined templates to enter sensible related information for
an employee or applicant. for eg an address infotype would
have fields like street & house no, city, pin code.This
infotype is unique and is represented by an infotype number
eg address has infotype no 0006.
There other infotypes like
0000 - Actions (to capture employee movement info in the
0001 - Organizational Assignment (to capture employee
positioning in the organization)
0002 - Personal Data
0006 - Address
0007 - Planned Working Time (Store planned working hours
for the employee.)
0008 - Basic Salary
0009 - Bank Details
0014 - Recurring Payment
0015 - Additional payment
0016 - Contract Elements
2006 - Absence Quotas
defined templates to enter sensible related information for
an employee or applicant. for eg an address infotype would
have fields like street & house no, city, pin code.This
infotype is unique and is represented by an infotype number
eg address has infotype no 0006.
There other infotypes like
0000 - Actions (to capture employee movement info in the
0001 - Organizational Assignment (to capture employee
positioning in the organization)
0002 - Personal Data
0006 - Address
0007 - Planned Working Time (Store planned working hours
for the employee.)
0008 - Basic Salary
0009 - Bank Details
0014 - Recurring Payment
0015 - Additional payment
0016 - Contract Elements
2006 - Absence Quotas
378.) What is report category and for what
purpose do we use report category?
A.) logical data is important part in ABAP hr
programming sap
provides many LDB to use the data in perfect way without
much coding. We normally use PNP, PNPCE LDB in hr abap
reports and use standard LDB screens reports. LDB screen are
based on report category. Sap provides many report category
for each LDB so it can be use for multiple purposes.
Sometimes during for custom report development, we don’t
find the report category as per our requirement and we need
to add the unwanted fields on selection screen SAP provides
options to create custom report category which user can
design based on the requirements.
provides many LDB to use the data in perfect way without
much coding. We normally use PNP, PNPCE LDB in hr abap
reports and use standard LDB screens reports. LDB screen are
based on report category. Sap provides many report category
for each LDB so it can be use for multiple purposes.
Sometimes during for custom report development, we don’t
find the report category as per our requirement and we need
to add the unwanted fields on selection screen SAP provides
options to create custom report category which user can
design based on the requirements.
379.) What are the program names for logical
database PNP and PNPCE?
380.) Explain the program flow when we use
logical database PNP or PNPCE?
A.) Data declaration
retrieve the data from internal tables to output internal
Display the data retrieved above.
From GET PERNR to END_OF_SELECTION ; it will loop with the
employee numbers selected from the selection screen.
retrieve the data from internal tables to output internal
Display the data retrieved above.
From GET PERNR to END_OF_SELECTION ; it will loop with the
employee numbers selected from the selection screen.
381.)What is logical database?
A.) A logical database is simply an ABAP
program that combines
the contents of the database tables.A logical database is
linked into ABAP report program as one of the program
the contents of the database tables.A logical database is
linked into ABAP report program as one of the program
382.) What is the difference between ABAP and
383.) What are the different OK Codes that can
be used in batch
input processing?
/n – terminates current batch input transaction
and marks as
/bdel – delete current batch input transaction from session
/bend – terminate batch input processing and mark session
as incorrect
/bda – change display mode to process the session on screen
instead of displaying only errors
/bde – change display mode to display only errors instead of
processing the session on the screen
/bdel – delete current batch input transaction from session
/bend – terminate batch input processing and mark session
as incorrect
/bda – change display mode to process the session on screen
instead of displaying only errors
/bde – change display mode to display only errors instead of
processing the session on the screen
384.) what is call back in alv?
385.) how to restict the data display in smart
form like if i want to display directly in secondary window.?
A.) Add a condition node and specify conditio n
like say
1 = 2
1 = 2
386.) How to Handel Duplicate entries in LSMW.
A.) Sort Internal table and use Delete Adjacent
Duplicate Statement
387.)Nodes in smartforms?
A.) There are diff nodes avilable in SF like:
-Folder, etc..
-Folder, etc..
388.) i want to see a material master data
which is at client
side.How can i view that?
389.) i want to change alighnment of windows in
scripts.How can i
do that?
if u have window which is already created,
select that page
window and change the measurements(width,height,etc) of that
according to the new alignment place.
window and change the measurements(width,height,etc) of that
according to the new alignment place.
390.) Can we create internal table in smart
forms or scripts?if yes where and how?
391.) How to delete the field created using
To delete the .append structure you should have
strong reason.
To delete the append structure go to the transaction rsa6
select your data source ex:2lis_02_itm double click on that
and then click on .append structure select change mode and
then click on delete row.
So you can delete / modify the .append structure.
finally activate the .append structure and save it.
other way is go to se11 enter your .append structure name
and then click on extract structure and delete.
prefer first method.
To delete the append structure go to the transaction rsa6
select your data source ex:2lis_02_itm double click on that
and then click on .append structure select change mode and
then click on delete row.
So you can delete / modify the .append structure.
finally activate the .append structure and save it.
other way is go to se11 enter your .append structure name
and then click on extract structure and delete.
prefer first method.
392.)Diff b/w SE16 and SE17?
A.) SE16 allows you to create entries and SE17
doesnot allow
that option
that option
393.) If there are 100 records...explain the
BDC session method step by step how you gonna do A.) 1) move the 100 records
into internal table
2) using the BDC_OPEN_group open the session which takes
the program name, and session name
3) using bdc_insert insert all records into session, which
takes the T-code
4)close the session using BDC_CLOSE_GROUP.
