Saturday 13 December 2014

                                   Coding Standards

Coding Standards of abap:

ACCESS CONDITION WITHOUT ALL KEYS:This rule covers both, SELECTs from database tables and READs from internal tables. Single rows in internal tables are accessed with a READ TABLE statement. All READs access the internal table by numeric index or with an internal table key. For READs with an incomplete or incorrect key there may be multiple rows that satisfy the partial criteria. In this case the READ statement returns the first matching row. This may not match the expected result.

Select Single should provide all fields of the Primary Key. The purpose of a select single is to retrieve a single unique row based on the unique primary key fields(s). Without all key fields specified, there may be multiple rows that satisfy the partial key criteria resulting in any one of the rows being returned. Therefore, the specific record expected may not be the one returned.  

ACCESSING ABAP MEMORY WITHOUT ID:Programs should always reference ABAP Memory by a unique ID. Referencing Memory generically can have impact on other applications using ABAP memory i.e. FREE MEMORY without an ID would wipe out all ABAP memory which could affect other programs that are counting on data in memory.

ALV LIST VIEWER:Use ABAP List Viewer instead of Classic Lists. WRITE statements and classic report writing techniques are obsolete and should be replaced with ALV programming using the SAP List Viewer Object model. Complete ABAP™ OO programming is supported using SALV that delivers user flexibility for output format, feature rich programming, and end user capabilities without the need for additional programming. The area of report writing has gone through several progressions. As a programmer you will encounter all flavours of report programming as listed below.
   Classic List reporting using Write statements
   The first introduction of ALV with the REUSE* functions
   This was then replaced with the Class based ALV using CL_GUI_ALV_GRID
   And now a complete delivery of the ALV object model called SALV.
All new report programming should use SALV* classes

AMBIGUOUS FIELD NAME:Avoid using field names that are the same as pre-defined SAP TYPES (N, I, F, D, etc) or operators.

ARITHMETIC OPERATORS INSTEADOF WORDS:Use operators (+, -, *, /, =) rather than the obsolete words ADD, SUBTRACT, MULTIPLY, DIVIDE, MOVE.

ASSIGNMENT HAS NO EFFECT:Avoid assigning variables to themselves. There is no effect from this practice.
BREAK-POINT STATEMENTDETECTED:All break-point statements must be removed prior to production. This could potentially stop production and provide back door access (I.e. debugger) into the code and confidential data.

BUFFER INVALIDATED:Tables buffered in the SAP table buffer should be changed as seldom as possible. In certain cases, local changes of a few records in a table can cause invalidation of the table in the buffer in other application servers. This will result in entries no longer being current in the buffer and will therefore have to be imported again from the database. Avoid any of the following scenarios that will invalidate the buffer:
   UPDATE/DELETE with a WHERE on single-record-buffered table.
   UPDATE/DELETE dbtab, UPDATE/DELETE dbtab FROM WA and UPDATE/DELETE dbtab FROM ITAB each invalidate only the specified records
   UPDATE/DELETE with a WHERE invalidates the entire table in the buffer.
   UPDATE/DELETE with a WHERE on generically buffered table and generic key not fully specified.
   UPDATE/DELETE with a WHERE, and the generic key in the WHERE condition is not fully specified, all the generic areas of the buffer are invalidated.
   INSERT/UPDATE/MODIFY/DELETE on completely buffered table.
Each change of a completely buffered table invalidates the table in the buffers of the other application servers of the system. If the parameter "Only 'buffering switched on' " is set in the check, accesses to tables that allow the option 'buffering' in their technical properties, but have 'switched off' set, are not checked.

BUFFERED TABLE IN A JOIN:Avoid the use of Buffered Tables in a Join. This will cause bypass of the buffer.

BUFFERED TABLE IN SELECT WITH SUB QUERY:Avoid the use of buffered tables in a sub query to avoid bypassing the buffer.

BYTE & CHARACTER STRINGS:Use the variable length statement STRING and XSTRING when declaring character and byte data variables. It provides better use of memory than fixed length text statements TYPE C and TYPE X.

CALL TO EDITOR:All EDITOR calls must be removed prior to production.

CASE VERSUS IF:Use the CASE statement rather than IF/ELSEIF/ENDIF construct when there are multiple = conditions. If there is only one condition, then the IF/ELSE/ENDIF statement is a good choice.

CASE WHEN FIRST STATEMENT:WHEN must be the first statement after a CASE statement?

CASE WITHOUT WHEN OTHERS:Case Statement requires a “When Others” clause. Any condition that is not met will have a fallout path. In the “When Others”, always provide an action or a generic message so that the program can announce that an unexpected situation has been encountered.

CATCH - PROCESSING MISSING:Processing section inside the CATCH … ENDCATCH block is empty.  Exceptions must be explicitly handled within the CATCH … ENDCATCH block.  Add the required exception processing between CATCH and ENDCATCH

CLIENT SPECIFIED LIMITED TOSYSTEM TOOLS:In Multi-Client production systems, regular ABAP application programs should never select data across clients with the CLIENT SPECIFIED option since there’s a risk with mixing data across clients / companies. Standard SAP always stays within a client for regular application data and therefore custom code should follow the same rule. The use of CLIENT SPECIFIED should be limited to system tools.

CLIENT SPECIFIED TABLE FIRST FIELD:This is a Data Dictionary Requirement that Client Specified Tables MUST have the first field of the table defined as CLIENT (MANDT).

CODING BLOCK EMPTY:Do not create empty coding blocks inside blocks such as IF...ENDIF, WHILE...ENDWHILE, SELECT MAX, etc. Empty coding blocks add no value and are considered maintenance overhead.

COMMON PART STRUCTURE DEFINITION INCONSISTENT :Identically Named Common Parts must have the same structure definition.

COMPONENT NOT ASSIGNED TO AN ENHANCEMENT:Function Module must be assigned as a component of a CMOD enhancement.

CURRENCY CLAUSE:When outputting numbers that are tied to currency, always use the CURRENCY formatting option. This will set the number of decimals according to the currency of the country.

CUSTOMER DEFINED MACROS NOT RECOMMENDED:Operational issues in Macros that cause Program Dumps are difficult to trace. Wrap the reusable code in a method instead.

DANGEROUS HIDE ON A FIELD SYMBOL:Avoid using field symbol with a HIDE statement. If field symbol is not assigned, unpredictable results can occur

DATA VARIABLES - USE OF DEFAULTS:Do not use implied defaults on data declarations. Be explicit when TYPING your data variable. Always Specify the TYPE and Length.

DATA VARIABLES - USE OF TYPE VS LIKE:Use keyword TYPE when declaring data objects rather than LIKE (which is an old convention). LIKE should only be used when a data declaration refers to an existing data object defined in your program. LIKE is also commonly used for declaring the line type of an internal table i.e. LIKE LINE OF.
TYPE is a common convention found in most other modern programming languages.
Note: In OO porgramming, any reference to a dictionary type MUST use the keyword TYPE. LIKE will fail syntax check.

DATABASE ACCESS INSIDE A LOOP:Avoid database accesses inside a loop to minimize performance issues

DATABASE UPDATE WITHOUT UPDATE MODULE:Updates to the database should be encapsulated in V1 or V2 Update function modules. This provides full recovery and logging of activity when performing INSERT, UPDATE, MODIFY and DELETE of Database tables.

DATABASE UPDATES INSIDE A LOOP:Replace Updates inside a loop with a single set level process update to the Database outside of the loop. This will reduce the trips to the Database and improve performance.

