Wednesday 18 March 2015

                    Architecture of R/3 system

SAP R3 Architecture:
            The first version of SAP's flagship enterprise software was a financial Accounting system named R/1 called as YSR. This was replaced by R/2 at the end of the 1970s.  It was particularly popular with large multinational European companies who required soft-real-time business applications, with multi-currency and multi-language capabilities built in. With the advent of distributed client–server computing SAP AG brought out a client–server version of the software called SAP R/3 (The "R" was for "Real-time data processing" and 3 was for 3-tier).

            This new architecture is compatible with multiple platforms and operating systems, such as Microsoft Windows or UNIX. This opened up SAP to a whole new customer base. SAP R/3 was officially launched on 6 July 1992. It was renamed SAP ERP and later again renamed ECC (Enterprise Core Component). SAP came to dominate the large business applications market over the next 10 years.
            SAP R/3 is one of the main product of SAP, where R stands for Real Time and the number 3 relates to three tier application architecture (Data base, Application Server and Client).
Most of the business in today’s world runs on SAP R/3 system. About 80% of the companies implemented this software.SAP R/3 is the former name of the main enterprise resource planning software produced by SAP AG.


            We know that SAP R/3 is software, it particular it is client-server software. This means that the groups/layers that make up a R/3 System are designed to run simultaneously across several separate computer systems.

It is an erp package to run the all business transactions with in the department.

SAP R/3: Platform independent, database independent, language independent, client independent.

SAP Version                                                       Year

SAP R/1 [System RF]                                          1972
SAP R/2 [ran on a Mainframe architecture]        1979
SAP R/3 Enterprise Edition 1.0 A                       1992
SAP R/3 Enterprise Edition 2.0                           1993
SAP R/3 Enterprise Edition 3.0                            1995
SAP R/3 Enterprise Edition 4.0 B                        1998
SAP R/3 Enterprise Edition 4.3                            1998
SAP R/3 Enterprise Edition 4.5 B                        1999
SAP R/3 Enterprise Edition 4.6 C                        2001
SAP R/3 Enterprise Edition 4.6 F                        2001
SAP R/3 Enterprise Edition 4.7                           2003
SAP R/3 ECC (my SAP ERP) 5.0                       2004
SAP R/3 ECC (my SAP ERP) 6.0                      2006.

Enhancement pack to SAP Basic version:
     ECC EHP1 - SAP Basis Release: 700
     ECC EHP2 - SAP Basis Release: 700
     ECC EHP3 - SAP Basis Release: 700
     ECC EHP4 - SAP Basis Release: 701
     ECC EHP5 - SAP Basis Release: 702
     ECC EHP6 - SAP Basis Release: 731

Difference between "ECC" and "ERP":
ECC is the version name of SAP, stands for Enterprise Central Component. This is the original version naming convention of SAP.
ERP is the product type stands for Enterprise Resource Planning. This is not an original naming convention of SAP, So many ERPs available in now a days.
AG: Authorization group.

           In SAP architecture we come across with three tier architecture that is R1, R2, and R3.
The main difference between these three architectures are dependent on the layers.
1) Presentation layer   
2) Application layer  
3) Database layer

Presentation layer in presentation layers all end users logon to sap system
Application layer in application layer, depending on scenario we run the processes given by users
Database layer in database layer, all the required data can be taken from the database...layer

SAP R/1:  is 1-tier architecture.  In which all 3 layers [Presentation + Application + Database]     are installed in one systems/server.
(Server One u2013 Presentation + Application + Database)

SAP R/2:  is 2-tier architecture.  In which all 3 layers [Presentation + Application + Database] are installed in two separate systems/server.
(Server One - Presentation, Server Two - Application +Database)

SAP R/3:  is 3-tier architecture.  In which all 3 layers [Presentation + Application + Database] are installed in three separate systems/server.

(Server One -Presentation, server Two - Application, Server Three - Database).

SAP R/3:
Platform independent.
Database independent.
Language  independent.
Client independent.

R3 Architecture Components:
1. Presentation layer: It is browser to access work with a database product [sap browser].
2. Application layer: To perform different client request.
3. Database layer: Where the data is stored physically in the form of tables.
Dispatcher: It is a primary component which receives the request & distribute the messages with help of message server. OR
This component acts as an interface between the PL and AS. It receives user's request from PL and allocates a work area for each request from the user.
Message Services: To exchange the messages between dispatcher and application server.
If there are any syntax errors in requests received, the Native SQL component uses message service to raise error messages for the end user from the message pool. Message pool is a container of user defined and pre-defined messages.

Database interface: Abap request can convert native SQL statement
 OPEN SQL -It receives each user's request in open SQL format (INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE,       MODIFY) and converts them in native SQL format (Database used at the back end).
 NATIVE SQL - It checks for syntax errors in requests received and passes the request to database through gateway service.

PROTOCALS: It exchange data. OR It helps to move data flow.
 TCPIP: Transmission control protocol internet protocol.
CPICP: common programming interface communication protocol

WORK PROCESS in application layer:
 This component allocates memory area for each request received from dispatcher on a roll-in and roll-out basis. Once a request is processed, the memory area is rolled out to allocate for next request from dispatcher.

Dispatcher - It is component which takes the request for client systems and stores the request in queue.
Queue – A place where request are stored temporarily.
Dialog Service – It is responsible for performing the I/O operations and also the calculation. View an application change an application of existing the program.
Enqueue Service – Used for placing the locks and releasing the locks on the object to maintain consistency of data.
Update Service – It is used for managing the statement like in INSERT UPDATE DELETE & SELECT.
BG Service – It is responsible for managing the background job, which does not require user interaction.
Special Services – Used for interacting with external devices like printer machine, fax, mail server etc.
Spool: back ground result will store in spool.
Message Service: It is used for managing the communicator between two SAP servers or between SAP and Non-SAP server.

Dialog service: Provides interface between presentations and application servers.
Update service: Provides interface between application and database system.
Spool service: Provides interface between sap r/3 and external system (Printers).
Back ground service: Provides back ground scheduling (times) in sap.
Enque service: Provides data integrating in sap r/3 we can’t access same application by 2 or more users simultaneously (locking). 1+7+1 = 9 services.
Gate way services: It is distributed environment (cross applications).
Message service: It is exception handling.
Note: All the above 7 services are part of application server.

SAP GUI front end service: Handles all gui operations in SAP presentation server.

Customization and Configuration:
CONFIGURATION: we will configure the system to meet the needs of your business by using the   existing data.
CUSTOMIZING: we will customize or adapt the system to your business requirements, which is    the process of mapping SAP to your business process.
CLIENT: A client is a unique one in organizational structure, can have one or more company codes. Each company code is its own legal entity in finance.
Package: It always requires a customization to become a product.
e.g. Shirt.
Language: Common medium between human resource & machine.
e.g. Cloth
Database: It is  a secured place where we can store the data physically.

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