5) run the session from SM36
2) using the BDC_OPEN_group open the session which takes
the program name, and session name
3) using bdc_insert insert all records into session, which
takes the T-code
4)close the session using BDC_CLOSE_GROUP.
5) run the session from SM36
394.) how to migrate standard text in sap
script to smart form?
A.) You can migrate a SAPscript form into a
Smart Form and
convert a SAPscript style into a Smart Style.
When converting a SAPscript style into a Smart Style, the
system converts all paragraph and character formats with
all their properties and attributes without any changes.
Thus you can use the converted Smart Style without making
any adaptations.
Converting a SAPscript style
1. Go to the Smart Styles inital screen (transaction
2. In the Style name field enter the name of the Smart
Style you want to create.
3. Choose Smart Styles ® Convert SAPscript style.
4. Enter the name of the SAPscript style you want to
convert and Press Enter.
5. Alist of the converted styles appears.
6. Choose Back. You can now change the Smart Style
(Change).To activate the Smart Style choose Activate.
convert a SAPscript style into a Smart Style.
When converting a SAPscript style into a Smart Style, the
system converts all paragraph and character formats with
all their properties and attributes without any changes.
Thus you can use the converted Smart Style without making
any adaptations.
Converting a SAPscript style
1. Go to the Smart Styles inital screen (transaction
2. In the Style name field enter the name of the Smart
Style you want to create.
3. Choose Smart Styles ® Convert SAPscript style.
4. Enter the name of the SAPscript style you want to
convert and Press Enter.
5. Alist of the converted styles appears.
6. Choose Back. You can now change the Smart Style
(Change).To activate the Smart Style choose Activate.
395.) how to find the driver program of a
script without touching its print program?
A.) Generally, we modify existing sap scripts
provided by SAP
rather than creating one. Unless you have to do something
new for your client like Labels or Packaging card, etc.,
MEDRUCK is the form for PO.
You don't create a PO using MEDRUCK. MEDRUCK is the form
used to print a PO that has been created.
Goto SE71, there is an option in Utilities as COPY ffrom
Source client (000). Copy the from MEDRUCK into a Zname
form. The common changes wud b inserting a logo, using Std
text for Terms and Conditions, alignment of windows as per
client requirement, get xtra data if client is asking for
somethign more.
There are structures used in Scripts which hold the data
entered by the user. These structures are used to get data
from Database.
Look at MEDRUCK form and it would have a print program. you
can find in tcode NACE.
There might be some requirment like you have to copy
medruck as zmedruck. after making modificatons in it you
need to execute zmedruck ie instead of medruck zmedruck
should be executed.
The possible way to do it ::
1) Go to T-code 'NACE'
2) click on Application 'EV' click on push button 'output
3) In Output types select 'NEU' tab now dounble click on
processing routines.
4) Change to change mode For short text 'Print Output'
Change form name freom 'MEDRUCK' to 'ZMEDRUCK'.
5) Now save and go back.
6) now whenever u execute 'ME23N' The form ZMEDRUCK will be
displayed insted of MEDRUCK.
rather than creating one. Unless you have to do something
new for your client like Labels or Packaging card, etc.,
MEDRUCK is the form for PO.
You don't create a PO using MEDRUCK. MEDRUCK is the form
used to print a PO that has been created.
Goto SE71, there is an option in Utilities as COPY ffrom
Source client (000). Copy the from MEDRUCK into a Zname
form. The common changes wud b inserting a logo, using Std
text for Terms and Conditions, alignment of windows as per
client requirement, get xtra data if client is asking for
somethign more.
There are structures used in Scripts which hold the data
entered by the user. These structures are used to get data
from Database.
Look at MEDRUCK form and it would have a print program. you
can find in tcode NACE.
There might be some requirment like you have to copy
medruck as zmedruck. after making modificatons in it you
need to execute zmedruck ie instead of medruck zmedruck
should be executed.
The possible way to do it ::
1) Go to T-code 'NACE'
2) click on Application 'EV' click on push button 'output
3) In Output types select 'NEU' tab now dounble click on
processing routines.
4) Change to change mode For short text 'Print Output'
Change form name freom 'MEDRUCK' to 'ZMEDRUCK'.
5) Now save and go back.
6) now whenever u execute 'ME23N' The form ZMEDRUCK will be
displayed insted of MEDRUCK.
396). Did u create the script or u have only
modified?how did u modified Medruck?did u came across any errors while
modifying?after adding the logo wer did u store that?
A.) Either you can using submit & return
Statement or assign a
tcode to that report and call that tcode from your module
pool prog
tcode to that report and call that tcode from your module
pool prog
396.) How can u call a Report from a module
pool program?
And ofcourse we can use HIDE Technique also
And ofcourse we can use HIDE Technique also
397.) Is der any any alternative Statement
instead of HIDE which u can use in reports?
398.) what will happen if you dont give any
value in parameter and select options in report??will it fetch any value?
399.) Why is bdc _cursor and GET_Cursor used?
400.) i want to add 2 records to a table but
the last field in the table is 1000 char long.Is it possible?if yes how?
401.) i have 4 primary keys and i want to use
only one primary key for select single.What changes will occur in the
system?can i use it?