DATE FORMAT UNSUPPORTED: Do not reference unsupported date formats. The only valid supported date formats are found in USR01-DATFM

DEAD CODE:Remove unused code unless it is required for documentation.

DIRECT UPDATE TO SAP TABLE:Under no circumstances should any program directly update SAP delivered tables. Updating of SAP tables should be performed using pre-delivered API's that perform the update.

DUPLICATE DEFINITION:Avoid Duplicate Definitions for all objects and declarations. It is redundant, causes Maintenance issues, and possible extraneous processing with unpredictable results. 

DUPLICATE WHEN CONDITIONS:Never duplicate a WHEN condition. Unexpected program behavior could result with duplicated WHEN conditions.

DYNAMIC CALLS TO PROGRAMS:Dynamic Calls to programs can lead to production failures if program or object does not exist. Without proper exception handling, this is a dangerous practice.

DYNAMIC TABLE ACCESS:Always Include Exception Handling when accessing Tables Dynamically. Dynamic Calls can lead to production failures if the call cannot be resolved or object does not exist. Dynamic Table access can be a very a dangerous programming practice if proper exception handling is not in place.


MESSAGE AFTER FUNCTION CALL:and could be caused by incorrect implementations internal to the program or external interactions such as input errors or unexpected resource limitations (E.g. files, memory).

All runtime errors (E.g. zero divide, conversion errors, …) raise class-based exceptions and should becaptured and handled in program code with the CATCH statement in a TRY/ENDTRY control block.
Generic Messaging after a function call is not recommended. Anytime the PATTERN function in the workbench msgv4”.
This statement assumes that SY variables have been filled with meaningful values by the function itself. However, often times, this is not the case and the message will be meaningless.  

EXCEPTION HANDLING - USE CLASS BASED:Use Class Based Exception Handling Techniques. CATCH … ENDCATCH is obsolete.
 Errors should be anticipated and handled in all program code. The nature of errors varies The generic message should only be used in the case where the function and all nested functions that are called use the Message ...Raising format consistently throughout the function chain. The Message...Raising format sets the sy-message and other sy variables. Only then, can you be assured that a generic message statement can be used to present a proper error message. However, since this situation is most likely not the case, a good developer will handle the message themselves and not count on the generic format to provide a meaningful message relevant to the situation.

EXCEPTION NOT PROCESSED:there may be cases where SAP delivered functions do not have defined exceptions. It is
Still recommended to provide exception handling when calling the function. This enables that the code still works without a run-time error in the event that SAP adds an exception to the Function Module interface. For example the application of an OSS Note is able to introduce a new execption for the function module. Setting all exceptions to 0 in the CALL FUNCTION statement is not a good practice because it basically ignores the exceptions.
The programmer should always check the exception returned from a function. DO NOT not count on an importing parameter being returned to the calling program as a sign of successful execution. An assumption holds true that a field is not set if an exception is returned, but that could change during a future enhancement of the function. 
EXTERNAL CALLS:External calls to subroutines are forbidden. In the case of short dumps, the ability to debug external calls is restricted and Production support therefore becomes more difficult.

Extract Files are considered Obsolete. There is no need to use this old style array processing technique
EXTRACT files are a convenient way of dealing with internal tables of different structures that have same or similar keys. The same can be achieved with internal tables. Only one EXTRACT file can be used per program. 
FIELD IS UNKNOWN:Only fields that are defined or in a specified table can be referenced. Any reference to fields that do not exist will cause syntax issues.

SELECT OPTION:The parameter / select-option in the SUBMIT statement does not exist on the selection srceen of the called program. Verify that the parameters and select options match between the SUBMIT statement and the called program selection screen.

Exception: Excluded from this rule are system functions that don't return any exceptions, i.e. function module DEQUEUE.  For these system functions that do not have defined exceptions, it does not make sense to check for SY-SUBRC after the function call.
Note: Customer defined functions should always have Exceptions defined.
==> If a function module has exceptions defined, you have to handle them. An empty IF statement is not enough
==> If a function module has no exception defined, CodeExcellends recommends using EXCEPTION OTHERS = 1 and handle the exception

==> If a function module has no exception defined, and the programmer is not using EXCEPTION OTHERS = 1 you can't check sy-subrc after the function module call since the sy-subrc will not be set by the function call

CUSTOMER DEFINED MACROS NOT RECOMMENDED:Operational issues in Macros that cause Program Dumps are difficult to trace. Wrap the reusable code in a method instead.

FIELD SYMBOL NOT ASSIGNED:A field symbol was defined but not assigned. If the field symbol is not used, then it should be removed.

FILE OPERATIONS - LOGICAL FILE NAMES:Use the logical file concept instead of hard coded physical file names. The function FILE_ GET_NAME must be used to translate the logical file name to the physical path and file name.
Logical filenames are mapped to physical filenames using transaction FILE. Dynamic parameters are available to i.e. client, instance, etc. to ensure file names meet file naming conventions and the programs that use the files work across all system boundaries.

FUNCTION GROUP INCONSISTENT:All components of a Function Group must pass internal consistency check. If the consistency check error occurs, it is possible that some internal objects have been corrupted. This can result in the function module not being stored in the database table TFDIR or possibly stored under a different name.

FUNCTION MODULE OBSOLETE:Using Obsolete Function Modules should be avoided. It will cause upgrade issues as they are not forward compatible or supported by SAP™.

FUNCTIONS WITHOUT EXCEPTIONS:When Calling a function, always include the exceptions clause. There is no value in checking sy-subrc if the exceptions clause is not part of the CALL Function statement. Don't add an empty IF SY-SUBRC = 0 ... ENDIF block or a CHECK SY-SUBRC = 0 after a function call without exceptions. A function should be defined with exceptions unless it is a special purpose function such as update task, asynchronous, RFC, etc.

HARD CODING:When the same text literal is used repeatedly in an arithmetic or logical expression, define the value as a Constant instead of a text literal and name the constant descriptively. This check determines if their is hard coding contained in the following statements: SELECT, DELETE, SORT, LOOP, WHEN, IF, READ. 
Corporate processes change. So do the business values used in daily operations. For example, it is very common to experience changes to business config items such as document types, org level definitions, cost centers, company codes, plants, etc. Therefore it is highly recommended to avoid ‘Hard Coding’ of any business values required in your program.
Where possible, use existing SAP tables to provide business values to the program and use a SELECT statement to retrieve those values into an internal table. If an SAP table is not available with the required values, then it is advised to build a custom Z* table to contain the required business values. There are significant benefits to this approach when it comes to maintenance. When a business value changes, then maintenance is performed on the custom table (once) rather than all instances of programs that use the business values. Customer defined business type tables should try to use data elements that are already used in like fields in other SAP tables.
If the above approach is not followed and it is decided to hard code business values in the program then at minimum, the hard coded value should be defined as a constant and named descriptively.

HYPHEN DETECTED:Avoid the use of the hyphen in a declared variable name. It is normally used as a dereferencing operator.

IGNORED EXCEPTIONS CLAUSE:The EXCEPTIONS clause is ignored for asynchronous update function modules. Clean up the function by removing the superfluous Exceptions.

ILLEGAL NUMBER CONVERSION:Non numeric fields should not be converted into numbers. This could result in a run time error with a program dump.

ILLEGAL USE OF OFFSET:A length declaration is required when using offsets.

INCOMPATIBLE USING/CHANGING:The actual parameter category must match the formal parameter category. This means that if a parameter is passed as a USING, it should be received as a USING.

INTERNAL TABLE:Avoid Indirect Index Access to an Internal Table. All INSERT statements need to be either placed within a LOOP or use a specific row INDEX. Duplicate records for an unique internal table index will cause a program dump. For all internal table operations make sure the system is clearly able to identify the internal table row where the change, delete or insert needs to occur.

CONDITION:Use a WHERE condition with appropriate indexes where possible.

INCORRECT MESSAGE PARAMETERS:WITH fields must match placeholders defined for the MESSAGE statement.

INCORRECT USE OF FOR ALL ENTRIES:When using the addition FOR ALL ENTRIES in ITAB, the driver table ITAB and table fields must have the same type and length.

INEFFICIENT COPY (LARGE DATA OBJECT):Avoid poor performing assignment of large amounts of data. This is especially critical in the case of deep structures or large data elements.

INTERNAL TABLES - DELETE ADJACENT COMPARING:DELETE ADJACENT DUPLICATES should always be explicit by using the COMPARING clause, even if there is only one field in the ITAB.

INTERNAL TABLES - LOOP AND ASSIGN:Use LOOP AT ITAB and assign to a field symbol. This technique improves performance on medium and large ITABs.

INTERNAL TABLES - MODIFY IN LOOP ASSIGN:When using LOOP AT … ASSIGNING, MODIFY and UPDATE statements are redundant. The Assigning is a pointer. Any changes to the row become explicit on the row being processed so there is no need to issue the update or Modify commands.

INTERNAL TABLES - NESTED LOOPS:Nested Loops can cause inefficient processing when programmed incorrectly. Use parallel cursor technique for nested loops with standard tables. It is the most efficient means of processing Nested Loops. The performance gains are significant.
INTERNAL TABLES - SINGLE READ:DO NOT LOOP an itab to retrieve a specific record when a single READ will do the job.

INTERNAL TABLES- TRANSPORTING:Use the TRANSPORTING clause with READ and MODIFY wherever possible to transport only the fields necessary.

INTERNAL TABLES SORT BY BREAK LEVEL FIELDS:FOR BREAK LEVEL processing with the AT command inside a LOOP at ITAB, sort by the break level fields before entering the LOOP.

INTERNAL TABLES SORTING:When sorting internal tables, always be explicit by using "SORT BY key1 … keyn", never just "SORT" on its own.

INTERNAL TABLES WITH HEADER:Avoid any syntax that results in obsolete tables with headers such as OCCURS 0 or With Header Line or Perform Tables.

INTERNAL TABLES WITH HEADER IN FORM:Do not use TABLES statement when passing internal tables to FORMS. This will result in an internal table with Header being created local to the form. ITABS with header are obsolete.

INTERRUPT COMMANDS:RETURN Statement should be used to exit a procedure (FORM, FMOD, and METHOD).
EXIT should not be used.
If a conditional statement  (i.e LOOP, IF, etc. ) is in the procedure, the programmer can code either EXIT or RETURN depending on the desired exit scenario i.e. is the intent to leave the conditional block or to exit the procedure

INVALID PROGRAM TYPE FOR INCLUDE:Include program type attribute must be correctly set to indicate it is an Include.

INVALID SLIN PSEUDOCOMMENT:Use valid PSEUDOCOMMENTS as defined by SAP when marking code for inspection bypass.


IS ASSIGNED:IS ASSIGNED check should be issued prior to a field symbol assignment in the Read TABLE statement. If the field symbol is referenced and has not yet been assigned, a short dump will occur.

ITAB MODIFY INDEX IN LOOP:Avoid LOOP at ITAB and then modifying by index in the loop. This can lead to unpredictable results and performance costs.
Avoid inserting new lines while looping over an internal table. Instead, add new lines inside the LOOP using the APPEND statement to add the new line at the end of the internal table.

ITAB OVERWRITE IN LOOP:During LOOP Processing of an internal table, do not delete or overwrite the table that is being Looped.

KEY NOT SPECIFIED IN A BUFFERED TABLE :Use keys in tables to avoid bypassing the buffered table. In the case of Generically Buffered Key Area, specify all keys that are part of the generic buffered area as defined in the technical setting of the table. 

 LIST PROCESSING EVENTS:List Processing Event Blocks are obsolete. All report programming should be performed using the ALV object model. Therefore, any list processing events that are traditionally used for controlling lists in classic programming are considered obsolete. This would include Top-of-Page, End-of-Page, New-Page, at pf . Selection screen events are still used to support selection screens

LOGICAL OPERATORS INSTEAD OF WORDS:Use operators ( >=, <=, =, <>, >, <) rather than the obsolete words GE, LE, EQ, NE, GT,LT.

LOOP IN SELECT/ENDSELECT:Avoid LOOP/ENDLOOP blocks within SELECT...ENDSELECT statements. They are very performance expensive.

MAINTAIN TEXT ELEMENTS:TEXT Element is not defined in text pool in the original language.

MESSAGE TRUNCATED:Message parameter should not exceed field length specification. SAP only provides a maximum length of 50 characters for any message parameter (SYST-MSGV1-MSGV4). Please make sure that all fields and texts that are passed into a message variable are no longer than 50 characters.

METHODS FOR MODULARIZATION:For Modularization and re-usability, always use methods as your first choice over FORMS (subroutines) and function Modules. In OO context, FORM...ENDFORM is considered obsolete.
MISSING CRITICAL PROGRAM ELEMENT:Critical Program Elements are missing and therefore the program cannot compile. (This includes sub objects such as screens, tables, Includes, forms, parameters, etc.). All referenced components must exist.

MISSING MANDATORY PARAMETER IN FUNCTION CALL:All mandatory parameters must be specified when calling a function.

MOVE TO INSTEAD OF WRITE TO:Use MOVE TO instead of WRITE TO when possible.

NATIVE SQL:Avoid using native SQL to ensure database independence and avoid incompatibilities between different database tables.

NESTED LOOP:Nested loops can cause performance issues. This applies to any form of Nested Loop i.e. WHILE or DO inside of a Loop or a LOOP inside of WHILE or DO. In the case of a Loop within a Loop, explore the possibility of using a Parallel cursor technique where checks are in place to ensure that the inner loop record exists using READ and uses EXIT to exit inner loop when keys are different. With large tables, the performance gains are significant.

NO READ ACCESS TO FIELD:Validate that the FIELDS are used in the program. It is posible that it is referenced indirectly such as parameter passing to a procdure. If the field is not used anywhere, remove unreferenced fields from the program.

NO WHERE CONDITION IN A LARGE TABLE:Where statements should always include index fields for performance reasons, especially for LARGE tables.

OBJECT UNREFERENCED Or UNUSED:Remove all program elements that are unused or unreferenced.

OBSOLETE ABAP:Avoid the use of obsolete ABAP statements.

OFFSETS AND SUBSCRIPTING:Avoid code that uses specific offsets for the purpose of subscripting into parts of a structure. Offset coding is problematic when coding in a UNICODE environment since characters are not represented by a single byte and can therefore lead to incorrect data sub stringing. Offset coding is also very problematic when dealing with dates where users are able to change their date format.
ON CHANGE OF IN LOOPS:Avoid using ON CHANGE OF statement for Break level processing. Unpredictable results can occur with ON CHANGE OF because it is specific to a single field whereas the AT... ENDAT triggers a break when any change occurs in the field specified or fields left of the specified field.