A.) In select single, you have to mention all
the key fields in
where condition. Only in Select upto n rows there is no
need to specify all the key fields
where condition. Only in Select upto n rows there is no
need to specify all the key fields
402.) have 3 screens say S1,S2,S3 and i
want to validate only S3.What code shud i write in the flowlogic of the
403.) What are the exact sequences in which the
reporting events trigger.I mean starting from 1st to last.And how many times we
can use At-Selection screen or Start-of-selection in a report??
1. Load-of-program
3.At selection-screen output
4.At selection-screen
5.At selection-screen on value-request
6.At selection-screen on help-request
following r the addition to the above in interactive report
at line-selection
at user-command
at pf-key
top-of-page during line-selection
end-of-page during line-selection
1. Load-of-program
3.At selection-screen output
4.At selection-screen
5.At selection-screen on value-request
6.At selection-screen on help-request
following r the addition to the above in interactive report
at line-selection
at user-command
at pf-key
top-of-page during line-selection
end-of-page during line-selection
404.) how to handle multiple line items in
INDX = INDX + 1.
perform bdc_field using V_MATNR WA_ITEM-MATNR.
perform bdc_field using V_MENGE WA_ITEM-MENGE.
perform bdc_field using BDC_OKCODE '/00'.
INDX = INDX + 1.
perform bdc_field using V_MATNR WA_ITEM-MATNR.
perform bdc_field using V_MENGE WA_ITEM-MENGE.
perform bdc_field using BDC_OKCODE '/00'.
405.) how can you display data say "your
name"in smart forms without print program or driver program??
406.) We have got some values for Field F1 say
1,2,3,4 and F2 say 10,10,10,10.Now can you tell me what would be the output for
F1 if we use At End Of event?and what would be the output for F2 if we use At
Last event?Also i want to know what is the difference between Total calculation
for At end event and grand total for At last event???
407.)Breakpoint & Watchpoint?
The BREAK POINT is a debugging aid. When we run a program
normally, it is interrupted at the statement, and the
system automatically starts the debugger, allowing you to
display the contents of any fields in the program and check
how the program continues. If the program is running in the
background or in an update task, the system generates a
system log message.
Indicator in a program that tells the ABAP runtime
processor to interrupt the program at a particular point.
The BREAK POINT is a debugging aid. When we run a program
normally, it is interrupted at the statement, and the
system automatically starts the debugger, allowing you to
display the contents of any fields in the program and check
how the program continues. If the program is running in the
background or in an update task, the system generates a
system log message.
Indicator in a program that tells the ABAP runtime
processor to interrupt the program at a particular point.
408.) What is the difference between OpenSQL
and Native Sql?
Open SQL allows you to access all database tables known to
the SAP system, regardless of the database manufacturer.
Sometimes, however, we may want to use database-specific
SQL statements called Native SQL in the ABAP/4 program.
Native SQL
Native SQL allows you to use database-specific SQL
statements in an ABAP program. This means that you can use
database tables that are not administered by the ABAP
Dictionary, and therefore integrate data that is not part
of the R/3 System.
Open SQL allows you to access all database tables known to
the SAP system, regardless of the database manufacturer.
Sometimes, however, we may want to use database-specific
SQL statements called Native SQL in the ABAP/4 program.
Native SQL
Native SQL allows you to use database-specific SQL
statements in an ABAP program. This means that you can use
database tables that are not administered by the ABAP
Dictionary, and therefore integrate data that is not part
of the R/3 System.
409.) What happens when we initialized the
internal table with OCCURS 5 ?
a.) hi guy's i dont think so . because once an
itab is declared
by default 8kb size will be declared initially. if we
specify occurs 5 then if the initialized size is not enough
for storing the records the after it allocates the memory
for five records.again if the records are more than 5
records the again it allocates memory for 5 records. this
process continious up to end of the records.`
by default 8kb size will be declared initially. if we
specify occurs 5 then if the initialized size is not enough
for storing the records the after it allocates the memory
for five records.again if the records are more than 5
records the again it allocates memory for 5 records. this
process continious up to end of the records.`
410.)Types of internal tables?
A.) STANDARD table : Key access to a standard
table uses a
linear search. This means that the time required for a
search is in linear relation to the number of table entries.
You should use index operations to access standard tables.
SORTED table: Defines the table as one that is always saved
correctly sorted. Key access to a sorted table uses a binary
key. If the key is not unique, the system takes the entry
with the lowest index. The runtime required for key access
is logarithmically related to the number of table entries.
HASHED table: Defines the table as one that is managed with
an internal hash procedure You can only access a hashed
table using the generic key operations or other generic
operations ( SORT, LOOP, and so on). Explicit or implicit
index operations (such as LOOP ... FROM oe INSERT itab
within a LOOP) are not allowed.
INDEX table:
A table that can be accessed using an index. Index table is
only used to specify the type of generic parameters in a
FORM or FUNCTION. That means that you can't create a table
of type INDEX. Standard tables and sorted tables are index
Syntax : DATA itab TYPE table type of line type [WITH
How do I get the row count of an internal table?
After the call, variable contains the number of rows of the
internal table
linear search. This means that the time required for a
search is in linear relation to the number of table entries.
You should use index operations to access standard tables.
SORTED table: Defines the table as one that is always saved
correctly sorted. Key access to a sorted table uses a binary
key. If the key is not unique, the system takes the entry
with the lowest index. The runtime required for key access
is logarithmically related to the number of table entries.
HASHED table: Defines the table as one that is managed with
an internal hash procedure You can only access a hashed
table using the generic key operations or other generic
operations ( SORT, LOOP, and so on). Explicit or implicit
index operations (such as LOOP ... FROM oe INSERT itab
within a LOOP) are not allowed.
INDEX table:
A table that can be accessed using an index. Index table is
only used to specify the type of generic parameters in a
FORM or FUNCTION. That means that you can't create a table
of type INDEX. Standard tables and sorted tables are index
Syntax : DATA itab TYPE table type of line type [WITH
How do I get the row count of an internal table?
After the call, variable contains the number of rows of the
internal table
411.)Select single * and Select upto 1 rows?
A.) select single:it selects the first record
which matches the condition defined in WHERE clause.so if there many records
which matches the criteria will be ignored,so its not unique
select upto 1 rows:it retrieves all the records which matches the condition mentioned in WHERE clause and puts aggregate,average and gives the result
select upto 1 rows:it retrieves all the records which matches the condition mentioned in WHERE clause and puts aggregate,average and gives the result
412.) What is the difference between Selection
Screen on Request
and Selection screen on input?
On request will execute on press of F4, and
screen input will execute on input of a value in the screen.
screen input will execute on input of a value in the screen.
413.) 2-What is the difference between At New
and On change Of
inside a loop??I want inside a loop difference
not basic
1.at new is always followed by single field.
if any changes in matnr occurs at new event triggers.
at this case right side fields of matnr appears like
this.right side character fields appears like **** &
numeric field become null in work area.
2.on change of follows by single or more fields.
here any change in any field on change of event
triggers.here we can see all fields in work area.
if any changes in matnr occurs at new event triggers.
at this case right side fields of matnr appears like
this.right side character fields appears like **** &
numeric field become null in work area.
2.on change of follows by single or more fields.
here any change in any field on change of event
triggers.here we can see all fields in work area.
1.At new statement is used inside the loop and
end loop.
2.At new f3 : at new will trigger if any F1,F2,F3 field
value changes
1.on change of is used with in loop end loop, select end
select,do,do while.
2 on change of F3, on change of will trigger when only F3
value changes,
it won't bother about F1 and F2 changes.
2.At new f3 : at new will trigger if any F1,F2,F3 field
value changes
1.on change of is used with in loop end loop, select end
select,do,do while.
2 on change of F3, on change of will trigger when only F3
value changes,
it won't bother about F1 and F2 changes.
414.) 1-What is a Text Table?
A.) ABAP programmers are often suppose to save
depended data within ABAP applications. One of the possible
way how to store such a data is to create a text table for
transparent table in ABAP dictationary tool (TA code: SE11).
depended data within ABAP applications. One of the possible
way how to store such a data is to create a text table for
transparent table in ABAP dictationary tool (TA code: SE11).
415.) how u define that idoc is generated for
ale or edi method ?
A.) If we define the comminication medium
accross the system as
RFC then it is for ALE at the same time if we define the
communucation medium across the system as File Interface
then is will work for EDI OONLY!
RFC then it is for ALE at the same time if we define the
communucation medium across the system as File Interface
then is will work for EDI OONLY!
A.) step 1: Create a Structure with Required
Fields regarding
to Client(Customer) Specific.
step 2: Create a Remote Function Module and the FM must
having the Exporting as RETURN parameter and Release the FM.
step 3: Create a Business Object in SWO1.
step 4: Release Business Object as well as it's parameters
like methods,interface etc.
step 5: Generate the BO.
step 6: Go Bapi Tcode and Check our Bo comming or
to Client(Customer) Specific.
step 2: Create a Remote Function Module and the FM must
having the Exporting as RETURN parameter and Release the FM.
step 3: Create a Business Object in SWO1.
step 4: Release Business Object as well as it's parameters
like methods,interface etc.
step 5: Generate the BO.
step 6: Go Bapi Tcode and Check our Bo comming or
417.)RFC & BAPI?
A.) RFC Stands for Remote Function Call this is
similar to Bapi
the main difference between Bapi and RFC is Bapi for
accessing the servers remotly both sap and non-sap but one
msut be sap but using RFC technology we can access the
servers remotly with in sap.
the main difference between Bapi and RFC is Bapi for
accessing the servers remotly both sap and non-sap but one
msut be sap but using RFC technology we can access the
servers remotly with in sap.
418.) how to handle double click event in table
go to GUI status in ure program,
then goto funtion keys---->then recommended function key.
here assign a fct code to choose icon.
next in PAI use the following code
BY DOUBLE CLICK IN TABCONTROL u can get the field name and
field value.in the above variable(,)
then goto funtion keys---->then recommended function key.
here assign a fct code to choose icon.
next in PAI use the following code
BY DOUBLE CLICK IN TABCONTROL u can get the field name and
field value.in the above variable(
419.) In a report prg there is an event called
pls tell me that when i am using a module pool
prg how do I
call the above event.
In other words what is the module pool
equivalent for the
above event which is used in a report prg.
Hope I am able explain my query.
you need to use FM 'DYNP_VALUES_READ' to read
the screen
fields if you are not using OKCODE as ENTER.