The ENCODING option determines the character representation of the content of the file. At minimum, you must specify the encoding option DEFAULT or UTF-8.
When Opening a Dataset for Output in Text Mode, the file should be Opened with the
Encoding Option UTF-8 and With Byte Order Mark(BOM). This will create a proper Unicode non platform dependant file with a BOM, consisting of 3 bytes at the beginning of the file that identifes the file as UTF-8
When opening a Unicode File (UTF-8) for Input, specify the addition SKIPPING BYTEORDER MARK so that the BOM is skipped and NOT considered part of the file content.
The file pointer will be set immediately after the 3 byte BOM.

OPEN DATASET with MESSAGE:Authorization and permission access at the OS level is one of the most frequent causes of an OPEN statement failing. Always Use the Message clause on the OPEN statement to trap operating system errors. This approach traps the Operating System error and therefore goes beyond the standard subrc checking. Subrc only tells if the operation was successful but does not give the speicfic reason why the operation failed. The Message Clause reports specific application server errors such as permissions, file existence, etc.

OUTPUT POSITION 0 NOT ALLOWED:Avoid using output position 0.

OVER RIDE VIOLATIONS:Used to bypass detected rule violations due to technical reasons.

PARAMETER PASSING BY REFERENCE:As a general rule, PASS BY REFERENCE should be used where possible for performance reasons. This test examines whether it is possible to improve the performance of a parameter transfer for a method, form, function module, or event. However, there are programmatic reasons for using by VALUE. i.e. in the case of a RETURNING parameters, it is always by VALUE. Specifically, the test checks for the following situations:
   The type of the VALUE parameter contains tables whose row type in turn contains internal tables.
   The type of the VALUE parameter contains tables with different row types.
   The type of the VALUE parameter contains strings, but no tables.
   The parameter type is a flat field with a length > 100 bytes/characters.
The type of the VALUE input parameter is a flat field with a length <= the parameter.

PARAMETER PASSING IN FORMS:Define USING parameters by VALUE. Define CHANGING and Internal Tables by REFERENCE.

PARAMETER Untyped:All parameters must be typed to enable static type checks. If a type cannot be declared, use the type ANY.


POSSIBLE LOSS OF DB CURSOR:The database cursor may be lost as a result of certain call sequences that contain COMMIT. For example, a Commit work or PERFORM inside a SELECT…ENDSELECT is problematic.

POSSIBLE SEQUENTIAL ACCESS ON AN INTERNAL TABLE:Avoid sequential access on internal tables. On large tables, this can be costly. A sequential access will happen if internal tables have incomplete keys or in the case of standard tables, Binary Search clause is missing. For internal tables avoid using the obsolete version of READ TABLE ... WITH KEY. Instead specify an appropriate UNIQUE or NONUNIQUE INDEX as part of the internal type definition and use READ TABLE ... WITH TABLE KEY. Note: The addition BINARY SEARCH is still required to avoid sequential reads when using STANDARD tables.
This rule also applies to change or delete access in internal tables, e.g. deleting data in an internal table with a WHERE condition results in a full scan of the internal standard table. A better solution is to define the table as a SORTED table with a nonunique (or unique) key. In the DELETE statement use the WHERE condition in combination with WITH TABLE KEY and the key fields. Now the access will be able to leverage the sort sequence.

PRIMARY KEY FIELDS NOT FULLY SPECIFIED:Always specify the fields of a primary key in a single record buffered table.

PROBLEM WITH INDEX ACCESS TO INTERNAL TABLE:When using Non-Numeric Index Value to delete rows from an internal table, use the format 'DELETE ITAB FROM work areas'.

RAISE FOR EXCEPTION MISSING:An EXCEPTION that is part of the exception group never gets raised. This exception should be removed from the exception group if it is never used.

RAISE ONLY IN FUNCTION GROUPS:RAISE statements should only be used in FUNCTION groups.

SECONDARY INDEX IN A CLIENT SPECIFIC TABLE WITHOUT CLIENT FIELD:Secondary indexes for CLIENT SPECIFIC tables should have client as the first field of the secondary index.

When using "Select... For all Entries" the following rules MUST be followed:
   Check to make sure driver ITAB is not empty • Always SORT the ITAB (driver table) by keys.
   Specify all keys used in the WHERE clause.
   DELETE Adjacent Duplicates Comparing the keys that were sorted.
   All Primary Key Fields must be in the Select List.
   The WHERE clause must include INDEX fields to make use of index scan.
   If index fields are not available as part of the WHERE clause, then it is better not to use FOR ALL ENTRIES. The better option would be a SELECT…WHERE into an ITAB.
Any further filtering can be done using ABAP Memory.

SELECT INTO CORRESPONDING:Avoid the use of SELECT ... INTO CORRESPONDING especially for tables with a large Number of fields. The CORRESPONDING clause results in DB overhead. The corresponding target fields are not know until runtime and therefore need to be rebuilt at execution. The has a negative effect on performance.
Instead, Specify the individual fields required and define the work area to correspond to the fields being selected. 

SELECT SINGLE EXPECTED FOR SINGLE RECORD BUFFERED TABLE:Use SELECT SINGLE with full key when accessing Single Record Buffered Table or buffer will be bypassed.

SELECT WITH A SUBSEQUENT CHECK:Avoid the use of CHECK statements after a SELECT. Instead use a WHERE statement to filter the data.

SELECT WITH AGGREGATE FUNCTION ON BUFFERED TABLE:Use aggregate functions with caution in a buffered table. Aggregate functions will cause the buffer to be bypassed which leads to increased processing to retrieve data from DB instead of buffer.

SELECTION SCREEN FIELDS:The purpose of a selection screen is to provide the user with flexible options to enter values that will influence the outcome of the program execution. Create variants, where possible, and have the user community use the variant to set screen default values. Exceptions to this rule are non-business technical related parameters i.e. Logical File Names, etc.
SELECTION TEXT NOT MAINTAINED:Be sure to maintain the Selection text for all selection fields and parameters. In multilingual systems the DDIC reference flag should be set wherever possible to leverage existing
SAP translations from Data Dictionary ==> Reduces translation efforts.

SELECTION TEXT WITHOUT SELECTION FIELD:Selection Texts that are defined but not used or referenced on a selection screen should be removed from the text element list.

SINGLE PERIOD LINE:Eliminate lines of code that contain a single period.

STANDARD INTERNAL TABLE PROCESSING:When Processing a Standard Internal Table:
   Always use the Binary Search option i.e. READ ITAB with KEY Binary Search.
   READ the Internal Table by Keys
Be sure that table is sorted by same key that is used in the READ WITH KEY statement (or data will be missed).

STATEMENT UNREACHABLE:Unreachable statements have been detected. i.e. after Jump statement such as RAISE:
EXIT. Ensure that all statements can be reached.

STRUCTURES OBSOLETE:Use type statement to build local structures. Structure statement is obsolete.



SYSTEM CALL:Never make calls directly to System Functions for production programs. System Calls and functions are reserved exclusively for SAP™ use.

OBSOLETE:Never Use obsolete system fields. Check Dictionary structure SYST. The data element description indicates which fields are flagged as obsolete.

SYSTEM FIELDS PASSING & UPDATING:Never update system fields or pass system fields to Procedures (FORMS, METHODS,
Function Calls). There are some syst fields that are exempt: SY-LSIND, 

SY-SUBRC NOT HANDLED:Always Check Return Code SY-SUBRC after critical operations – SQL, ITAB Operations, Function Calls, etc.