For this functional module you need to pass passing the
program name, screen number and get the screen field vale
in dynpfileds table in the PROCESS ON VALUE-REQUEST.
see the sample code below.
FIELD v_item MODULE f4help_item.
refresh it_dynpfields.
wa_dynpfields-fieldname = 'V_VBELN'.
append wa_dynpfields to it_dynpfields.
EXPORTING dyname = sy-repid
dynumb = sy-dynnr
* REQUEST = ' '
tables dynpfields = it_dynpfields.
* OTHERS = 11 .
IF sy-subrc 0.
LOOP AT it_dynpfields into wa_dynpfields.
IF wa_dynpfields-fieldname = 'V_VBELN'.
V_VBELN = wa_dynpfields-fieldvalue.
SELECT vbeln posnr FROM vbrp INTO TABLE it_posnr WHERE
vbeln = v_vbeln.
retfield = 'POSNR'
* PVALKEY = ' '
dynpprog = 'Z42778_F4_TEST'
dynpnr = '1000'
dynprofield = 'V_ITEM'
* STEPL = 0
* VALUE = ' '
value_org = 'S'
* DISPLAY = ' '
value_tab = it_posnr.
* DYNPFLD_MAPPING = v_project
* OTHERS = 3
fields if you are not using OKCODE as ENTER.
For this functional module you need to pass passing the
program name, screen number and get the screen field vale
in dynpfileds table in the PROCESS ON VALUE-REQUEST.
see the sample code below.
FIELD v_item MODULE f4help_item.
refresh it_dynpfields.
wa_dynpfields-fieldname = 'V_VBELN'.
append wa_dynpfields to it_dynpfields.
EXPORTING dyname = sy-repid
dynumb = sy-dynnr
* REQUEST = ' '
tables dynpfields = it_dynpfields.
* OTHERS = 11 .
IF sy-subrc 0.
LOOP AT it_dynpfields into wa_dynpfields.
IF wa_dynpfields-fieldname = 'V_VBELN'.
V_VBELN = wa_dynpfields-fieldvalue.
SELECT vbeln posnr FROM vbrp INTO TABLE it_posnr WHERE
vbeln = v_vbeln.
retfield = 'POSNR'
* PVALKEY = ' '
dynpprog = 'Z42778_F4_TEST'
dynpnr = '1000'
dynprofield = 'V_ITEM'
* STEPL = 0
* VALUE = ' '
value_org = 'S'
* DISPLAY = ' '
value_tab = it_posnr.
* DYNPFLD_MAPPING = v_project
* OTHERS = 3
A.) During SAP projects, there are several
tools that are
forgotten or not very well known, but which helped us to
create better custom solutions that you can take advantage
of. In many cases, these tools help to avoid generating new
proprietary code. A too-high percentage of consultants does
not know all of these tools, or does not use them because
of lack of knowledge or because of some myths or false
assumptions about them. Without going into a deep and
detailed analysis, I will mention some of the most
important tools we should consider for our project:
• Report Writer, Report Painter, and ABAP-Queries, the
three report generators available in R/3, very powerful,
and relatively easy to use.
• Business Warehouse, the data warehousing tool included in
the SAP licenses: highly configurable and with easy data-
extraction functionalities to all other SAP solutions and
integration with almost all standard architectures
(Crystal, Ascential).
• Information Systems, the standard reporting structures in
some SAP solutions (R/3).
• ABAP List Viewer, a set of ABAP-Objects available to
develop highly configurable reports (lots of standard SAP
reports are developed with these objects).
• IViews/MiniApps, standard solutions which include
standard SAP data, graphics, and transactions into a
browser environment (mySAP Workplace/mySAP Portal).
• BAPIs (Business Applications Programming Interfaces), a
set of standard RFCs (Remote Function Calls) to access and
enter SAP data without the typical maintenance problems of
custom developments (SAP maintains these BAPIs).
• IDOCs, the EDI objects for connecting on-line with other
• DCOM Connector, a development kit to simplify the
development of interfaces to SAP solutions from COM+
• SAPGUI Off-line entry tools, a set of different tools to
enter or access SAP data with standard tools like the
Microsoft Office Suite.
• SAP Console, a small server to convert graphic screens
from SAP into text screens (typically used to access SAP
transactions with a text-enabled wireless device like some
barcode readers).
• LSMW, an R/3 transaction for developing interfaces.
Programming screens and logic:
• GuiXT, non-proprietary SAP software included in the
standard SAPGUI. It provides the ability to change the
appearance of screens without changing the standard SAP
code. (It works on the front-end level.)
• Input Assistance, just like GuiXT. It works on the front-
end level, and permits users to change some logic of the
SAP transactions without changing the standard SAP coding.
(It needs an additional license from the manufacturer.)
• SAP Console (already stated above).
• BAPIs (already stated above).
• SAPGUI Off-line entry tools.
• User-Exits, predefined places in the SAP code where some
proprietary code can be included. (SAP guarantees to
maintain this code for subsequent versions without
alteration of the logic.)
• Field-Exits, a possibility to include some code to
control or change the content of input fields.
• match codes, a way to add or change available filters and
queries to search for the content of particular fields.
• Workflow/Webflow, the workflow functionality found across
every solution/module of SAP, to trigger automatic events
when a specific situation occurs.