TEXT ELEMENT IN POOL NOT USED:TEXT ELEMENT from text pool in program is not used.

TEXT ELEMENT INCONSISTENT:Text Element is defined differently in the program and the text pool.

TEXT ELEMENT MISSING:Char. strings without text elements cannot be translated in a multi-lingual environment.

TEXT LITERAL SHOULD BE NUMERIC:It is more efficient to use numeric literals directly. Text literal must be converted to a numeric literal.

TRANSPORTING NO FIELDS:It does not make sense to use TRANSPORTING NO FIELDS if the fields need to be referenced.
UNCOMPILABLE CODE:Use the Code Inspector to eliminate all SYNTAX errors, including syntax warnings.
UNDEFINED INTO FIELD:Into LISTS must be of the form (f1...fn) with all fields defined.

UNDEFINED TITLE:TITLEBARS should have a title defined.

UNDESIRABLE LANGUAGE ELEMENTS:A number of ABAP statements are no longer compatible with the latest SAP technologies. These statements still work in a SAP GUI transaction environment but have been replaced by newer much more efficient and flexible solutions. Programming syntax that is considered problematic are as follows:
   ABAP list processing statements like WRITE, FORMAT, SKIP, NEW-LINE etc. in programs should instead using ABAP List Viewer classes for list display functions.
   The use of CALL TRANSACTION USING to submit a BDC. This technology relies on screen layouts. If a screen layout changes, the code stops working. This makes the code highly unreliable during the application of Support Packs, Enhancement Packs and Upgrades. Therefore programs need to use BAPIs to submit business functions.
   Submitting database operations directly from ABAP by calling database functions directly (e.g. 'DB_COMMIT"). Any use of these functions introduces a high risk of transaction inconsistencies and needs to be avoided. Similarly, programs need to avoid direct access to data dictionary function modules changing the databse tables, e.g. DD_CREATE_TABLE.
   Programs need to avoid using position operations in sequential files. If necessary files should be processed sequentially instead of controlling the read position (SET DATASET, GET DATASET, TRUNCATE DATASET).
   Database SELECTs need to avoid retrieving a single line for Update. This operation includes an implicit database lock quickly leading to bottenecks and deadlocks. Instead use ENQUEUE functions to lock an object in SAP, read it and subsequently update it.
   Avoid using SELECT.. BYPASSING BUFFER.. Since this access avoids using the database cache causing performance issues and inconsistencies.
Avoid using native SQL to ensure database independence and avoid incompatibilities between different database tables.

UNICODE FLAG NOT SET:All programs in a Unicode system must have the UNICODE flag set ON. If the flag is not set in a Unicode system the program dumps with a syntax error. The Unicode flag can only be set once the program passes the Unicode syntax check (transaction UCCHECK). In a non-Unicode system the flag does not have to be set, but as of ERP 6.0 SAP only supports single code page non-Unicode ERP system. Any multi code page system has to be Unicode. Therefore it's generally better to always turn this flag on.

UNIT CLAUSE:When outputting numbers that are tied to units of measure, always use the UNIT formatting option. This will set the number of decimals according to the unit of measure being output.

FIELDS:Avoid the declaration of global variables as much as possible. Avoid passsing Globals to Subroutines and Methods.
Avoid setting global variables in too many places. A preferred approach to setting globals is to use dedicated recognized methods that follows best practice naming convention such as SET_*

USER SPECIFIC CONTROL:Avoid using references to specific USERS or USERIDs for any reason.

LENGTH:VALUE specifications must not exceed the length of the defined field or type.
VARIABLE NAME INCORRECT:Variable names should not begin with %_*. Prefix %_* is reserved for internal names.

NAMING STANDARDS                                                             

1. Program names may be between 5 and 40 characters in length.  Program names will be composed of the following subfields:
a.      Z          — all programs must begin with the letter “Z”.

b.      XX      — where XX is the SAP module.  Current SAP modules include: 
1.      AM     Asset Management
2.      BC      Basis Component
3.      BG      UM Budget Preparation System
4.      BI        Business Intelligence
5.      CO      Controlling
6.      CM     Student Lifecycle Management 
7.      EP       Enterprise Portal
8.      FA       Financial Aid
9.      FI        Financials
10.  FM      Funds Management
11.  HR      Human Resources
12.  MB      Mobius
13.  MM     Materials Management 
14.  PM      Plant Maintenance
15.  SE       Staff Evaluations
16.  TR      Travel Management
17.  UM     global to all modules
18.  other modules as designated or added to the system

c.       “_”      — separate the prefix from the remaining program name by an underscore “_”.

d.      If the program is for use by UMMC only, characters 5-10 must include “UMMC_”.

e.       The remaining 31-36 characters may be as descriptive as you wish.   

f.      When writing a temporary or training program, please use the prefix “ZTST_XX_” for the beginning of your program name.  This will indicate that this program should not be used on a regular basis in the production environment.  


1.      A template program ZTEMPLATE in client 110 has been provided for your convenience.  Please be careful not to update this program directly.  Copy it to your new program name, and then modify your program.  Be sure to change the “Title” field on the attribute page of your program to reflect a description of what your program does.

2.      All programs should include a comment box at the beginning of the program listing the following information  (see ZTEMPLATE):
a.      Program name
b.      Author
c.       Date written
d.      Description of the program.  Be sure to list any special considerations and/or situations.  List any tables being used, with a brief description of the table.
e.       All modifications to the program should also be documented in this area. (See Coding Standards: Source Code Document for more information.  

3.      Use descriptive data and paragraph names.  Do NOT use a hyphen “-“ in variable names or in paragraph (“form”) names.  Use the underscore “_” instead.  SAP uses the hyphen “-“ to separate a table name from the field name in the table.  Using an underscore will increase readability of your program.

4.      Group parameters and select-options together.  Group table names together.  All data items should be at the beginning of the program before any event logic.
a.      Names of parameters and select-options are limited to 8 characters.
b.      Table names are limited to 16 characters.

5.      Event paragraphs should be listed in a logical order inside of a START-OF-SELECTION …END-OF-SELECTION section.

6.      Use indentation to make the reading of your program easier. This is automatically set when you use Pretty Printer (see Code Standard: Formatting).

7.      Screen frame titles should be constructed using standard Title Case. 

8.      All emails generated from SAP programs should use proper grammar and punctuation and appropriate line-wrapping. 


1. Module Pool

a.      Transactions are maintained using SAP transaction SE38 (ABAP Editor).

b.      Naming convention – SAPMZXX_

c.       Naming convention for includes
i.           MZXX_...TOP – Global data
ii.         MZXX_...O01 – PBO modules
iii.       MZXX_...I01 – PAI modules 
iv.       MZXX_...F01 – Form routines

2. Screens

a. Transactions are maintained using SAP transaction SE51 (Screen Painter).

3. GUI Status

a. Standard menu bar, application toolbar and standard toolbar are maintained using SAP transaction SE41 (Menu Painter).

4. Miscellaneous

a.      Initialize all screen fields and global variables in the PBO (Process before Output) module.

b.      PAI (Process after Input) should contain the logic to be executed after the user has selected a function key, menu item, etc.

c.       POV (Process on Value-Request) should contain logic to display list of possible values on F4 request.

d.      POH (Process on Help-Request) should contain logic to display help information on F1 request. 


Transactions are maintained using SAP transaction SE93 (Maintain Transactions).
User must select the appropriate “Start object“ on the first “Transaction Creation Screen”. Depending on the underlying associated object (e.g.: Reports or Dialog Programs) user selects the appropriate Start object type.

The following two sections describe the Transaction standards for Start object: Reports and Dialog Programs respectively:

1. Reports

a.      Transaction Code name can be up to 20 characters.  The standard naming convention (ZXX_) should be used (see Naming Standards).

b.      The standard package is always ZDEV for UM clients only.

c.       GUI Support – select all (HTML, Java, and Windows).

2. Dialog Programs

a.      Transaction Code name can be up to 20 characters.  The standard naming convention (ZXX_) should be used (see Naming Standards).

b.      The standard package is always ZDEV for UM clients only. 

c.       GUI Support – select all (HTML, Java, and Windows).  


1. Formatting 

a. Standardize formatting should be used to format all programs, function modules, etc. 
To setup, select ‘Setting’ under the ‘Utilities’ option on the SAP toolbar. Select ‘ABAP Editor’ option.  Within this option, select ‘Pretty Printer’.  Check the following options: 
i.           Indent
ii.         Convert Uppercase/lowercase
iii.       Keyword Uppercase

2. One command per line

a. Each ABAP/4 command consists of a sentence ending with a period.  As a standard, start each new command on a new line. This will allow for easier deleting, commenting, and debugging.

3. Indented source code

a. For command statements that have a corresponding “END” (such as IF…ENDIF, SELECT…ENDSELECT, LOOP…ENDLOOP), the “END” part of the statement
should be placed in the same column as the beginning part of the statement.  It is helpful to also comment the “END” statement by using the “ parameter on the same line.   For example,     LOOP at ITAB.
      ……..  statements here
ENDLOOP                 “ ITAB table

4. Variable naming

a.      ABAP/4 variable names can be up to 30 characters for DATA fields and subroutines and up  to 8 characters for SELECT-OPTIONS and PARAMETERS, therefore, as a standard, make the names descriptive.  Do NOT use a hyphen “-“ in variable names or in paragraph (“form”) names.  Use the underscore “_” instead.  SAP uses the hyphen “-“ to separate a table name from the name of a field in that table.  Using an underscore will increase readability of your program.

b.      Some variable types should be prefixed with a specified letter or letters:
Variable Type
Selection screen parameter
p_ or a_
Form routing parameter
Internal tables (global)
t_ or gt_
Internal tables (local)
Local structures
Global structures
c_ or lc
Global constants
Local variables
Global variables

c.       Whenever possible, the LIKE parameter should be used to define the type of a variable.

d.      Whenever possible, global constants should be used instead of creating local constants or hard-coded values.  For function modules and dialog programs, global constants should be stored in the “MZXX_...TOP” section of the function module group.

5. Reusable code

a. If a block of code is executed more than once, it should be placed in a subroutine at the bottom of the code or in a function module. This makes the code more readable, requires less indentation, and is easier to debug.

6. Parameter passing in subroutine

a. Whenever possible use a TYPE or LIKE statement when specifying the formal parameters of a subroutine.  This is a good programming style, plus it allows the ABAP compiler to generate more efficient code (which can increase performance up to a factor of 2x).   

7. Text handling

a.      Variable names should not be used on the parameter selection screen for any program placed in production.  Use the “Text Element” function found in the ABAP editor to describe the selection criteria and relate it to the variable name.   

b.      INCLUDE files can't define their own Text Elements - any Text Elements to which they refer must be defined in the main program which invokes the INCLUDE file.   TIP:  You can use the INITIALIZATION event of the “include” program to set the values of these text elements.

8. Usage of UserIDs in programs

a. In no case should a production program or function contain a UserID as either literal or constant data. In the development system it may be necessary to code temporary breakpoints for specific UserIDs, however, these debugging techniques must be removed before the program is transported.

9. Messages

a.      Declare the message class in the report statement. While it is possible to specify the message class each time a message is output, it is easier to specify once it in the report statement. You can still use a message from another class than the one defined in the report by adding the class in parentheses after the message.  Messages can be defined using SAP transaction SE91 (Message Maintenance: Initial Screen).
b.      Messages should use proper grammar and punctuation.

10. Development Class

a. The development class of any program, table, function, etc., should be ZDEV for UM clients only.  If a special development class is required, authorization must be request from BASIS (see Authorization Standards for more information).

11. Source Code Documentation

a.      It is wise to provide future programmers with documentation inside your source code. Explain the purpose, design, structure and any testing hints at the top of the program. 

b.      All programs should also have a modification log displayed at the top of the program.  This log should the initials of the developer making the change, the date of the change, and a description of the change.   The log should be dated with the most recent change first.   For example: 

a.      Comment work fields, and fields in work records especially those used for interfacing. Comments should explain what the code is doing.  

b.      Comments should be included before each “form” subroutine to briefly describe what the subroutine is to accomplish.  Comments should also be placed before SAP events.  These comments help to pinpoint the beginning of events and subroutines, and help direct the flow of logic.

a.      It is also helpful to include comments for each block of code designed to accomplish a task.  For example:

12. Function Modules

a.      The standard naming convention (ZXX_) should be used for naming Function Modules and Function Groups (see Naming Standards).

b.      The import and export parameters of function modules should be documented at the top of the source code section of the function module with brief descriptions of the fields and their typical contents. Also, any special requirements or usage should be noted.  

c.       The first letter of the parameter’s name should indicate the direction in which the parameter was passed:
Input or importing = I
Output or exporting = E
Bi-directional or changing = C

d.      The second letter of the parameter’s name should indicate the nature of the formal parameter:
Single value or variable = V
Single structure or record (however complicated) = S
Internal table (however complicated the line structure) = T

e.       Function modules that contain database reads should also contain at least one EXCEPTION parameter.

f.       All RFCs (Remote Function Call) must contain at least one EXCEPTION parameter.


1. General Performance Standards

a.      "Dead" code - (Avoid leaving "dead" code in the program. Comment out (or delete) variables that are not referenced and code that is not executed. Use program --> check --> extended program to check to see a list of variables which are not referenced statically. 

a.      Logical databases - Most SAP modules have logical databases that are available for your use.  However, it has been found that unless you are using a lot of the data from the logical databases, the runtime of the program using a logical database is greatly increased from one directly accessing a database table using a “SELECT” statement.  

b.      Subroutine usage - For good modularization, the decision of whether or not to execute a subroutine should be made before the subroutine is called. For example:

This is better:
                  IF f1 NE 0.
                      PERFORM sub1.
                  FORM sub1.
                      ...                  ENDFORM.

Than this:

                  PERFORM sub1.
                  FORM sub1.