• Validations and substitutions, customizing tools to avoid
codification of controls and substitutions of fields found
in some areas/modules of SAP Solutions.
• IViews/Miniapps (already stated above under Reporting).
SAPScript and SAPForms, two different tools to develop
output forms and to avoid using ABAP code. SAPForms is much
more user friendly and the new (and recommended) tool to be
Today, with the new NetWeaver™ technology, there are
additional tools that should be analyzed:
• XI (Exchange Infrastructure – The EAI Solution of SAP).
• SAP Enterprise Portal for e-collaboration, knowledge
management, etc.
• MDM (Master Data Management to ensure information
integrity and harmonization across the business network).
• SAP Web AS (Web Application Server for Web services).
forgotten or not very well known, but which helped us to
create better custom solutions that you can take advantage
of. In many cases, these tools help to avoid generating new
proprietary code. A too-high percentage of consultants does
not know all of these tools, or does not use them because
of lack of knowledge or because of some myths or false
assumptions about them. Without going into a deep and
detailed analysis, I will mention some of the most
important tools we should consider for our project:
• Report Writer, Report Painter, and ABAP-Queries, the
three report generators available in R/3, very powerful,
and relatively easy to use.
• Business Warehouse, the data warehousing tool included in
the SAP licenses: highly configurable and with easy data-
extraction functionalities to all other SAP solutions and
integration with almost all standard architectures
(Crystal, Ascential).
• Information Systems, the standard reporting structures in
some SAP solutions (R/3).
• ABAP List Viewer, a set of ABAP-Objects available to
develop highly configurable reports (lots of standard SAP
reports are developed with these objects).
• IViews/MiniApps, standard solutions which include
standard SAP data, graphics, and transactions into a
browser environment (mySAP Workplace/mySAP Portal).
• BAPIs (Business Applications Programming Interfaces), a
set of standard RFCs (Remote Function Calls) to access and
enter SAP data without the typical maintenance problems of
custom developments (SAP maintains these BAPIs).
• IDOCs, the EDI objects for connecting on-line with other
• DCOM Connector, a development kit to simplify the
development of interfaces to SAP solutions from COM+
• SAPGUI Off-line entry tools, a set of different tools to
enter or access SAP data with standard tools like the
Microsoft Office Suite.
• SAP Console, a small server to convert graphic screens
from SAP into text screens (typically used to access SAP
transactions with a text-enabled wireless device like some
barcode readers).
• LSMW, an R/3 transaction for developing interfaces.
Programming screens and logic:
• GuiXT, non-proprietary SAP software included in the
standard SAPGUI. It provides the ability to change the
appearance of screens without changing the standard SAP
code. (It works on the front-end level.)
• Input Assistance, just like GuiXT. It works on the front-
end level, and permits users to change some logic of the
SAP transactions without changing the standard SAP coding.
(It needs an additional license from the manufacturer.)
• SAP Console (already stated above).
• BAPIs (already stated above).
• SAPGUI Off-line entry tools.
• User-Exits, predefined places in the SAP code where some
proprietary code can be included. (SAP guarantees to
maintain this code for subsequent versions without
alteration of the logic.)
• Field-Exits, a possibility to include some code to
control or change the content of input fields.
• match codes, a way to add or change available filters and
queries to search for the content of particular fields.
• Workflow/Webflow, the workflow functionality found across
every solution/module of SAP, to trigger automatic events
when a specific situation occurs.
• Validations and substitutions, customizing tools to avoid
codification of controls and substitutions of fields found
in some areas/modules of SAP Solutions.
• IViews/Miniapps (already stated above under Reporting).
SAPScript and SAPForms, two different tools to develop
output forms and to avoid using ABAP code. SAPForms is much
more user friendly and the new (and recommended) tool to be
Today, with the new NetWeaver™ technology, there are
additional tools that should be analyzed:
• XI (Exchange Infrastructure – The EAI Solution of SAP).
• SAP Enterprise Portal for e-collaboration, knowledge
management, etc.
• MDM (Master Data Management to ensure information
integrity and harmonization across the business network).
• SAP Web AS (Web Application Server for Web services).
421.) I have developed a program where i have
used Ranges and the
program is running fine in DEV and Quality
server but as
soon as it goes to Prod server it shows some
errors.What can
be done in this case??
422.) If i have locked a program using Locking
and iam in
bangalore.How can i give authorization to other
user to use
my program who is another place say Pune?is it
f you wish to Lock or UnLock a program Editor Lock
it can
be done by the program given below. The SAP System Table
TRDIR has a field called EDTX which is basically the EDITOR
lock filed. Edit Lock facility is given in the PROGRAM
ATTRIBUTES. The EDITOR LOCK is a check box given in the
PROGRAM ATTRIBUTES. If this field is SET then the program
gets locked and if this is Unchecked the the program is
If the EDITOR lock is ON then only the program's author
user who has created the program can edit it. Please find
the program below.
* Editor
Lock *
* Table Declaration
TABLES: TRDIR. "System table TRDIR
* Select the entered Program
* Set/Remove the lock
WRITE: / 'Editor Lock update Successful ', TRDIR-NAME.
WRITE: ' Lock'.
WRITE: ' UnLock'.