                   IF f1 NE 0.
               ...                  ENDIF.
d.      IF statements - When coding IF tests, nest the testing conditions so that the outer conditions are those which are most likely to fail. For logical expressions with AND, place the mostly likely false first and for the OR, place the mostly likely true first.

e.       CASE vs. nested Ifs - When testing fields "equal to" something, one can use either the nested IF or the CASE statement. The CASE is generally better because it is easier to read.

f.       MOVE-ing structures - When records a and b have the exact same structure, it is more efficient to MOVE a TO b than to MOVE-CORRESPONDING a TO b.

g.      SELECT – Direct SELECT statements should only be used if the data can not be accessed using a function module or an evaluation path.  When possible the SELECT statements should be stored in a function module.

h.      SELECT and SELECT SINGLE - When using the SELECT statement, study the key and always provide as much of the left-most part of the key as possible. If the entire key can be qualified, code a SELECT SINGLE not just a SELECT.   If you are only interested in the first row or there is only one row to be returned, using SELECT SINGLE can increase performance by up to 3x.

i.        Check each SELECT statement for the use of index. This can be most easily determined using the Code Inspector, transaction SCI, which will report on any SELECT statement against large tables not using an index.

j.        Check that there is no assumed sort order after the SELECT statement. Do not assume that the data will be returned in primary key order.

k.      SELECT * versus SELECTing individual fields - In general, use a SELECT statement specifying a list of fields instead of a SELECT * to reduce network traffic and improve performance.  For tables with only a few fields the improvements may be minor, but many SAP tables contain more than 50 fields when the program needs only a few.  In the latter case, the performance gains can be substantial.   

l.        SELECT – Direct SELECT statements should only be used if the data can not be accessed using a function module or an evaluation path.  When possible the SELECT statements should be stored in a function module.

m.    Small internal tables vs. complete internal tables - In general it is better to minimize the number of fields declared in an internal table.  While it may be convenient to
declare an internal table using the LIKE command, in most cases, programs will not use all fields in the SAP standard table.   
n.      Refreshing internal tables – When you are done working with an internal table REFRESH the table to release it from memory.

o.      Row-level processing of a table - Selecting data into an internal table using an array fetch versus a SELECT-ENDELECT loop will give at least a 2x performance improvement.  After the data has been put into the internal data, then row-level 
                        processing can be done.   For example, use:
select ... from table <..> into (corresponding fields of itab) where ...
loop at
                        instead of using:
                       select ... from table <..>                                          where ...
                                                                                             append .

p.      READing single records of internal tables – When reading a single record in an internal table, the READ TABLE WITH KEY is not a direct READ.  This means that if the data is not sorted according to the key, the system must sequentially read the table.  Therefore, you should SORT the table and use READ TABLE WITH KEY BINARY SEARCH for better performance.

q.      SORTing internal tables - When SORTing internal tables, specify the fields to be SORTed.

r.       Deleting duplicates – After sorting internal tables, remember to use the command “DELETE ADJACENT DUPLICATES FROM” to remove duplicate records.    

s.       Number of entries in an internal table - To find out how many entries are in an internal table use DESCRIBE.

t.        Length of a field -  To find out the length of a field use the string length function.
u.      Nested SELECTs versus table views -  Since OPEN SQL does not allow table joins, often a nested SELECT loop will be used to accomplish the same concept.  However, the performance of nested SELECT loops is very poor in comparison to a join.  Hence, to improve performance by a factor of 25x and reduce network load, you should create a view in the data dictionary, then use this view to select data.

v.      If nested SELECTs must be used - As mentioned previously, performance can be dramatically improved by using views instead of nested SELECTs, however, if this is not possible, then the following example of using an internal table in a nested SELECT can also improve performance by a factor of 5x:
                              Use this:
form select_good.
                                                      data: t_vbak like vbak occurs 0 with header line.
                                                      data: t_vbap like vbap occurs 0 with header line.
                                                          select * from vbak into table t_vbak up to 200 rows.
                                                          select * from vbap for all entries in t_vbak
                                                                      where vbeln = t_vbak-vbeln.
                                                                  ...                                    endselect.
                                                endform.                    Instead of this:
form select_bad.
                                                   select * from vbak up to 200 rows.
                                                        select * from vbap where vbeln = vbak-vbeln.
                                                                ...                                        endselect.
                                                   endselect.                                                   endform. 

w.    Avoid unnecessary statements - There are a few cases where one command is better than two.  For example:
      Use: append to .
      Instead of:
= .
append (modify ).
      And also, use:
if not [] is initial.
      Instead of:
describe table lines . if > 0.

x.      Copying or appending internal tables Use this: 
[] = [].  (if is empty)       Instead of this:
loop at .
                                            append to .

y.      Clear vs Refresh – Use the CLEAR statement to initialize local variables and local structures. Use the REFRESH statement to initialize local tables.  If the table has a header row, use “REFRESH lt_table[]” to clear both the table and the header row.  Don’t forget to re-initialize local variable and table before each re-use.

z.       Report display – Make sure the case matches throughout the report.  Do not mix all upper-case displays with all lower-case displays.  Ex:
Do not display:
                                                            SHIELA LONG, academic administrator, school of education

Instead use:
                                                            Sheila Long, Academic Administrator, School of Education

System fields – ABAP automatically stores information necessary to control the program’s internal flow of logic in some system fields and tables.  These fields and tables are accessible by the programmer.  It is better to use a system field than to create logic to generate the same data (i.e. current time, current date, table index, etc.).  A list of system fields and system tables can be found in The Official ABAP Reference

2. Performance Checking

a.      Performance diagnosis   SAP transaction SE30 (ABAP/4 Runtime Analysis) must be ran on all new programs before they are put into production.  This utility allows statistical analysis of transactions and programs.

b.      Error checking – Use the SAP transaction SCI (Code Inspector) to spot meaningful error; however, the developer will still need to use judgment to filter out meaningless errors.


1. User-developed table naming convention

a. Table names are limited to 16 characters.  Follow the naming convention for programs as far as the first 3 to 4 characters are concerned (ex.  ZFPM, ZAM, ZFI).

2. User-developed table definition convention

a.      The first field defined for any customer table should be: MANDT. This is the 'client' field, and makes the table specific to the client that it is used/modified in.

b.      Field names do not have to begin with ‘Z’; however, the field name should be descriptive.

3. Maintenance settings

a. "Tab. Maint. Allowed"        'X' or (blank) 
i. An 'X' indicates that this table is to be maintained directly using the "Standard Table Maintenance" functions (SM31 / SM30). This means that the table can be maintained independently of any other table or application. This should only be used for tables that have a relatively low number of updates, done on an infrequent basis. Tables that are maintained this way are typically used to set control information, or similar table values that change infrequently, but will change. Examples are tax rates, overhead rates, program control tables, message tables, program or error status tables, etc. ii. Tables maintained this way should NOT have any dependency on other tables or other entries in the same table for the validity of a new entry or new value, unless that dependency can be validated through the use of a check table for the field. 
iii. X should be selected ONLY if the table is to be maintained by the "Standard Table Maintenance" functions. (SM30 or SM31) Any table for which entries are maintained / changed / inserted / deleted by an application should in most    cases not have this field checked.

Updates: Direct database updates of SAP standard tables

Under no circumstances should any program directly update SAP-delivered tables using the
INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE commands. SAP-delivered tables begin with all letters other than Y and Z, and they should only be updated using an SAP transaction. To automate updates to SAP tables via a program, you can use an SAP supplied function module.