WRITE: / 'Editor Lock update Unsuccessful ', TRDIR-NAME.
be done by the program given below. The SAP System Table
TRDIR has a field called EDTX which is basically the EDITOR
lock filed. Edit Lock facility is given in the PROGRAM
ATTRIBUTES. The EDITOR LOCK is a check box given in the
PROGRAM ATTRIBUTES. If this field is SET then the program
gets locked and if this is Unchecked the the program is
If the EDITOR lock is ON then only the program's author
user who has created the program can edit it. Please find
the program below.
* Editor
Lock *
* Table Declaration
TABLES: TRDIR. "System table TRDIR
* Select the entered Program
* Set/Remove the lock
WRITE: / 'Editor Lock update Successful ', TRDIR-NAME.
WRITE: ' Lock'.
WRITE: ' UnLock'.
WRITE: / 'Editor Lock update Unsuccessful ', TRDIR-NAME.
423.) With the use of secondary index we can
make a program run
faster but we are advised not to use secondary
index why is
that so??
B'coz secondary index is just like a copy of
data base
table reduced to specific fields.So,insertion and updation
in database become slow after creation of secondary index
where as read from table become fast.
This is b'coz additional indexes can also place a load on
the system since they must be adjusted each time the table
contents change. Each additional index therefore slows down
the insertion of records in the table
table reduced to specific fields.So,insertion and updation
in database become slow after creation of secondary index
where as read from table become fast.
This is b'coz additional indexes can also place a load on
the system since they must be adjusted each time the table
contents change. Each additional index therefore slows down
the insertion of records in the table
424.)BAPI & RFC?
A.) 1) BAPI are RFC enabled function modules.
the difference
between RFc and BAPI are business objects. You create
business objects and those are then registered in your BOR
(Business Object Repository) which can be accessed outside
the SAP system by using some other applications (Non-SAP)
such as VB or JAVA. in this case u only specify the
business object and its method from external system in BAPI
there is no direct system call. while RFC are direct system
call Some BAPIs provide basic functions and can be used for
most SAP business object types. These BAPIs should be
implemented the same for all business object types.
Standardized BAPIs are easier to use and prevent users
having to deal with a number of different BAPIs. Whenever
possible, a standardized BAPI must be used in preference to
an individual BAPI.
The following standardized BAPIs are provided:
Reading instances of SAP business objects
GetList ( ) With the BAPI GetList you can select a range
of object key values, for example, company codes and
material numbers.
The BAPI GetList() is a class method.
GetDetail() With the BAPI GetDetail() the details of an
instance of a business object type are retrieved and
returned to the calling program. The instance is identified
via its key. The BAPI GetDetail() is an instance method.
BAPIs that can create, change or delete instances of a
business object type
The following BAPIs of the same object type have to be
programmed so that they can be called several times within
one transaction. For example, if, after sales order 1 has
been created, a second sales order 2 is created in the same
transaction, the second BAPI call must not affect the
consistency of the sales order 2. After completing the
transaction with a COMMIT WORK, both the orders are saved
consistently in the database.
Create( ) and CreateFromData! ( )
The BAPIs Create() and CreateFromData() create an instance
of an SAP business object type, for example, a purchase
order. These BAPIs are class methods.
Change( )
The BAPI Change() changes an existing instance of an SAP
business object type, for example, a purchase order. The
BAPI Change () is an instance method.
Delete( ) and Undelete( ) The BAPI Delete() deletes an
instance of an SAP business object type from the database
or sets a deletion flag.
The BAPI Undelete() removes a deletion flag. These BAPIs
are instance methods.
Cancel ( ) Unlike the BAPI Delete(), the BAPI Cancel()
cancels an instance of a business object type. The instance
to be cancelled remains in the database and an additional
instance is created and this is the one that is actually
canceled. The Cancel() BAPI is an instance method.
Add ( ) and Remove ( ) The BAPI
Add adds a subobject to an existing object inst!
ance and the BAPI and Remove removes a subobject
from an object instance. These BAPIs are instance methods.
2) No it is not possible to connect SAP to Non-SAP systems
to retrieve data using RFC alone. RFC can acces the SAP
from outside only through BAPI and same is for vice versa
3) Each Bapi Object has Interface, Key Fields,
Attributes,Methods and Events.
Bapi Function Modules can be attached to these Bapi
objects .Function module has a single bound functionality
while a BAPI object can contain many functionalities
between RFc and BAPI are business objects. You create
business objects and those are then registered in your BOR
(Business Object Repository) which can be accessed outside
the SAP system by using some other applications (Non-SAP)
such as VB or JAVA. in this case u only specify the
business object and its method from external system in BAPI
there is no direct system call. while RFC are direct system
call Some BAPIs provide basic functions and can be used for
most SAP business object types. These BAPIs should be
implemented the same for all business object types.
Standardized BAPIs are easier to use and prevent users
having to deal with a number of different BAPIs. Whenever
possible, a standardized BAPI must be used in preference to
an individual BAPI.
The following standardized BAPIs are provided:
Reading instances of SAP business objects
GetList ( ) With the BAPI GetList you can select a range
of object key values, for example, company codes and
material numbers.
The BAPI GetList() is a class method.
GetDetail() With the BAPI GetDetail() the details of an
instance of a business object type are retrieved and
returned to the calling program. The instance is identified
via its key. The BAPI GetDetail() is an instance method.