1.      Each University should have their own instance of programs ZGBBR000 and ZGBBS000, and VSR. 

2.      Exit names (in ZGBBR000 or ZGBBS000) 
a.      Limited to 5 characters.  
b.      They should all begin with “U”.  

3. Validations and Substitutions 

a.      Limited to 7 characters.
b.      Uses exit:  same name as Exit
i.             Info-only (footnote):  IMSG001-IMSG999

a.      Program-type related: Begin with 1st character of program-type 
i.             Uxxxxxx (UMAXHRS for Undergraduate Maximum Hours)
ii.           Lxxxxxx (LMAXHRS for Law Maximum Hours) 
iii.         Gxxxxxx (GMINHRS for Graduate Minimum Hours)

a.      School related:  Begin with 1st three characters associated with school 
i.             LAxxxxx ( Liberal Arts) ii. BUSxxxx (School of Business)               iii. ENGxxxx (School of Engineering) 

a.      Department related:  Begin with Department/Course prefix 
i.             MLANGxx (Modern Languages)
ENGL (English)

a.      Classification related:  Begin with classification prefix
i.             FRxxxxx (Freshman)
ii.           SOxxxxx (Sophomore)
iii.         JRxxxxx (Junior)
iv.         SRxxxxx  (Senior) 

a.      Campus related:   Begin with campus prefix
i.             OXFxxxx (Oxford)   

a.      Status related:  Begin with status prefix
b.      HONxxxx (Honors) 

i. Specialization related:  Begin with X, then
i. XMATHxx for Math Majors

4. Rule Modules 

a.      Limited to 4 numbers with desc.
b.      All descriptions same as Validation or Substitution as referenced.

Figure 19

5. Rule Containter 

a.      Limited to 12 characters.
b.      In general, similar text as used in validation, but enhanced for Web display purposes.
i. PRxxxxxxxx for Pre-requisite ii. COxxxxxxxx for Co-requisite
iii.      SPECxxxxxx for Specialization
iv.      IMSGxxxxx for Informational Message


1. Communication

a.      If you are going to working on a program, function module, table, structure, etc. for a length of time, it is crucial that you communicate with the other developers before transporting these items to production.

b.      It is the developer’s responsibility to determine if a more recent copy of any item in his/her transport group has already been moved to production.

2. Transports

a.      Transports are requested using transaction ZTRANSPORT_FORM.

b.      When transporting more than one transport group, be sure to transport the groups in the order they were created.

c.       When completing a project, transport ALL transport groups for that project into production.

3. Re-imports

a.      Re-import requests are submitted using the Transports transaction

b.      Requests for transports to be re-imported into QAS and PROD must be submitted in PROD.  Be sure to select the correct Target System.

c.       If transports were not originally submitted in the correct order, they can be resubmitted using the Reimport Request option.

d.      When completing a project, transport ALL transport groups for that project into production.

4. Critical Imports

a.      Critical Import requests are submitted using the Transports transaction

b.      Requests for transports are generally done at set times during normal workdays.  Any requests for transports that need to be completed outside of these normally scheduled times must be coded as Critical.

c.       Only transports that are truly crucial to the operating of the system should be marked as Critical.

d.      Developers must enter an explanation for the critical transport in the “Requester’s Comments for BASIS / Reason for Critical Transport”.


1. Internal testing

a.      All projects (including enhancements) should be tested internally within IT before being reviewed by the requestor.  Appropriate support teams in IT are available to assist with this task.  

b.      All developers are responsible for developing their own test plans.  Test plans should include an appropriate sampling of data before and after project has ran.  They should also include measure to ensure the appropriate outcome.

c.       A program review will be conducted by the appropriate manager.

2. Return Codes

a. Test all return codes (sy-subrc) for success and failure after any I/O and calls to function modules (database selects, internal table reads, call transaction, etc.)

3. Performance analysis

a. Program performance analysis should be conducted using SE30 (ABAP Runtime Analysis) .

4. Requestor Review

a. All projects should be tested/reviewed and signed-off on by the requestor before they are moved to production.


            The SAP authorization concept protects transactions, programs, and services in SAP systems from unauthorized access. On the basis of the authorization concept, the administrator assigns authorizations to the users that determine which actions a user can execute in the SAP System after he or she has logged on to the system and authenticated himself or herself. Follow standards to restrict access for any table, program, transaction or service.

a.      The development class of any restricted program, table, function, etc., should not be ZDEV. Consult with BASIS and create a new package specific to application having name starting with Z, and use this package as development class.  

a.      For Dictionary objects: select Utilities-> Assign Authorization Group and enter table/view name associated with newly created package name as Authorization Group.
a.      Submit a request with BASIS to link authorization object related to this new package and restrict the access.


1.      Project request arrives via IT Work Request.

2.      CIO approves/disapproves project

3.      Approved projects
a. Written Requirements 
i.         IT and requestors develops and agree on written requirements.
ii.       Requestor must sign-off on requirements before development on the project can begin.
b. Design Document and Project Schedule
i.         The Developer/Project Team will be responsible for creating a design document and project schedule.
ii.       The Director or Associate Director of Enterprise Applications must sign-off on the design document.
iii.     More complex projects will require a sign-off by the CIO/Deputy CIO also. c. Project Development
i.         Developer/Project Team will be responsible for developing code, configuring the system, creating interfaces, etc. as needed for the project.
ii.       Weekly/Bi-weekly checkpoints should be setup to monitor the progress of the project.
iii.     All development should take place in the development/test system. d. Internally Testing
i. Project should be tested within IT first. ii. Appropriate support teams within IT will be available to assist with testing, such as, SAP Support Team, FTDC, Helpdesk, and Academic Computing Coordinator.   The developer is responsible for ensuring an appropriate test plan has been developed.
iii. Problems during internal testing should be fixed before the project moves to the next step.
e.       Requestor Testing
i.         Once project has been tested internally, the project should be tested/reviewed by the requestor.
ii.       The developer should assist the requestor in developing an adequate test plan.
f.       Finalization
i.           Support teams will be responsible for finalizing documentation and for developing a roll-out plan.
ii.         Support teams will be responsible for conducting necessary user training to support the project.
iii.       The developer will be responsible for coordinating efforts with BASIS to ensure appropriate user authorizations have been granted.
g.      Deployment
i.         Projects are not to be deployed to the production system(s) until the requestor has signed-off.
ii.       The developer will be responsible for making sure all transports related to the project are properly deployed.
h.      Notification
i.        The developer will be responsible for notifying the requestor when the new functionality will be available.
ii. The developer will be responsible for determining if others on campus need to be aware of the new function (i.e. appearance of a new tab on Student File).
4.      Disapproved projects
a. CIO/Director of Enterprise Application notifies requestor.


1.      The SAP Style Guide is available in the help documentation using the following path:  
a. Help -> R/3 Library -> BC-Basis Components -> ABAP Workbench (BC-DWB) -> BC-> SAP Style Guide. 
2.      The task code ABAPDOCU or ABAPHELP can be accessed through the command window.
3.      Inside the ABAP editor, you can click on the “Information” or “I” icon. 

Naming Standards

The proposed nomenclature for the values not mentioned in the Naming standards Document are high-lighted in yellow in the below table.
Variable Description
for Constants

for Parameters

for Select-Options

For Range

for Radio buttons

for Checkbox

for pushbuttons

for Global Variables

ABAP Object

for Internal Tables

for Local Variable

for Local Internal Table

for Local ABAP Object

for Local Work Area

For Local Range

for Statics used in Subroutines

for Work Areas for Internal Tables

For List-Boxes

For Formal parameters which are Alphanumeric/Numeric Variables in Input of Sub-routines


For Formal parameters which are Alphanumeric/Numeric Variables in Output of Sub-routines

For Formal parameters which is Internal table in input, only used for the reading of the data in sub-routines.

For Global Field-symbol

For Local Field-symbol

For Types Declaration

For Table Type

For Local Objects referenced to Class

Import Parameters of Function Module

Export Parameters of Function Module

Changing Parameters of Function Module

TABLES Parameters of Function Module

Class Methods

Class Attributes

Class Interfaces

Class Types

Class Events
Freely Definable

use abbreviations for clear and
 Concise names.

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