BAPIs that can create, change or delete instances of a
business object type
The following BAPIs of the same object type have to be
programmed so that they can be called several times within
one transaction. For example, if, after sales order 1 has
been created, a second sales order 2 is created in the same
transaction, the second BAPI call must not affect the
consistency of the sales order 2. After completing the
transaction with a COMMIT WORK, both the orders are saved
consistently in the database.
Create( ) and CreateFromData! ( )
The BAPIs Create() and CreateFromData() create an instance
of an SAP business object type, for example, a purchase
order. These BAPIs are class methods.
Change( )
The BAPI Change() changes an existing instance of an SAP
business object type, for example, a purchase order. The
BAPI Change () is an instance method.
Delete( ) and Undelete( ) The BAPI Delete() deletes an
instance of an SAP business object type from the database
or sets a deletion flag.
The BAPI Undelete() removes a deletion flag. These BAPIs
are instance methods.
Cancel ( ) Unlike the BAPI Delete(), the BAPI Cancel()
cancels an instance of a business object type. The instance
to be cancelled remains in the database and an additional
instance is created and this is the one that is actually
canceled. The Cancel() BAPI is an instance method.
ance and the BAPI and Remove
from an object instance. These BAPIs are instance methods.
2) No it is not possible to connect SAP to Non-SAP systems
to retrieve data using RFC alone. RFC can acces the SAP
from outside only through BAPI and same is for vice versa
3) Each Bapi Object has Interface, Key Fields,
Attributes,Methods and Events.
Bapi Function Modules can be attached to these Bapi
objects .Function module has a single bound functionality
while a BAPI object can contain many functionalities
--> BAPI's are kind of methods to call the
repository objects from external system, but there is no
direct system call where as RFC are direct system call.
-->When ever we are trying to update the chnages to DB
using BAPI then we had to use the Transaction_commit FM
externally to update the changes where this is not used for
Now when it comes to BADI i think its totally different
functionaly BAPI's are used for DB commits etc where as
BADI's are used as enhancement concepts to modify the
standrad programms of SAP with out effecting the std
functionality.BADI is used to enhance the functionality.
repository objects from external system, but there is no
direct system call where as RFC are direct system call.
-->When ever we are trying to update the chnages to DB
using BAPI then we had to use the Transaction_commit FM
externally to update the changes where this is not used for
Now when it comes to BADI i think its totally different
functionaly BAPI's are used for DB commits etc where as
BADI's are used as enhancement concepts to modify the
standrad programms of SAP with out effecting the std
functionality.BADI is used to enhance the functionality.
425.) what is basic difference between
what is basic difference between
A,) BDC is used to upload Mass data in SAP. BDC
at the end
gives a Call to the transaction for which it uploads the
Dialog Programming is a process were in different screens
are designed to take input from user do a process on it and
give output.
Reports are programs which take input from the user and
display data in the output.
gives a Call to the transaction for which it uploads the
Dialog Programming is a process were in different screens
are designed to take input from user do a process on it and
give output.
Reports are programs which take input from the user and
display data in the output.
426.) please any one can tell me modifytable
keyword used in DDIC?
what is a basic diffrence between modify table
and update key
Update statement updates only the existing
records if the
key matches.
Modify statement also acts like update statement, but in
addition to it if the primary key does not match then new
record will be inserted to database.
key matches.
Modify statement also acts like update statement, but in
addition to it if the primary key does not match then new
record will be inserted to database.
427.) how can u hilight perticular row in
popwindow in report
programming?please any one can tell me?
1.intially declear variable type
Slis_specialcol_alv.(v_color type Slis_specialcol_alv)
matnr TYPE mara-matnr,
ersda TYPE mara-ersda,
ernam TYPE mara-ernam,
cell TYPE slis_t_specialcol_alv,
END OF ls_mara.
2.declare one more variable in out side of the types
DATA: fs_cell LIKE LINE OF wa_mara-cell.
LOOP AT it_mara INTO wa_mara.
fs_cell-fieldname = 'MATNR'.
fs_cell-color-col = '6'.
in dis way we can highlate row in ALVS.
Slis_specialcol_alv.(v_color type Slis_specialcol_alv)
matnr TYPE mara-matnr,
ersda TYPE mara-ersda,
ernam TYPE mara-ernam,
cell TYPE slis_t_specialcol_alv,
END OF ls_mara.
2.declare one more variable in out side of the types
DATA: fs_cell LIKE LINE OF wa_mara-cell.
LOOP AT it_mara INTO wa_mara.
fs_cell-fieldname = 'MATNR'.
fs_cell-color-col = '6'.
in dis way we can highlate row in ALVS.
428.) where can u use secondary index in
program please tell me?
is there any tool to test in development
client?is there any
performance tool is thre pleaseeee tell me?
When the selection criteria of select does not
use primary
keys. Also the performance of the select for the fields of
criteria is poor then we can create secondary index through se11 on that table . use code inspector SCI tcode or st05
as performance tool for this.
keys. Also the performance of the select for the fields of
criteria is poor then we can create secondary index through se11 on that table . use code inspector SCI tcode or st05
as performance tool for this.
429.) can any one can give me
the Fi and co flow? and the tables ?
A.) 1.general ledger
3.A/C payable
6.travel management
8.bank management
3.A/C payable
6.travel management
8.bank management
430.) any one can tell me which is the tables
can store in ddic plese dont say db02l,please give me different ways of
resideing the tables ?
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